Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 368 Gai~~~~~ya~~~~~~~

It was another familiar time travel. With the help of the king's cloak, Nexus successfully passed through the wormhole and came to the interior of a certain universe recorded in the crystal ball.

But the moment Nexus arrived in this universe, he began to feel a very weak feeling, and the energy consumption in his body was very serious.

If Nexus usually can exist forever without doing anything, then in this universe, even if Nexus does nothing, he will have to change back to his human form after a few minutes, and for a long time For a period of time, the ability to transform is lost.

The same thing happened to Zero when he traveled across the universe to another world. That was because the universe was rejecting creatures from other worlds and received special treatment from the entire universe.

After all, they are outsiders. The major universes today are still very conservative, unlike later when all major universes opened star gates and could travel between each other.

When Nexus noticed something was wrong, the bracelet on his wrist began to release a strange power. The legendary power gave Nexus some kind of proof. At this moment, the repulsive force and rapid energy consumption disappeared instantly. He disappeared, replaced by a faint affinity, as if the universe was cheering for the arrival of Nexus.

"You call me here, and you exclude me from coming. I really don't understand the meaning of you sending this distress signal." Nexus didn't understand this, but thinking that the person he was asking for help was the savior who had obtained the power of legend, could it be that Do they also know that this will happen to ordinary Ultra warriors when they come here?

The crystal ball in his hand releases a special signal, which is linked to a certain planet in the distant universe.

Nexus flew with all his strength, traveling among the stars in the universe at the fastest speed, looking for his destination.

After passing through one planet after another, Nexus finally came to a place he was very familiar with, and that was the solar system.

But unlike the ordinary solar system, there are no nine planets, and even the blazing star the sun emits very weak light.

Even from Nexus's perspective, Saturn's spectacular and eternal planetary belt had all disappeared.

Instead, there is misty gravel, completely surrounding the entire planet, making Saturn look like it is wrapped in an egg.

Continuing to fly, Nexus finally noticed something was wrong, that is, all the planets, including Mars, and even the moon and Venus, had disappeared.

And the treasure of the solar system, the aqua blue star-Earth, has lost her brilliance at this moment, and the entire planet has turned gray.

Even on that lush green continent, nothing could be seen.

Black and gray occupies everything on this planet, as if this treasure of the solar system has been completely destroyed.

Not far away, Nexus also saw floating satellite debris. There were so many that Nexus even had to transform into a red ball to knock away these accumulated satellite debris before he could enter the interior of the earth.

Turning into a ball of red light and falling from the sky, Nexus landed in Japan at the correct location.

The land he stood on was supposed to be called Tokyo. It was a very hot city.

It is also a large city with a strong modern atmosphere and a population of tens of millions.

Now, what Nexus stepped on was a piece of desert sand, and his entire foot sank almost halfway into it.

The so-called Tokyo has no trace of its existence at all, only heat is left.

Of course, this kind of heat is not that kind of heat.

"Is the earth... dead?" This heavily deserted continent reminded Nexus of something very bad.

And the more he walked in the desert, the less he could find any trace of life.

All the scenery seems to have become just one. The sky is filled with yellow sand and the storm is rolling, covering everything.

The Jeton girl flew out from under Nexus's shoulder armor and stood in the void in front of Nexus, swinging her hands and pointing in the direction to the left of Nexus.

"Did you sense something?" Stretching out his hand, Nexus dragged Jetton's mother up and used light energy to form a shield to protect her.

He followed Mother Jetton's guidance and walked into the distance step by step.

The further they walked, the more chaotic the wind and sand around them became, even exaggerating to the point of forming a desert tornado.

Facing the increasingly bad weather, Nexus was keenly aware of something. He directly condensed the light energy in his hands, condensing it into particles in the Metafield and shooting them into the sky.

The falling golden particles stabilize the surrounding space and turn the space where the storm originated into a mirror image.

Although the sky was still gray, the sweeping storm had dissipated.

As Nexus approached, some kind of exhausted power seemed to sense something, began to generate a new rhythm, and accumulated the last energy in an attempt to make a last stand.


But at this moment, the space that had been turned over was turned back again, and the rising sandstorm swept across the world. Along with these, a huge figure of a jellyfish appeared, constantly changing its position between reality and reality.

It appeared like this, silently, manipulating the power of space, and even had more powerful operating capabilities than Nexus.

"This jellyfish...hyperspace fluctuation life form?!"

"In that case, this is it!"

The moment he saw this giant jellyfish, Nexus immediately locked onto which Ultraman TV it existed on, and even remembered its race.

Although he still didn't remember the name of the jellyfish.

The moment Nexus suddenly woke up, the yellow sand rolled up by the strong wind revealed everything that had been submerged by time and years.

That was the air base that had been buried under the sand for countless years...

"Gaia..." Both the air base and the jellyfish appeared, allowing Nexus to lock the orientation of this world.

But... as the third Heisei game and the pinnacle of the Heisei plot, the complexity of the world of Gaia is terrifying. Even in connection with the entire TV theater version, it has been clearly told to you that the world of Ultraman Gaia is not Counting the TV world view, even if it is a parallel world, there are four guarantees.

Therefore, Nexus realized that he had arrived in a parallel universe of Ultraman Gaia, and finally had an accurate understanding of the words "Second World" recorded in the text translated by Leo. definition.

"I see. Is this the world in Gaia TV, where there is no Gaia or Agur, and the world is destroyed by destruction?" Because of the complex nature of the Ultraman Gaia world, Nexel Si couldn't give an accurate definition for a while.

But the earth, and even the solar system, has become like this, which clearly shows that it is inseparable from this jellyfish.

"Woo~" A long and deep chirping sounded in Nexus's ears. It was the long chirping of a jellyfish, questioning why Ultraman appeared in this world.

"The sand has turned. It seems that there is no Gaia and Agur here. You can use it to your heart's content." Looking up at the sky, Nexus was angry, but his reason became clearer.

Although it is a parallel world, there are still countless lives in it. The huge earth is now only left with such desert and loneliness.

Nexus could fully imagine how desperate humanity would be in this parallel world without Ultraman.

Under the power of hyperspace fluctuating life forms, they struggled to survive until the last person's body was buried by the wind and sand.

Just like what he did back then, if he hadn't been sent out by Nexus at that time, the source would have died in that world long ago and was buried with the burial of the world.

Living in such a world, Nexus felt the same way, and the anger in his heart surged and exploded, almost uncontrollably.

The culprit, the murderer who caused this destruction, is currently in the high-dimensional space, projecting himself into the material world.

Right on top of his head.

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