Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 420 Destruction brings about body: So this is it! I see!

If Agur appears after Gaia, and Nexus appears after Agur, these can all be explained by the earth, ocean, and sky, then this one standing in the city now, from the deep colorful wormhole The presence of an Ultraman-like existence within the world is really unexplainable.

The two unique and eye-catching ice axes, the red whites of the eyes and the one eye emitting milky white light move around.

A faint gray appears on the darker body. The soft armor covers the area from the shoulders to the chest. The faded stripes on the body highlight its origin.

What is even more eye-catching is the unique dimensional fluctuation surging behind him.

"This guy is..." Yuanquan took a step forward and stared at this familiar image with wide eyes. Anyone who has watched the Ultraman series will not be unfamiliar with this image.

That is Zero, the image of Ultraman Zero.

No, although the image is the same, this guy is the Dark Lops-Cero created by the Super Galactic Empire Liberia in another universe using Esmeralda ore and technology, which is also a mechanical Ultra Warrior.

In the Super Galactic Empire, this kind of mechanical body is a mass-produced machine. It is for Beria's purpose to disgust Zero, and also for the pleasure of turning the image of the savior of the Kingdom of Light into a murderer who destroys the universe.

But in fact, in the prequel plot of Super Galactic Empire, Lopus Cerro also has a prototype. All other mass-produced Lopus Ceros come from this prototype, and the performance of this prototype is similar to that of Cerro. Almost the same.

It can be said that compared to the mass-produced ones, Dark Lopus Cerro is truly a glorious existence with a prototype.

"Dark Lopsiro, why are you here?" Source murmured and repeated this guy's name. The appearance of this thing has nothing to do with Gaia's time and space. Could it be that...

Was it sent here by someone again?

"I'll fight, you go find Claude." After stopping Fujimiya who wanted to transform, Yuanquan knew that with the power of Aguru v1, he was still no match for Dark Lopsero, and it would be in vain to go up.

As for this guy who is different from Gaia's time and space, just let him solve it.

The Destruction Summoned Body does not have such an ability, so... is it Tartarus again?

Transforming three times in one day, if it weren't for the fact that the source had not experienced many battles and had sufficient energy, an ordinary Ultra warrior would not be able to withstand such consumption.

"I understand, and I will confirm Claude's identity as soon as possible." Fujimiya nodded. Only now did he really understand what the source meant when he said: The earth cannot withstand his search.

Seeing this guy who looked like Ultraman standing in the city like this, coupled with what the source said before, Fujimiya even wondered if the Destruction Summoner had already known that the Earth would give birth to a giant of light.

Even the body summoned by destruction has already encountered giants like Gaia or Agur.

Was that obscure giant once a guardian?

Are they giants of light from other planets in the universe? After being defeated by the summoned body of destruction, did he become the invasion weapon he is now?

These are all Fujimiya's speculations, without any evidence to prove them.

But he felt that maybe it was like this.

In the video, the red light revealed his true form in the glare. Nexus's red body stood in front of the Earth Will Research Institute, facing away from the dark Lopsero.

After searching aimlessly, the one eye emitting milky white light completely locked on Nexus.

There is too much information about the Ultra Warrior in front of him in the database of Dark Lopus Cero.

"Identity confirmed: Ultraman Nexus, execute the elimination plan." After confirming the information about the giant in front of him, Dark Lopus Sero raised his hand high.

The moment he spread his fingers, the ice ax above his head flew out, and he controlled the two ice axes to fly out quickly, driven by his mind power, as casually as if he were wielding a sword.

Nexus did not dare to be careless. He popped out the Storm Sword and waved the sword light, sweeping away the ice axes that were flying horizontally one by one. Although Nexus would pursue them again in the next second, Nexus was also constantly approaching Dark Lops. G.

The database contains the battle data about Nexus loaded by Emperor Caesar-Belia for it. Dark Lopusero responded immediately, flying up and flying backwards at a low altitude. Keep a distance to ensure that you won't be caught up by Nexus.

The ice ax's attacks continued without any mistakes.

Not far away, three aircraft of the Lightning Team flew in at high speed. They were not here to launch an attack, but to observe the situation. They were directly ordered to attack by Commander Shishi.

Because they were not sure what the identity of this new giant was.

Everyone in the air base couldn't come up with an explanation. They were all confused about the giant's appearance and couldn't figure out his origin at all.

Could it be said that it is not distinguished by the earth, sea and sky?

Actually something else?

The commander of the stone chamber did not issue an attack order, but also had the intention of letting Nexus determine the identity of the opponent.

Reminiscing about the appearance of the metal lifeform that transformed into Agur, Commander Shishi had a vague idea in his mind.

But the only thing he couldn't figure out was why he didn't turn into Gaia or Nexus.

If it is a metal life form, why did you choose this image?

The coordinated attacks of the ice ax annoyed Nexus. He could not increase his speed and always kept a distance from Dark Lopusero.

If you can't catch up, you can't get out of the dilemma.

So Nexus chose to take out his other Storm Sword, pop out the two swords directly, push himself with explosive light energy, accelerate to the fastest speed in a short period of time, and instantly cross the distance between each other. When he came to Dark Lops, he cut off his head directly.

Sideways to avoid the blow of the Storm Sword, Dark Lopusero immediately burst out with speed to distance himself. At the same time, the timer above his head also released light green light.

Emelim cut.

Jumping back from the spot, Nexus swiped across Nexus' weapon with one hand, and the eight-point light wheel he pulled out was divided into three, one of which was blocked in front of him, using the eight-point light wheel as a shield to block Ai Melim cut, and the other two eight-point light wheels were driven by telekinesis and hit the ice ax respectively.

There were two explosions in succession, and the ice ax was thrown away by the explosion of the eight-point light wheel, and was led back to his head by the dark Lopsero.

He turned around to collect the ice ax and at the same time canceled the back swing. After quickly accumulating energy, he made an "L" hand shape and released a black and gray beam of light.

Nexus pulled himself back from the iron bridge, and the beam of light passed in front of him and blasted into the sky.

Seizing this opportunity, Nexus turned over and moved his position, slashing out the crescent light blade with the sword of storm, and slashed towards Dark Lopusero's feet.

The name and energy level of this move are displayed in the database, and the corresponding Dark Lopus Cero also responds.

Flying into the sky to avoid the crescent light blade, Dark Lopusero stood high, and the lightless and heatless air waves wrapped around his legs quickly fell down.

Nexus lowered his arms and took off the same way. His single leg armor extended to his knees to protect him. He also performed reverse kicks from the bottom up, not to be outdone.

Lops Flying Kick VS Atomic Flying Kick.

The moment the same kicking skills came into contact, a heat wave swept through the strong wind and dispersed the clouds. The two powerful forces collided up and down, causing destructive force that bent the plants on the surface, and the weaker ones were uprooted. Messy in the wind.

Nexus spread his hands to maintain his balance and landed perfectly, while Dark Lopusero stumbled from the sky and failed to stand still, half-kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, the parts of the thigh that released the kick suddenly exploded. Amidst the crackling sound of wanton electric sparks, Dark Lopusero stood up slowly, not caring at all.

But the appearance of the wound made Fujimiya, Gamu, everyone in the air base, and even the Destruction Resurrection Body who were watching the battle understand the true identity of this giant.

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