Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 351: Lei Mou, who possesses all kinds of skills, and Lei Mou, who conquers the world with on

"Rejedo..." Reblondo was slightly absent-minded. This legendary existence was an Ultra Warrior from the ancient times. I didn't expect that I would actually be able to see this existence in my lifetime.

But Reblondo was not afraid, and in fact did not think he would lose.

Having roamed the universe for so long, failure is a word that has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, facing the legend, Reblondo launched an attack without any hesitation, using telekinesis to lift a certain monster behind him and throw it directly.

The moment he was about to touch Regedo, Reblondo clenched his fist and exploded, detonating the energy in the monster's body. The rumbling explosion submerged Regedo, leaving the entire area in an explosion.

But within a moment, the flames and air waves generated by the explosion rolled back, and the strong suction completely absorbed them, forming a concave spiral vortex.

The next moment, Regedo's figure emerged from the smoke. With his hands raised, he absorbed all the energy generated by the explosion, gathered it on his hands, and bounced it back.

One of Regedo's only two moves - Aurora Power.

It has the super powerful skill of absorbing power, absorbing attacks and rebounding them back.

It is Regedo's only skill that can be called a move.

But when this skill is used in the hands of Reggio, it is a super powerful magical skill that no one can shake in the universe.

All the monster's power was rebounded back, which was beyond Reblondo's understanding. Feeling the power of the retaliation, Reblondo had no intention of taking over and directly activated the ability to teleport away.

But it ran away, and the monsters behind it that were weakened by the energy absorbed by it suffered.

There is no way to dodge, and you can only watch the reflection attack of the power of Aurora coming.

In an instant, it affected the entire range in front of Regedo, passing across it. The successive explosions were mixed with golden lightning and crisscrossed everywhere, completely destroying the more than a hundred monsters in one blow and completely annihilating them.

Reblondo fell from the sky, feeling the exaggerated scene behind him. Reblondo slowly turned around and faced Reggio once again.

Reggio didn't even move, he always stood in the same place...

But even so, it was the first time for Reblondo to experience the power of Reggio.

"It's such a terrifying power. Compared with it, those guys I met before are like a joke." Feeling the raging heat wave behind him, the solemnity and vigilance in Reblondo's heart have been raised to the highest level.

This is not an opponent that can be solved in a few or two strikes.

On the contrary, it seems that he can defeat his opponent in a few or two strokes.

As soon as he thought of this, Reblondo immediately teleported and started to flash in front of Reggiedo. Every time he flashed, he launched an attack, including King Airei's electro-optical ball, Jayden's one-megawatt fireball, Gronis' electro-optical shock wave, etc. .

These powers derived from monsters were used superbly by Reblondo, and they were not used alone, but multiple abilities were blended together, making the power even greater.


A one-trillion-degree fireball?

Aurora Power: Bring it to you!

Electro-optical ball?

Aurora Power: Bring it to you!

Psychological shockwave?

Aurora Power: Bring it to you!

A thick acid smog strong enough to obscure the sun and the entire earth?

Aurora Power: Bring it to you!

The king of beasts and master of all kinds of skills, no matter what kind of moves Raiblando used, he seemed so powerless in front of Reggio, who only knew two moves in total.


"I don't believe you can keep sucking this trick!!"

Suddenly stopping the attack, Reblondo opened his five fingers and used telekinesis, intending to shake Reggiedo with his powerful spirit and soul.

But what followed was an unimaginably powerful telekinesis that tore apart Reblondo's telekinesis and directly impacted into Reblondo's mind, completely destroying and completely crushing his telekinesis.

The mental confrontation failed, and Reblondo was knocked high into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The physical damage was nothing but a minor matter, and the mental trauma made Reblondo's brain so dizzy that he didn't even have time to wake up.

But it didn't have the chance to wake up.

The power of Aurora restrained all of Reblondo's attacks. The moment Reblondo was knocked away, Reggie had already released it.

The red-rimmed twisted light cannon pushed all the way across, directly submerging Reblondo's position.

These were attacks launched by Reblondo, but now they were all retaliated by Reggiedo.

Reggie's moves were not easy to pick up. The moment he was hit, cracks began to appear in Reblondo's body. The crisscrossing force tore Reblondo's body apart, and the golden light particles began to turn into blood and escape.

Reblondo's body was broken in many places. If he continues like this, he will only be a little away from exploding to death.

"Damn it..." If he was still trapped in this body, he would definitely die. Reblondo was also a ruthless person, so he immediately left his body and wrapped its spirit with powerful telekinesis to leave the body.

Although in this way its strength will be greatly depleted and it will never be able to return to the strength it had when it had a body.

But it's better than being beaten to death.

As long as you are alive, you have a chance.

As long as you are alive, there is always a chance to make a comeback.

Reblondo's spirit was lost, and only the empty shell of his body was detonated in an instant. Strong light erupted from Reblondo's body, tearing apart every skin on his body. The explosion from the inside to the outside blew away Reblondo's body. Brondo's body was completely blown to pieces.

"Regedo, just wait for me, we are not done with this!"

With these harsh words, Reblondo directly opened the wormhole and escaped into it, without any intention of staying.

Although he ran away in embarrassment, he still couldn't lose the momentum he deserved.

Harsh words must be dropped.

Reggio didn't catch up. He still stood still and raised his hands again.

But this time, what was used was not the power of Aurora, but the strongest skill in the universe - the Spark Legend.

The emerald green vortex gathered above the head of Regedo, and the endless power absorbed from the universe was controlled by Regedo with one hand, but it did not need to be activated to such a strong level, just a little bit.

Then a little bit is fine.

Rotating his hands, the Spark Legend was suddenly released. Reggio used his mind power to lock all the monsters and cosmic beings left behind by Reblondo on the earth. The Spark Legend flew high and spread to the sky of the entire earth, destroying those who still remained. The monsters inhale them all.

Later, he was obliterated by the Spark Legend and was completely absorbed by himself.

At this time, Reggio turned around and set his sights on Nexus, who had been watching as a crowd.

Facing Reggio's gaze, Nexus seemed to suddenly understand something, and immediately used the King's Cloak to open the time and space wormhole of the Showa Universe.

Reggio stretched out his hand, and pure white light emitted from his palm. As his palm twisted, he reversed the time in Nexus's wormhole.

From now, move forward to the past hundreds of thousands of years ago, to the era of Rebrando.

The next moment, the power of Spark Legend turned into a beam of light, rushed into the wormhole, and disappeared.

Nexus felt sad for Reblondo just looking at it.

Now I finally understand why your Reblondo's mental body has weakened to that extent, and the entire universe has been shattered...

After the battle, Reggio looked at the earth that was already riddled with holes, as well as the sorrow and pain caused by the deaths of countless people, all of which were reflected in his eyes.

Reggio's response was also very simple. He raised one hand and separated this timeline, making it independent of the main space-time line of the Gaussian universe.

Then he twisted it with one hand, forcibly twisting back the time on this timeline, causing everything to move back rapidly.

The destroyed buildings and the people who were killed were revived again by this power that was enough to reverse time.

In just a moment, everything in this timeline was restored to its original moment by Reggio.

Of course, the restoration here is as it was before, and does not include monsters and Reblondo.

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