Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 336 After the Savior saves the world, he will have to commute to get off work normally.

From Mars to Earth, Nexus' return was so quiet that no one felt it.

The war that broke out on Mars was all detected by human satellites. After all, the human technology in Gaussian Universe is not weak. In addition, the battle between Ultraman and the obviously hostile monster, no one wants to know the outcome. What is it.

Fortunately, Ultraman was victorious as always.

Although the victory process was very difficult, didn't Ultraman still win?

Afterwards, Nexus disappeared from the satellite's monitoring perspective, and no one cared. After all, Ultraman usually disappeared like this after fighting, and no one cared.

Therefore, humans do not know that Nexus was actually still on Mars at that time, but was transferred to a parallel space by a certain great being, which is the other side of the mirror of space.

After the war, the remains of Galatron scattered across the universe aroused the covetousness of many people. They all had personally experienced Galatron's power and were able to fight Ultraman for such a long time, and they had the upper hand for a long time. It is enough to prove the strength of this mechanical life form.

It is definitely impossible to say that you are not tempted. In just this moment, countless planes have taken off from various airport runways on the earth and set off towards Mars.

As long as you go early, you can keep those things for yourself. This is common sense to everyone.

The planes all belong to the same Earth Defense Organization, but who says that the Earth Defense Organizations are all of the same mind?

But somewhere no one knew, inside the wreckage of Galatron, which was covered by the mud thrown up by the explosion, the incomplete core pressed down by a huge piece of metal was emitting an uncertain light.

If you observe it with special instruments, you can even see that this incomplete core is continuously releasing signals, leading to the deepest part of the vast universe.

It may have passed through the barrier of the universe to the outside world, or it may have directly penetrated space, but the message conveyed by the core is undoubtedly conveyed to their creator.

It was at this time that the world of another dimension, the virtual planet located in the colorful world, controlled the most powerful power of the planet, and even the existence that it was not an exaggeration to call it a mechanical god began to unfold. eyes.

I don’t know how many years have passed since its birth to consciousness.

Although Galatron is a mass-produced machine, there are also special enhanced models among the mass-produced models.

What it is receiving now is the last message from an enhanced Galatron before it stopped functioning.

"Did Galatron, who was supposed to go to the A41 universe, be taken to another universe by a special force?" After quickly browsing all the information, the ruler of this planet and the strongest enemy of the new generation, Gilbari Si stood up from the mechanical land of intertwined gears.

"Ultraman Nexus...is he a life form of light again?"

"Do the lives born from light still choose to struggle, but do not want the universe to return to the point of silence?"

"...a futile struggle."

Silently, Gilbaris said no more and fell into a deep sleep again.

Even with its computational power, the act of throwing Galatrons all over the multiverse takes up a lot of its computational power.

Of course, mechanical life forms do not sleep, but Gilbaris needs to enter the sea of ​​data to browse.

Especially recently, it discovered that there is also a life form in the sea of ​​data, and it is the kind of guy who is similar to the life form of light.

Gilbaris once tried to communicate with him, and it was completely confirmed that this so-called data life was basically transformed from a life form of light.

This guy named X is clearly an Ultraman.

But why are there data flow guys in Ultraman? What is the reason for Ax's existence that makes him become like this?

Gilbarris was ready to catch Akers at that time, but unfortunately, Akers ran too fast and Gilbarris could not make it in time.

"Galatron, a demon-like existence from a different-dimensional world, can travel to all universes to perform tasks through the different-dimensional passage. With the numerous Galatrons distributed, even red balls need to be used occasionally. Their power.”

As if she was worried that the source did not know the specific situation of Galatron, Risa has not stopped talking since she came back from the source, and she has been popularizing science all the time.

"The one you met is an enhanced Galatron, and it has been specially strengthened. If my guess is correct, such a specially strengthened body is to deal with another powerful cosmic civilization." As he said, Risa looked up.

"There are too many civilizations that meet the criteria, and I can't tell what civilization they are."

"There is no need to choose. If it was Gilbaris, he planned to annihilate all these civilizations from the beginning, instead of choosing one of them." To destroy all life forms, that is Gilbaris's vision of the universe in a different dimension. Life and death, the conclusion reached after the rise and fall of civilization.

Since all life forms are to be wiped out, of course they all have to die.

At that time, as the core of the virtual planet, Gilbalis came to the conclusion that it had been doing something bad all along.

"To be honest, it was already very difficult for me to win this time. I really can't imagine who the opponent I will face next time will be." Sitting slumped on the chair, feeling the pain in his body, although he was not seriously injured. , but there are a lot of bruises and sword marks on his body.

"Next time, can you say as confidently as you did today that you can win?" Risa tilted her head and asked the source.

"Of course, why can't I win?" Yuanquan looked at the sky with his eyes: "In the worst case, I will find Gauss. Can't we just form a team? If Ultraman can't solve the battle, we can only start to shake people."

"You are really optimistic." Risa stood on tiptoes and held the cooled teacup on the table in her hands.

"Although I hate to tell you, the boss lady is already very unhappy because you didn't go to work today."

"... Damn it, I really didn't go to work today!" Risa reminded, Yuanquan suddenly jumped up from the chair: "I went to fight monsters early this morning, and it's almost noon now... "

"It's over, it's over, today's salary quota is gone, maybe I'll have to pay some extra money." Yuanquan hesitated nervously, as if he suddenly remembered some remedy, he immediately picked up his clothes, opened the door and walked away.

"There's still one afternoon left. I'll have to work overtime at most. It shouldn't be important." Fengfenghuohuo ran out with the power of the source of light, strengthened his physical fitness, and flew out the moment he started, riding away from the dust. Completely disappeared.

"I'll come back later tonight, and I'll bring you dinner!" Only the source's instructions were left in the air, making Risa look at the swaying door and fell into confusion.

"You can get money easily just by making a wish to me, but you would rather find a class than make a wish to me?" Risa murmured, unable to understand why Yuanquan did this.

If you don’t take shortcuts, do you have to tire yourself?

"Is it because you refused to make a wish to me, or are you afraid of me?" Risa didn't know what Yuanquan was afraid of, but there was no doubt that he was not a person without desires, but he put this desire deeply into his heart. Buried deep in my heart, never exposed.

Once you make a wish on the red ball, the door of greed that is opened will never be closed, and the source has seen a lot of the consequences with his own eyes.

Greedy desires need to be controlled, and human reason exists for this purpose.

Risa can sense the human heart, so she naturally understands what the source desires.

But she could resist and not tell her. This was the first time Risa had seen such a person in her travels through countless universes.

But she knew that Risa would also know that, maybe she wouldn't do anything, but Risa would never let this exposed weakness remain indifferent.

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