Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 400 Mezad: Afraid, dare not move: jpg

At night, Yuan Quan, who was sleeping on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes. Some kind of invisible fluctuation was projected from the high-dimensional space into the real world, sweeping across Japan.

Because it landed in Japan, even though this fluctuation was only for a moment, it was still detected by the source who was very sensitive to space.

Suddenly standing up from the sofa, Yuanquan grabbed the Evolution Truster and put it in his waist. He put the energy blast gun in his waist. He was fully armed and did not say hello to Saori. Instead, he turned into light and moved forward, using the power given by the Earth Dragon. The power shuttled forward from the earth's veins and soon came to the place where the fluctuation was born.

The next second, Nexus burst out of the ground. Standing on the ground, he looked around at the surrounding environment. It was peaceful. There was no fluctuation in the sky, and the changes in the space had stopped.

It was as if the abnormality noticed before was just an accident.

But Nexus did not relax his vigilance. What seemed normal was the biggest abnormality. This could not be hidden from him. The huge figure was moving slowly, leaving the sound of footsteps on the ground.

The moon was bright and the wind was clear, without any disturbance, but Nexus still raised his hand, as if he wanted to release something.

But halfway through the gathering, Nexus gave up what he was doing and turned his head sharply, his glowing eyes suddenly staring at the space behind him.

And there, there was nothing but condensed darkness.

After nothing happened, Nexus turned into a shadow and disappeared in the faint light, canceling the transformation state.

"Am I overthinking it? Isn't it that Mezad guy?" As long as you experience the fluctuations of space life forms once, you will never forget them, let alone the source that once eliminated the same fluctuation space life forms. For this kind of life itself, It's very familiar.

That's why after noticing that familiar fluctuation, Yuanquan chose to transform and come here as soon as possible.

But the unexpected discovery made Yuanquan couldn't help but wonder whether it was Mezadeh.

"After Renryu, there is the story of Mezad attacking Iwaki Town, using a phone to control human brain waves. As long as you answer the call from Mezad, you will be controlled by Mezad invading your brain..." Thinking about this Yuanquan thought about the story that happened in the episode, but still couldn't make up his mind.

"First go and ask if this is Iwaki Town. If it is, it means that my previous feeling was correct. It must be Mezadeh." Made up his mind, Yuanquan stepped towards the small town at the foot of the mountain. As long as he found out that this is Wherever you can confirm your guess.

But in fact, the source did not know that at the moment Nexus emerged from the underground, a certain fluctuating space life form that was preparing to act recklessly and carry out its own plan noticed the terror of a certain kin who killed it. The guy appeared, and it was so frightened that it immediately escaped deeply into the deepest part of the high-dimensional space, desperately trying to reduce its sense of existence.

It's quite like hiding in the room across the door and shivering.

After the huge incarnation of Nexus disappeared, Mezad still hid in the high-dimensional space for a long time, and it was true that he did not dare to come out.

Of course, this caution also saved its life. After all, just below this high-dimensional space, the source is moving around here.

Once Mezad appears and jumps out, Nexus will immediately appear and directly pull it into the Meta field to beat it up without any explanation at all.

At that time, Mezad must have come out laughing and cried to death.

It took a while, until the sky was dark, before Yuanquan arrived at the small town at the bottom of the mountain. Under the white dew of the morning sun, he began to inquire about the surrounding situation.

The first thing that catches the eye is a road sign hanging on the only way down the mountain. The signboard of Iwaki Town is more meaningful than any words.

The source stopped for a long time, and then focused its attention on the sky again.

But what Yuanquan doesn't know is that from last night to now, Nexus suddenly appeared and disappeared for no reason, which made everyone in the air base nervous. They were forced to work overtime from midnight to now, just to find The reason why Nexus suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly.

After working hard all night, I really couldn't find any signs of the air base, so I had to give up the search and focus the radar on the place where Nexus disappeared.

Afterwards, everyone went back to their homes to sleep.

But Commander Shishi didn't. He just stayed up all night, which was nothing to him. He was full of energy and sat alone in the command room, listening to the quiet sound of the radar, closing his eyes and resting.

In my mind, I have the respective stances and choices of the three Ultraman Gaia, Agur, and Nexus, the commander of the stone room thinking about his personal situation, and what each of the three Ultraman's insistence represents.

But, if Ultraman is really my dream, then who are the other two Ultramans?

Commander Shishi was not sure, but he was already very suspicious of my dream and was gradually testing it.

During this period, I Meng left a message several times that he wanted to go and see the scene, and then set off immediately. Commander Shishi did not stop me at all, just because he was indulging my dream and testing him.

And it turns out that every time I dream of leaving the air base and being on the scene, Ultraman Gaia will definitely appear.

But what puzzled Commander Shishi was that without the control of Wo Meng, how did the EX manage to drive itself?

(I have to say that it is really outrageous to directly create an artificial intelligence in order to hide that he is Ultraman and distance himself from himself.)

"Commander, you haven't gone to bed yet." The door to the command room opened automatically, and I Meng stepped in. The person who caught his eye was naturally Commander Shishi.

"I can't let go until I know the reason why Ultraman Nexus appears." Commander Shishi opened his eyes and returned to his usual calm attitude.

He had a calm face with no other expression, which gave the guys at the headquarters a headache when they saw him.

"Perhaps Nexus discovered something, but we don't know yet." As he said that, I Meng raised the toolbox in his hand and said with a smile, "That's what I came for."

"What is this?" Commander Shishi asked.

"This is the tracking device I invented after thinking about it all night last night. Whether it is the roar of a monster or a message from the universe, it can receive it immediately and translate it into words we can understand." I dreamed of putting it away Opening it on the table revealed the whole thing.

I Meng pulled open the antenna on the side of the tool box and pressed both hands on the keyboard that popped up below, adjusting the power of the collection translator.

"We have always wanted to know why the monsters that continue to interfere with human beings appear and what their purpose is." I dreamed of twisting the button and adjusting the frequency so that it could start working at the second power.

"The vanguard of the Destruction Recruitment Body? Or are we allies who want to fight against the Destruction Recruitment Body like us?"

"Because there is no communication, both sides cannot understand."

"This thing of mine was born because of this." My dream nodded affirmatively: "This is the result I want to know most now."

Earth, why do you give me light?

why me?

What exactly do you think.

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