Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 358 Inject something belonging to me into the body of the monster girl (trying to cause trou

"So it turns out that the monster's message entered the human girl's body, and then used this message to cause the human girl to mutate, turning into a monster-like creature." After all, Jetton's mother could not avoid being attached to her body. The fate of the static electricity sheet was something she had long been accustomed to, and she had no objection to it. Instead, she stood on the experimental table honestly, waiting for Hikari's report.

As always, even if the world has changed, it has always been the same since I inherited this ability.

The girl had already laid down.

"It's okay for ordinary monsters, but Jayton is not an ordinary existence. Even among monsters, it is a famous high-level monster." Hikari jumped on the keyboard with his hands, pressing characters one by one.

"It is unrealistic to carry it in a human body. Although her body has been adjusting and the Jetton factor is constantly being suppressed, one day in the future, she will become Jetton again and return to her original appearance."

"I believe you, if Jeton is like this, what about that little lolita Gatanjie? You can't tell me that Jeton is stronger than Gatanjie!" As someone who has watched Monster Girl Source, means you Hikari are just farting.

How do you explain the existence of the little Lolita Gatanje?

Are humans unable to carry Jayden’s factor?

If it were Gatanjie, that little loli should have been bursting out long ago!

"You didn't bring Gatanjie's mother here either. Without another individual for comparison, I can't get accurate data." Hikali didn't even look back, completely immersed in this experiment, focusing on: "I It’s just a response based on the girl’s physical data, and everything comes from her.”

"At least the results I tested with the instrument are indeed like this." As he said this, Hikari handed the report to Nexus and motioned for him to take it: "Also, what kind of monster is Gatanje? It's very strong. Is it? Stronger than Jayton?"

"The evil god spread in my universe once wiped out the dark ruler of an entire super-ancient civilization." Nexus thought for a while, and finally gave a definite answer: "Ordinary Jayton will definitely not be it. opponent."

"That's it. It sounds really strong." Hikari could only understand all that from Nexus's dictation.

But again, without comparative data, the detection will definitely not be so clear.

"Are you going to leave her here with me? Or take her out to live with you?" After the detailed examination was completed, Hikali began to ask about Nexus's attitude.

"You have given me a lot of inspiration. I have to try how to transfer monster factors into humans."

"...You're not really going to capture people from Earth for experiments, are you?" After a moment of silence, Nexus asked with shock: "If Zoffie knew about this, wouldn't Zoffie know? make you……"

"Why are you looking for people from Earth? I think it's not difficult to understand the idea of ​​anthropomorphizing monsters." After saying that, Hikali untied his restraints and signaled the girl to step off the experimental table: "Just like her, you You could say she’s human, but she’s also Jayton.”

"Sooner or later she will turn into Jayton, but whether she can change back from that point on, I don't know."

Nexus was silent for a moment, and then asked unwillingly: "Is there no way to save her? We can only watch her turn into a monster?"

Hikali seemed to see Nexus again. The milky white eyes looked up and down with his head, making Nexus a little puzzled.

"Do you really want to save her?" Hikali suddenly said: "I do have a way, but I don't know if this method will work. I can only say it is possible."

"If you make up your mind to do it, I can only use you as a test subject."

Good boy, I see that you, Hikari, didn’t feel worried at all when you said this, but rather impatient.

I always feel that you can't wait for me to agree to be your experimental subject.

"If I let an innocent life that can be saved die in front of my eyes, then am I still an Ultra Warrior?" Jetton jumped up from where she was, half-jumped directly onto the table, and then activated her teleportation ability, standing on Nai On the shoulders of Xexus.

...The main reason is that Nexus has grown bigger, and the girl can no longer pull on Nexus like an octopus, so she can only choose to do this.

"Save anyone who can be saved, save the tragedy you know, and work hard to erase those regrets and make everyone happy." This was the decision he made when he made up his mind to save Takumo for Mayumi. Determination.

Even after experiencing so many things, Nexus never changed his mind.

Because we know the tragedy is unbearable, we yearn for a happy future.

Only when you have experienced that kind of thing yourself do you know how much courage it takes to bear it.

"...Your light is completely different from the light of Ultraman in our Kingdom of Light. Your current silver-gray state has a weak light, but it is full of possibilities."

"Your light when red is full of life, hard work, enthusiasm, and full of greater possibilities. There are even many more things that I can't understand. Every time I explore that light, I am shocked."

"The blue light is full of mystery, powerful, and seems to be climbing endlessly."

When Hikali said this, he was also full of wonder: "One Ultraman, three colors, and the power of light are all completely different."

"If you want to help her, the only thing you can do is inject your red light into her."

"That is a power that can create all miracles. It is a power that I cannot understand. It may be able to summon miracles."

Hikali said a lot at once, but the content of these words was very rich, and it can be said that the amount of information exploded.

He also let Nexus know that this guy Hikali was probably not indulged in the happy life of analyzing his light during this period.

Hikari said this, so Nexus naturally had no doubts. He directly switched to the red youth form, circulated the light energy, and transmitted it to the body of the girl standing on his shoulders.

The light filled with life entered the girl's body like flowing water and began to slowly transform her body.

First of all, the first step is to strengthen vitality and play a role in strengthening the body.

After all, nothing is more important than a strong body.

This is not something that can be accomplished in one go. It requires long-term indoctrination and supplementation to save the girl from the destined tragedy.

"Don't say anything about leaving her in the King. Haven't you noticed? She is very dependent on you. It is out of the biological survival instinct. She knows that she can survive by your side." Hikali saw Nai After Xexus successfully entered the light, he breathed a sigh of relief and said slightly jokingly.

"With the current medical level of the Kingdom of Light, the only thing that can be done is to carve a life-curing method into her body."

Then after he dies, he will be resurrected directly by counting down the seconds, and he will turn into light on the spot and become Jeton of Light, right?

"So, she keeps pulling me because she knows that my light can save her?" Nexus thought for a while and then put the question behind him.

"Then tell me honestly, what level does the Silver Cross Society's medical level reach now?"

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