Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 406 Fujimiya: I was beaten to death, I just refused to accept it!

Originally, he didn't want to expose his identity so soon, but Fujimiya had already come to visit him. Even when the matter had developed to this point, he couldn't help but admit it after the three-party meeting.

"Yes, I am the third Ultraman, Ultraman Nexus." After admitting his identity, Source retracted his fist, and his increasingly blurry figure in the rain made him almost disappear into my dream. in front of my eyes.

"How is it possible... the store manager is actually... no wonder at that time..." My dream first showed an incredulous look, and then I remembered that when he and Yuanquan met for the first time, it happened to be Nexus. When it first came.

I didn't think much about it at the time, but looking back now, I just feel that these two things were full of coincidences.

It turns out that the real reason is because the store manager is Ultraman.

"Why are you showing those doubtful eyes? There is no rule that only people from the Alchemy Star can carry the light of the earth, right? Or...I carry the light of the earth, making you feel embarrassed?" Yuanquan raised his eyebrows, Just wait for my dream to say yes, he can beat me and my dream together.

But it's a pity that I Meng is not that kind of person, and I can't say that. Instead, I quickly refuted the source's point of view: "No, it doesn't matter what kind of person he is. He gets the light from the sky, as long as he can protect mankind and the earth." , fighting side by side with us, that’s enough.”

"It will take me saying this a few times before you understand that protecting the earth and protecting human beings are completely different things!" As soon as I finished explaining my dream's point of view, Fujimiya immediately loudly refuted my dream's point of view.

When the rain fell down his face and hair, Fujimiya raised his head, his red pupils already filled with bloodshot eyes: "In the end, none of you can understand me, can you?"

"Then why can't you understand me? Fujimiya." He was also covered by the rain, but the sadness in his heart was stronger than that in his body. I Meng took a step forward. With his eyes squinted, it was difficult for him to see clearly what was on the other side of the rain curtain. Fujinomiya.

"Is it really hard for us to each take a step back?"

"That's impossible." Fujimiya turned away, covering his red and swollen cheeks and muttered: "In my dream, I have seen too much darkness than you have seen, and you still can't see clearly about human beings. Of course you have illusions. But I can clearly see the damage caused to the earth in places that humans cannot see."

"Including but not limited to dumping domestic garbage into the ocean, polluting water sources, and discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea, right." Yuanquan turned his back. At this moment, the three people were standing in three directions, as if they were on the road to each other. The clear explanation showed that they were not the same people after all.

"As the light of the ocean, of course you understand this, because you can see it. Similarly, I also understand very well the pollution of the atmosphere by humans." Source said this, but he did not mean that he would treat Fujimiya's What you do expresses your consent.

"So is that where you despair? You just cling to the darkness of human nature and refuse to let go, and you regard it as truth?"

"You have turned a blind eye to the glorious side of human nature. You have not even thought about it. If human nature is so bad that it is irreversible, why would you inherit the light of Agur? Why did I inherit the light of Gaia?"

"Don't say any more unnecessary nonsense. If you really want to convince me, then give it a try. Who is right in the end when the three of us go on this road?" Fujimiya gasped, his body The severe injuries he suffered made it difficult for him to survive, but in front of my dream and source, he was never willing to fall.

"Then let's wait and see, Fujimiya, I will definitely prove you wrong!" Imeng nodded and accepted Fujimiya's challenge.

"Ha, then I will also prove that both of you are wrong." Yuanquan did not refuse. Fujimiya is a fool, and he will not look back until he hits the wall now, right? I will go get the optical quantum computer later. Now, let Fujimiya see what he has been insisting on, and it is just what the body of destruction summoned him to do.

And Gamu, in the conflict with Fujimiya's ideas, in order to deny Fujimiya's ideas, I tried my best to prove his correctness, so I also went to the other extreme and even gave up thinking.

But fortunately, Gamu has not yet gone to such an extreme. Not long after the plot of Ultraman Gaia has just begun, the conflict between Fujimiya and Gamu's concepts has just begun, and it has not yet completely intensified.

If guided properly, my dream should not go to such an extreme path.

In the rain curtain, there are three roads and three intersections, which seems to mean that they will eventually go to different intersections and walk on completely different roads.

But the intertwined dividing lines of life will eventually connect them together.

Fujimiya covered his cheek, drifting away in the rain, and finally disappeared from the end of his sight until he could no longer be seen.

I Meng and Yuanquan watched Fujimiya go away silently, without stopping or making any comments. Since Fujimiya wanted to prove it, they could only let him prove it.

Even if you beat him up, he will never repent until the reality is put before his eyes.

Yuanyuan, who was secretly planning to dismantle the optical quantum computer in a few days, suddenly discovered that I Meng was looking at him with a very complicated look, and the emotions revealed in those eyes were rich and helpless.

"Hey! I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!" At this moment, Kajio's call came from another part of the rain curtain, resounding throughout the surroundings, swirling around like a surrounding sound.

My dream's attention was separated for a moment, and at this moment, the source had disappeared from his eyes. He was left alone, standing here alone in the rain.

"My dream, what are you doing here?" Kajio finally found the place of my dream through the shadow of the light. Without caring about anything else, Kajio ran out of the car and came to my dream, asking anxiously, "What happened?" Or is there anything you can’t think of?”

"Ah? No...Captain Kajio, I'm fine. Let's go back first." After the dazed expression came to my senses, I focused my eyes on Kajio and said with a smile: "I just met an acquaintance, nothing more. .”

Not only is it nothing, but we even found the human body of the third Ultraman, which can be said to be very good.


The boss's ideas, or his views, are completely different from mine.

Does that mean that the relationship between him and his boss will eventually develop like Fujimiya's?

"The news just came from the headquarters that the metal life form has appeared again. I dream, we have to go back as soon as possible!" He grabbed my dream's shoulders with both hands, and Kajio opened his mouth and shouted with difficulty in the fog of continuous rain.

"Can you hear me? I'm dreaming!"

"Metal life form... yes, I understand!" Facing Captain Kajio's expression of struggling to open his eyes, I dreamed of the importance of the matter and immediately agreed with Kajio.

Ignoring their already soaked bodies and clothes, the two of them got into the car and drove at full speed towards the Geo Base, preparing to meet the next enemy.

But as I dreamed of racing while sitting in the main driver's seat, my mind kept thinking back to the scene he had just seen.

Will it really develop to the point where the two sides meet at war?



They are all children of the earth, and it is impossible for them to develop to that extent!

As long as we treat each other sincerely, we will definitely...will be able to make each other...

In fact, I really want to make Fujimiya's life unable to take care of himself so that he can't interfere in what happens next. But with Fujimiya's character, if he doesn't look back until he hits the wall, I'm afraid you won't beat him to death or bury him. , he would yell in the most stubborn voice in the coffin: "I don't accept it!"

Of course, the main reason is that Yuan can't say that he has watched the complete TV series of Gaia... Even if Fujimiya, who believes in science, would not believe that there is such a thing.

So after much thought, it would be better to dismantle the optical quantum computer first.

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