Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 379 My integrity and personality as a Giant of Light will never be allowed to be questioned

"Where are we going next?" She raised her head and asked the man next to her. Although Jieton had nothing to do, she had been asked by the source to stay where she was and had already flown to a high place to observe the surrounding situation.

I have to say, it's very familiar.

In front of a group of huge creatures, getting used to Ultraman's hugeness made Jetton feel strange to things on earth.

Then, Jetunniang activated teleportation and instantly disappeared from mid-air to the source at the foot of the mountain.

She came quickly and quietly. If the sudden appearance of Jetun's mother hadn't leaned forward and bumped into the source, Yuanquan might have thrown Jetun's mother up the mountain before she even remembered.

…Understand, this is what it’s like to be single for a long time.

Holding Mother Jedun's hand and walking on the street, Mother Jedun's voice came to her ears. Yuanquan looked at the people coming and going around and looked at Mother Jedun's eyes with surprise, and finally knew what was going to happen next. What is he going to do?

"I'll buy you some clothes first. Dressed like this... it's too revealing." In fact, Jetton's clothes were okay, not very revealing, but she was dressed like a cosplayer, which was a bit novel.

But the crux of the problem is that Jiedun's mother is not a flat figure, she has a figure that is bulging forward and backward.

But on the chest of Jayton's uniform, where the big monster Jayton released the one-trillion-degree fireball, were two bright yellow shell-like objects.

Translated to Jetton's body, the gel bra is tight on the chest and outlines a perfect shape, it's like...like...

It’s as eye-catching as Superman wearing his underwear!

Therefore, the source can completely understand that people coming and going would look at it like this.

Of course, understanding is understanding, but he must also feel uncomfortable in his heart.

This kind of clothes only needs to be worn at home and seen by yourself!

He ran to the department store in a hurry. While Jie Dun was holding the clothes and looking at Yuan Quan innocently, Yuan Quan twitched the corners of his mouth and turned his attention to the salesperson on the side.

Although the saleswoman smiled happily, Yuanquan was vaguely aware of the contempt hidden in this woman's eyes and the eager cell phone in her hand.

I'm afraid I'm not waiting to call the police.

"Why are you looking at me so innocently? It's impossible for me to go in with you. Just follow this lady." He quickly stuffed the clothes into Mother Jieton's hands. Yuanquan turned Mother Jieton over and pushed her She walked forward, pushed her into the locker room door, pushed her in, and then slammed the door shut.

"Sorry, please go in and help her. She probably lacks common sense about wearing clothes." Wiping the non-existent sweat on his head, Yuanquan said to the salesperson who had followed him all the way.

"Okay." The smiling saleswoman opened the door of the dressing room slightly, and then closed the door with lightning speed. The loud sound shook the shopping mall on this floor, making people curious about what happened.

Yuanquan sat on the sofa with a dissatisfied look.

What are you saying, what are your eyes, what are your actions? Do you look like the kind of person who would take the opportunity to glance at you?

This saleswoman, you are insulting my character and my integrity as a giant of light!

Besides, if I really want to watch it, why don’t I just go home and watch it openly?

Do you care about this moment or two? !

Sitting on the sofa, Yuanquan tried to feel calm, but the constant exclamations from the locker room made Yuanquan's mind tremble.

"Oh my God, Miss, why have you already... Well, we can keep underwear here..."

"It's one piece, and when it disappears, it's gone."

"Wow, I just saw it when I was outside. Miss, you are really good at it."

"What's the clue?"

"Uh, miss, how do you do it without wearing underwear?"

"It's one piece, the underwear, too."

"What do you mean one piece? Forget it, miss, just wait for me for a while, and I'll find you a set of underwear."

With that said, the saleswoman quietly opened the door and saw Yuanquan sitting on the sofa completely motionless. Then she felt relieved and trotted out, got back a set of underwear very quickly, and slammed the door.

"Put this on..."

"Ugh...did I estimate wrongly? It seems too small to be buckled..."

"Wait for me for a while..."

After experiencing a series of rather speechless and reverie conversations, the door to the dressing room opened. She was wearing long sleeves and a certain cartoon image printed on her chest. The loose clothes obscured Jetton's figure, making it impossible to see anything. Come.

The cool skirt of her lower body covered her knees, but exposed only a part of her calf.

Every step of the way, it gives people endless reverie.

"Does it look good?" The Jetton girl tugged at her clothes. This was the first time she had worn clothes other than Jetton clothes, and she was still quite uncomfortable.

"The integration you just mentioned, do you mean that the Jetton suit is integrated with you?" Yuanquan gave a thumbs up silently. After following Yuanquan for so long, Jetton's mother has already figured out what Yuanyuan likes to do the most. What does the action mean?

So Jie Dun Niang also gave a thumbs up, returned the favor to Yuan Quan, and answered his question.


"Then when you sleep..."

"No uniform."

"Aren't you wearing nothing?"

"I think it's very good, I like it very much." After Jie Dun's mother said this, the salesperson next to her suddenly looked at Yuanyuan from looking like a scumbag to looking at a pervert.

With a slap on his face, Yuanquan remembered that in Monster Girl TV, monster girls usually use their abilities in a state of transformation, similar to the transformation of magical girls, using their own abilities to interact with monsters. factors to construct a set of clothing.

When the transformation is cancelled, the clothes will disappear and return to their original appearance.

In other words, Jetton's clothes have always been magical clothes that have maintained their abilities.

And when she wanted to sleep, it was naturally lifted.

And unlike other monster girls, the Jetton girl who has released her transformation does not have any regular clothes at all, so she goes into battle lightly.

"Don't you feel awkward?" After holding it in for a long time, Yuanquan could only say this.

Although he once laughed at the monsters who were running around without clothes, when the monsters turned into monster girls,

"No, it's natural." Mother Jieton raised her thumbs up with both hands, so high that she almost jumped up on her tiptoes.

"Excuse me, how much did it cost? I bought a whole set. Also, please ask the salesperson to find some other clothes for her." Yuanquan ignored Mother Jedun who gave a thumbs up and wanted to praise her. Instead, she focused her attention on On the saleswoman's body.

"Please, it's not convenient for me to teach her this."

Red ball, yyds!

Fortunately, the money he asked for from Risa and part of his salary advanced in advance were well preserved by Yuanquan. Otherwise, Yuanquan would probably become a refugee here.

"Okay, okay, don't come in front of me. I know you're doing a good job and can dress yourself. It's really amazing." Mother Jedun's thumbs up almost hit Yuanquan's face. , as a last resort, Yuanquan could only grab the girl's hands, put them down, and touched her head.

Mother Jiedun got her wish, and Sanwu's little face was filled with satisfaction.

Thank you for wishing you good health and happiness.

I'll go home tonight and see if I can figure out a chapter. There's also the Wan Bo reward that I didn't remember about the previous Krypton guy whose name was too long. I seem to have to find time to make up for it...


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