Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 364: How should I put it? This is a chapter about trying out Nissara's style. Anyone wh

One advantage of a house made of crystal is that no matter how long you stay outside, there will definitely be no spiders or dust in the house.

Just because of this, Nexus really wanted to lift the floor and move it away.

After arriving in the house, the Jetton girl came out from under Nexus's shoulder armor, floated to the table, and looked around with very curious eyes.

These shiny things and even all the furniture were not huge, but made the girl even more curious.

With Ultraman's huge figure, wouldn't the furniture in the place where they live be huge?

Nexus released his transformation, and the source stepped out of the light. Seeing the girl's condescending look, he couldn't help but smile: "What are you doing standing up there?"

"Afraid." Niang Jieton pointed at the ground where her shadow could be reflected, and her tone, which was already calm, fluctuated slightly: "I will slip."

"Uh... no, it looks reflective, but it's actually no different from an ordinary floor." Yuanquan was choked, put the Evolutionary Truster on the table and then said: "Actually, living in a house like this is still... It’s very unaccustomed, because there are reflections of people in all directions, no matter how you look at them, you will be very scared if you look at them for a long time.”

"Even for me, it took me a long time to get used to it before I felt it wasn't so weird." As he said that, Yuanquan walked to another place and took out a very huge curtain: "Look, this is me Cloth to cover the walls when you first feel uncomfortable.”

Mother Jedun didn't say anything, she just stared at the source for a long time. Then she carefully squatted down, stretched out her little feet and carefully tested the ground.

The little feet slid around on the ground. Mother Jedun held the table with both hands, sat on the edge of the table, and tentatively stood on the ground with her feet.

But as a result, one side of the table received an undue weight, and the table's center of gravity was deflected and turned over, causing the girl sitting on it to lose her balance and her feet to slide one after another.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Yuanquan stepped forward and hugged the girl, stopping her from staggering into the door.

"If you only sit on one side of the table, something like this will happen. Be careful in the future." A warm male voice came from above. Mother Jedun hugged Yuanquan's chest with her hands and threw her whole face on Yuanquan's chest and clothes.

Slowly raising her head, the girl met the eyes with her head lowered.

The moment their eyes met, the girl's face turned rosy, and she hurriedly let go of her hand. Her panicked eyes looked around, and finally found a half-open door. The girl couldn't care less and ran away. Enter emphysema and slam the door shut.

"It seems like you don't know anything." Yuanquan murmured.

This reaction of Mother Jedun proves that the girl does not really know anything.

But why would a girl who lacks common sense react like this?

What on earth are those nurses in that world teaching young girls!

"Hey, it seems I can only sleep on the sofa." Yuanquan never imagined that one day he would bring a girl to the Kingdom of Light, so he didn't tidy up another room at all.

Of course, the main reason was that he was too lazy to organize it.

The source relaxed his shoulders. Reblondo's body was buried, and only his spiritual body was left. His spiritual body was shattered by Reggie due to his arrogance, and became pieces of it, scattered in countless universes. .

At least at this moment, Yuanquan finally understood why Ray Brando died inexplicably.

But if the actions of the red ball are consistent with the historical trend, even if Reblondo is not summoned, he will encounter beings of the same level one day in the future when conquering other universes, and the same thing will happen. .

What the real history is like, the source cannot know now, but Reblondo only has a broken spiritual body as he did later, and this result remains unchanged, so there is no problem.

But these big boss matters have nothing to do with me, so I’ll just do whatever I need to do.

Anyway, right now, it’s more important to cook first.

Why are you running? In other words, why run?

The girl observed the surrounding furnishings, which were different from the pure white ward she had always lived in. The luminous colored glaze was covered with thick wallpaper, leaving only a glowing spot on the ceiling to serve as a light.

Everything else is easy to talk about, but what particularly attracted the attention of Mother Jetton was a certain panty that was thrown on the bed at random.

The big panties printed with two-dimensional beautiful girls were just there, making the girl pick them up and shake them out of curiosity.

Tilting her head, she could not recognize any of the beautiful girls above.

But that didn't stop her from having the urge to take this thing and go out to ask the source what it was.


The girl looked at the big pants, then looked at herself, carefully sat on the edge of the bed, and then...she put on the big pants.

Standing up, the girl walked around in a circle, feeling a completely different feeling from the one she always wore. The hair on the girl's head swayed from side to side, as if she was experiencing very scary thoughts.

Finally, the girl opened the door and stood in the hall wearing her underwear.

Sitting on the sofa, Yuanquan felt a stab of sight, and turned around to see the girl's dress.

This time he almost didn't make his eyes pop out.

"I know you ran to my room, but why are you wearing my...my..." He immediately hugged the girl's shoulders, and Yuanquan started to take it off.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, the source froze in mid-air.

Calm down! Source!

This is a girl who lacks common sense. She can definitely take off her...next thing and put on this pair of big pants.

If you go up and take off your pants, wouldn't you become a pervert?

"It's very comfortable, different from mine." Mother Jetton pulled on these big pants that belonged to the source, with a curious look on her face: "I want to wear them, can I?"

"No! You are a girl, so of course you are different from the big pants I wear!"

Yuanquan hurriedly explained that he was really afraid that the girl would run around wearing big pants from now on.

Can these two be the same?

"No, I like it." The girl shook her head and said very firmly, "I want to wear it!"

This time, the girl used a positive tone, and she was quite positive.

"...Then you can only wear it at home, and you have to wear it underneath!" It would be very troublesome to force the girl not to do it. The only way to spread common sense is to educate her again and again. There is no rush. .

It's okay to wear it at home, but it's definitely not okay to go out. Yuanquan can only give this answer, which is considered a step back.

"What is home?" Mother Jedun raised her head and asked.

"Home is... the people you love, the people you want to see, the people you want to live with, the place you live with is home." Seize the opportunity, Source popularizes the concept of home, and hopes that young girls can take this There is a perception.


Mother Jedun nodded, and then, with Yuanquan's pleased expression, she took off her big pants.

...Fortunately, the girl didn't go that far, she just wore her big pants outside.

Yuanquan nodded happily.

This result is good for everyone.

Then, Mother Jedun kept moving her hands, directly inserting her hands into the skirt, groping for the last line of defense.

"Hey! Just give me back those big pants!"

"Stop it now!!!"

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