Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 341 Do you know how awesome Gaussian pyroxene is? Do you know!

"Eh? It's the big brother I saw last time!" Yuan Quan, who was wandering aimlessly on the street, didn't know where he had gone. Anyway, he had no goal at all. He just went wherever he went.

If someone hadn't suddenly called him, he would have continued wandering like this.

The next moment, a little boy came close to Yuanquan, raised his head and looked at Yuanquan with curious eyes. After confirming that he had not identified the wrong person, the boy became even more curious: "It's so late, big brother, you are the only one." What are people doing on the road?”

"You are." Yuanquan looked at the young man in front of him. He didn't recognize him and couldn't remember who he was, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that this young man was different.

But he couldn't remember what the difference was.

"It's me, Musashi, Haruno Musashi, the one we met that morning!" Musashi looked around cautiously, then leaned close to the source and whispered: "It was the day I discovered Ultraman Gauss."

"Gauss? Who is Ultraman Gauss? Why can't I remember it at all?" Scratching his head, Yuanquan was very familiar with the names Musashi and Gauss.

But again, he couldn't remember what it was.

"Why is this, big brother has forgotten me? Look at this, this was given to me by Gauss. It is proof that I have met Ultraman!" Although Musashi was frustrated, he did not give up yet and groped in his schoolbag. After waiting for a long time, I finally found the blue pyroxene.

There are traces of gold in the transparent blue pyroxene, which were the tokens Gauss gave Musashi to call him.

Of course, if this was placed in the FGO world, this thing would be the most powerful and invincible holy relic.

If you imagine Ultraman Gauss standing on the moon-shaped earth, it is really outrageous.

"This thing" is in the subconscious, Yuanquan feels that he should know this thing.

But in his memory, his impression of this thing was completely blank.

"By the way, big brother, what's your name? You're still wandering on the street, are you lost?" Little Musashi had many questions. Even if Yuanquan didn't remember it, Musashi still had considerable goodwill towards Yuanquan.

The future of gentle Musashi can now be seen in some form.

"Me? My name is Yuanquan. As for why I am wandering on the street, the main reason is that I don't know what I want to do." It is obvious that he should be going to do something, but he can't remember what to do. Not only that, Yuanquan also forgot where his home was.

I know I have a home, but I have forgotten the location and direction of my home. It can be said that this is the current state of the source.

"Brother Yuanquan, let's go to Musashi's house! Mom and Dad will definitely welcome you!" Musashi grabbed Yuanquan's hand and looked at Yuanquan expectantly, for fear that he would refuse.

"That's no problem, I don't have anywhere to go anyway." Yuanquan thought for a while, but after he couldn't come to any conclusion, he decided that it would be better to follow Komusashi.


The boy jumped up happily, and it was obvious that Musashi was very happy. After all, he was a person who shared the same secret. In Musashi's view, the source was a good friend like him who had met Ultraman.

Holding the source's hand, Musashi, as the leader, leads the source to his home.

Following Musashi's steps toward the source in the distance, he didn't see the red ball rising from the ground and entering the clouds behind him.

Of course, in his current state, even if he saw it, he couldn't remember what it was.

"Hey, Musashi, has this big friend of yours suffered a brain injury?" In Musashi's home, as the head of the family, Haruno Yujiro, Musashi's stepfather, was trying to communicate with Yuanquan, but Yuanquan didn't know the answer to every question, which made Yujiro I don’t know what to say either.

Musashi's mother, Mitsuko Haruno, pulled Musashi aside and asked in a low voice.

"No way, Brother Yuan should be very normal, right?" Musashi assured him swornly at first, but then he thought of Yuanquan's obviously abnormal look when he met Yuanquan, which made him hesitate.

"It's so pitiful that I have forgotten all about my past. I can't even remember anything except my own name." Manzi looked at Yuanquan with emotion. She only felt sad, but she didn't think about it at all. It means to drive out the source.

Mitsuko Haruno is not that kind of person. Musashi will grow into the gentle and charitable person he will be in the future. Of course, the words and deeds of his parents have a very important relationship.

"Mom, can you let Brother Yuan stay at our house temporarily?" Musashi raised his head and asked his mother in a low voice.

After the latter nodded in agreement, Musashi exclaimed quietly, looking very happy.

"He must have amnesia. He can't remember anything except his own name." Yujiro temporarily resigned, leaving Yuanquan alone in the hall. In the inner room, the family gathered together. They whispered together.

"I haven't seen this guy in town very often. Musashi, do you know where he lives?" Yujiro asked again.

Musashi shook his head, but then nodded: "I know where he lives."


"Right at our house!"

Haruno Yujiro:? ? ?

"I just promised Musashi to let his oldest friend live in our house for a while." Haruno Mitsuko didn't know that Musashi could actually come up with such an answer. She immediately explained to Yujiro, otherwise, there might be some misunderstanding. produced.

"Are you so relieved to let a guy who is a stranger to you live in our house?" Yujiro breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why he breathed a sigh of relief, Musashi's attitude towards the source still surprised him.

Does Musashi like this young man named Yuanquan so much?

"Well! Because I have an agreement with him, and I also know that he will not be a bad person!" Musashi answered quite simply, and his affirmative attitude made Haruno Mitsuko and Haruno Yujiro look at each other. They didn't know why Musashi had such an attitude. .

"Because he and I have met Ultraman Gauss together!" Musashi then revealed the reason why he trusted the source so much. Both Haruno Yujiro and Manzi were helpless.

The resolute Kunji's face was full of helplessness. Haruno Yujiro could not dampen Musashi's good intentions. He could only follow him and said: "Then Musashi should watch out for your big friend and don't let him disappear."

"His amnesia is so severe that if he gets lost, he may not be able to come back."

"So, dad has agreed to Brother Yuan living in our house?!" Musashi looked at Haruno Yujiro in surprise and said.

"Of course, I have always believed in Musashi's vision!" As he said that, Yujiro Haruno picked up Musashi, and the father and son shouted excitedly at each other in the room.

It can be seen that even though Musashi is not Haruno Yujiro's biological son, there is no barrier at all in the relationship between father and son.

"I'm going to tidy up the house for your big friend. Suddenly there's an extra person. There are a lot of things to prepare." Haruno Mitsuko also showed a happy smile. It's not a big deal to have an extra person in the house. .

If anyone needs help, their family will naturally help as much as they can.

"I'm going with you, Mom!"

"You'd better go and take your oldest friend to take a shower. I'm afraid he won't even know how to use the shower after a while~" Haruno Mitsuru's teasing voice gradually faded away. Of course, it is undeniable that what she said was completely true. In fact, after all, in Yuanquan's current state, he could even do things like wash his hair with disinfectant.

"I got it, Mom!" Musashi's voice gradually faded away, and he was obviously looking for the source.

The blue pyroxene placed on the desk in Musashi's room emitted a ray of light at this moment, proving that the encounter between Source and Musashi was no accident.

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