Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 410 The weak need to make a choice, the strong I want them all

"Tsk, Diglob, a super huge celestial body, falling on the earth at that speed, is enough to wash the entire surface."

Tokyo's evacuation notice was broadcast on all major TV stations, and the crowd became increasingly noisy amid the chaos.

No one wants to die, but ordinary to ordinary people cannot control life and death in their own hands.

I can only remember a rough idea of ​​the source of my impression of this episode: the arrival of the super-giant celestial body Digrob, the appearance of Zhongnel, the underground shell monster, and an episode where Gaia and Aguru appeared at the same time and even clashed. Only remember so much.

Of course, I didn’t feel much when watching TV at that time. I just felt that neither Gaia nor Aguru could destroy Digrob, and I thought Digrob was very powerful.

Later, when I grew up and recalled the plot of Ultraman Gaia, Agur and Gaia were unable to defeat Digrob. Regarding this matter, Yuanquan felt that it was quite outrageous.

After all, he is also Ultraman. It is really not difficult for him to explode stars if he outputs full power.

It's just that when fighting on earth, you have to consider the planet's endurance and destructive power, so you have to restrain a lot of strength.

Zhongnel is an ancient monster sleeping underground. The closed carapace on its back contains super-high-level nuclear fusion energy, which is enough to destroy the super-huge celestial monster Digrob that neither Gaia nor Aguru dare to face directly.

It's just that after such an attack destroys Digrob, it will cause a big explosion within 20 kilometers. At that time, both the sky and the earth will be burned and destroyed by the violent explosion, and all life within the range will be wiped out.

The landing place of Digrob is Tokyo. In other words, once it is destroyed by Zhong Nair's nuclear energy, Tokyo will be burned clean by the fire of the explosion, and the entire city will be razed to the ground.

It was Fujimiya who awakened Zhong Nair. He used the monster control device to control Zhong Nair to the designated launch position he had calculated, preparing to destroy Digrob with one blow.

I dreamed of driving the EX and also arrived at the scene, but I also discovered Zhong Nair's goal and Fujimiya's thoughts here.

But watching DeGrobe explode in the sky, destroying Tokyo and killing an entire city, I couldn't let it go.

Amidst the questions about why Fujimiya was like this, Gamu drove Pal to send the damage caused by Zhongnel's defeat of Digrob to the air base in the form of data, and he himself transformed into Gaia. Stand in front of Zhong Nair and fight with him.

This time it's not about killing the monster, it's about stopping the monster.

But if it is stopped and Digrobe falls from the sky and lands in Tokyo, Tokyo will still be destroyed, people will still die, and the impact will be far more than that.

Gaia is actually quite troubled, without any will to fight, and even the will to drive him to transform is not strong enough.

He didn't know what to do or how to do it.

He just stopped here and struggled with Zhong Nair.

Fujimiya can't stand what Gaia is doing. Since there is no way to save it, then don't stop it. What's the point of pestering her like this?

Given the choice, Tokyo cannot be saved anyway. Is it difficult to make the choice of abandoning Tokyo to avoid causing greater damage?

In anger, Fujimiya opened the sapphire cone and also transformed into Agur. The moment he appeared, Agur directly threw his hand and hit Gaia with the palm cursor, forcing Gaia to be knocked back.

And he himself strode forward, kicked Zhong Nair unconscious, and forced to peel off Zhong Nair's carapace.

"Really, I can't stand you enough." On the sky, the traces of the huge bolide drawn by Digrob were clearly visible. The source had just turned into light and arrived here, and saw this scene at the scene.

Pulling out the Evolved Truster and placing it in front of him, he could only complain about what these two guys did.

"Relying on monsters to explode stars or something, you two are really good at protecting KDA." Under the extremely bright red light, the stream of light turned into a red ball and hit Aguru's body, knocking Aguru away. While going out, the red figure of Nexus stood beside Zhong Nair, and the sword of the storm was pointed at Agulu from a distance.

Zhong Nair woke up from his coma and noticed the breath of Renlong on the giant beside him. Zhong Nair roared a few times to show his closeness.

Nexus withdrew the Storm Sword, knelt down and stroked Zhongnel's head, soothing its injured heart.

But when such a scene fell in the eyes of the people at the air base, they were stunned, because they never thought that such a situation would happen again.

"Nexus...isn't he really the type who advocates destroying monsters?" This scene is more real than any guess. The commander of the stone room knows it well, and he also appreciates Nexus's choice and persistence. Have a clear understanding.

"Why do you want to stop me? You should understand that when Digrob comes, it will definitely bring greater destruction! It will be global!"

"Are you going to abandon the whole world and ignore it?" Aguru was lying on the ground, and Nexus stood in front of him to stop what he was doing, which made Agururu very angry.

"Why can't you all understand me?"

"What do you understand? Do you think it's honorable to injure the enemy a thousand times and damage yourself eight hundred times in this way?" Nexus stood up, raised his head slightly and looked at the bolide in the sky, putting one hand on his chest He is accumulating energy.

"Is there any better way?" Aguru asked breathlessly.

"All the tragedies and choices in this world are due to the lack of strength of the person involved. As long as you are strong enough, you have a third choice." The aqua blue ripples spread throughout the body, and in the radiant changes , Nexus changed his form and activated the blue youth.

"I want it all."

After just four words, Nexus flew directly into the sky and headed straight for Digrob at super fast speed.

"Nexus is rushing towards Digrobe! The speed is very fast! Oh my God, he is about to catch up with Digrobe!" Dunzi and Qiaoji immediately mobilized their satellites to lock on to Nexus's traces in all directions, but they were unable to do so. You can't see it at all, you can only see Nexus' mark through the radar.

The flying speed was beyond people's imagination.

"At such a close distance, even if he can really defeat Diglob, once there is an explosion, the result will not change." Staff Officer Chiba was puzzled by Nexus' choice, using the monster's energy to attack and Ultraman himself. Attack, is the result any different?

"No, he might want to..." Commander Shishi had a horrifying idea, one that he couldn't even imagine.

"Nexus is about to contact Digrobe!"

"3-2-1, we met!"

"Holy shit! Nexus crashed directly into it!" Waves of exclamations erupted in the air base. No one thought that Nexus would choose such a response.

Use your own body to withstand the impact of Digrob's fall.

Can such a thing be done?

The shock of the people at the air base was another matter, but for Nexus, this was not something difficult to do.

If it weren't for the fact that in Kurenai's state, he would just intercept the ball instead of destroying DiGrobe, Nexus wouldn't even bother to open the blue youth.

Arriving in front of Digrobe, Nexus directly hugged Digrobe's round spherical body with both hands to support its approach.

The stream of light gushing out from both hands continued to wash over Digrobe's body, sticking close to Digrobe's body and using reaction force to slow down its fall.

At the same time, Nexus opened the tail fin behind him, and a white stream of light spurted out from behind, turning into a strong reverse thrust to push Nexus' body. It was necessary to cut off Digrobe's descent here.

It may seem like a mayfly shaking a tree, but it is self-confidence based on strength.

"Digrobe's falling speed has begun to slow down." Everyone in the air base was speechless looking at the shocking scene on the big screen.

The slowed down speed indicator on the radar and the horror seen with one's own eyes stimulated everyone's heart.

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