Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 388 Dragon of the Earth-Renlong


Just after arriving outside the construction base in Marunouchi, Jetton's face became serious at this time. She turned her head and said to the source: "I feel it, Renlong is here, and she is already very angry. ”

"Angry?" Yuanquan asked.

"These are traces of crawler tracks. It seems that XIG is moving faster than we thought." Megumi Kuroda followed the pried open door and entered the center of the Marunouchi construction base. The first thing that caught her eyes was the ground being crushed on the mud. Traces of tracks that pressed past.

This is enough to explain something.

"Those guys must have been fighting with Renlong underground, right?" Yuanquan took Jeton's hand and came to the construction base. Next to Kuroda Megumi, he also saw the traces of the tracks. It spread all the way to the inside of the passage, that is, deep underground.

Thinking of the anger mentioned by Niang Jedun, Team Hercules might not have already...

"Over there." Mother Jedun shook Yuanquan's hand, and she pointed in another direction, to the stationary EX number suspended in the sky, which was the car of my dream.

The existence of this aircraft is enough to prove that XIG is already taking action.

"Oops, they will offend the Earth Dragon." Kuroda Megumi was extremely worried, but there was nothing she could do about it.

And she also believed that the leaders in XIG's air base must have discovered the existence of the underground dragon vein, but they still launched an attack and ignored it.

Even if you know it is wrong, do you still want to make it?

"I'm going to stop them from doing stupid things. Mother Jetton, you take Miss Kuroda away first." Although he said that he wanted Renlong to teach humans a lesson, there was no doubt that Yuanquan wanted to make Hagrid watch helplessly. Three members of the Si team died underground, and he couldn't do it.

He did not choose to transform, but instead used light energy to strengthen his body and enter the underground passage in a human form.

Choosing to face Renlong in his human form means that Yuanquan wants to make his own choice as a human at this moment.

After he transformed, he had more things to consider.

Now, he could only hope that it hadn't reached the point where he would need to transform to solve it.

Strengthening his body with light energy, he quickly charged towards the underground passage, trying to penetrate all the way to the end. Later, he got in front of the Hercules team to prevent them from attacking Renlong.

But when he was halfway forward and came to the end of the underground passage, where the underground dragon pond sacrifice was located, the entire passage began to tremble violently.

Including the dragon pond, countless water flows began to rush upward, and the turbulent water column spread to the surroundings. The blue dragon's head poked out from the water, letting out a deafening roar.

The dragon head's eyes were fixed on Yuan Quan's body, never moving even half a step.

Even Megumi Kuroda can tell the identity of the source. As the dragon of the earth, Renryu can certainly recognize the identity of the source.

But in anger, even if the sky guardian is in front of him, what Renlong wants to do is still to teach mankind a lesson.

No, it should be said that she is going to take back this land that has been inhabited by humans for a long time.


Facing the king of monsters on earth for the first time, Yuan Quan could not detect any darkness in her body. On the contrary, he could detect a mysterious and distant aura in Ren Long's body.

Everything inherited from the earth, from the ancient earth.

The Dragon of the Earth is by no means an illusion.

But the crux of the problem does not lie here, but in the Longling Temple opposite Longtan, where Renlong's mastermind is located.

In front of her mastermind is the Hercules' ground tank, the Sting.

The continuous artillery fire all bombarded Renlong's head, creating large swaths of sparks.

Compared with those small dragon heads, Renlong, as the main body, let these attacks fall on her body without saying a word or even roaring. She felt the attacks from the artillery fire on her body, her red eyes , was gradually replaced by coldness and disappointment.

Humanity has made its stance clear.

In the end, the dragon was disappointed and the earth was disappointed.

When he saw Renlong's human eyes, Yuanquan knew that this dragon had made a decision.

Knowing that he could not fight against this divine dragon with human strength, the source had no choice but to take out the Evolutionary Truster and pull it out directly while running.

The dazzling red light and the glow of the dragon jade on Renlong's forehead flashed. The two powerful forces collided with each other, causing very serious damage underground in an instant. What was reflected on the surface was the roar. A powerful earthquake and a column of water rushing out of the ground.

Countless water pillars rose into the sky, and within a moment, the entire city of Tokyo was already submerged.

Countless water columns bring about a sight that is rare to see in a hundred years.

The clear sky was covered by thick dark clouds, blocking the skylight and also blocking the detector's sensors.

When Renlong is angry, heaven and earth react. How can it be so easy?

In anger, the earth immediately gave

Respond to it, wave the flag to cheer for the Dragon of the Earth, and boost the power of this dragon.


The turbulent water column spurted out red water. He was so angry that he no longer had any illusions about human beings. The Renlong rushed out from the ground and released his original body.

With a blue body and nine dragon heads and tails behind it, the divine dragon reappeared. The sleeping monsters all over the earth felt it and roared to celebrate the appearance of this divine dragon.

In contrast, a red figure rushed out of the ground, holding Team Hercules' Sting in both hands and flying into the sky, avoiding the impact of the water column.

But My Meng's EX was not so lucky. Hit by the water column rising from the sky, the EX lost its kinetic energy and barely managed to avoid it.

But it will obviously be of no use in the next battle.

Without hesitation, I took out the sapphire cone and shouted Gaia's name, transforming into a giant of light and standing on the earth.

Even this appearance did not cause the sky to be filled with gravel and soil, but stood quietly on the ground.

Could it be that he is so weak this time and has no momentum at all when he appears (nonsense).

At the same time, Nexus fell from the sky and landed in the suburbs not far away.

Holding the black-smoking Sting in both hands, Nexus placed it on the ground, turned around, and faced the Renlong.

At this moment, Renlong was roaring at Gaia, seeming to be telling something, but unfortunately, Gaia could not understand Renlong's words, and even his appearance was to destroy Renlong.

"Unknown life forms appeared in Tokyo, Gaia, and Titan No. 3." Dunzi immediately switched the screen to the main interface and presented this rare scene to everyone in the command room.

"It turns out there is really a dragon under the ground." Staff Officer Chiba looked shocked, because he thought that the fairy tales his grandparents told him when he was a child were just stories.

"Unknown giant. What will you do?" Commander Shishi ignored Qianye's shock, but focused his gaze on Nexus, wondering what the unknown giant would do.

Gaia didn't want to think too much, so she clenched her fists to boost her energy, and went up to prepare to punch Renlong a few times.

They are all monsters anyway, there is nothing to say, just kill them and that will be it.

But just as he was halfway through, a red body dropped from the sky and stood in front of him, stretching out his hand to stop his attack.

Gaia was stunned and took a few steps back to distance herself. Only then did she realize that Nexus was standing in front of him, blocking his attack.

And this also makes Gaia a little difficult to understand.

Could it be that this sky guardian is also a person like Teng Gong?

After stopping Gaia's attack, Yuanquan turned around to face Renlong. As soon as he turned around, he immediately ate a shot of lightning spitted out from the mouth of the dragon's head at the tail, hitting his chest and making him instantly He took a few steps back.

Seeing this, Gaia on the side immediately wanted to step forward and continue the attack.

Subconsciously, he still regards Nexus as his comrade-in-arms. After all, they are both giants of light, and they have received the light of the earth.

But Nexus' arm in front of Gaia still stopped his attack and showed his attitude.

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