Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 423 My dream was such an innocent child, Yuan! Look at the good stuff you've done!

"So, you were imprisoned in another world by Nexus before?"

In the command room of the air base, the three members of the Lightning Team reported what they saw after being enveloped by the light of Nexus, and even took many photos with the camera on the plane.

And these photos are now being displayed on the big screen, being watched by everyone.

Even if you can't understand anything else, this dilapidated city and the loneliness under the blue sky and white clouds can be conveyed to everyone's heart through the photos.

Everyone knows that this is a city, and everyone knows that this is a human city, but why does it become like this?

In other words, what happened after what happened?

"Nexus, why is there such a scene in his alien space, and why does this city appear?" Commander Shishi's heart was heavy. It was difficult for him not to worry about such a scene, especially when this was that time. A message conveyed by the mysterious Ultraman Nexus.

Although it was forced to wrap Team Lightning into a different world, what the different space looked like depended on Nexus himself.

So, what exactly did he go through to make his alien space become like this?

"According to the survey data, the model of this city is probably New York, but" Dunzi compared the appearance of the city in the photo with the appearance of major cities in the real world. Among them, only New York is the most consistent, with a similarity of 100%. Eighty-five, that's almost it.

"Why do you think this is the case?" Commander Shishi couldn't figure it out himself, so he could only choose to ask this question to others, namely Staff Officer Chiba.

"Although Nexus is also very mysterious and even had a war with the blue giant at one point, I can see from his behavior that he is still willing to stand on the side of humans, so he is our comrade-in-arms. "It's rare for Staff Officer Chiba to trust a guy with great power who can't communicate.

It can only be said that Nexus's battle against the meteorite made Staff Chiba's favorability level directly increase.

"Ultraman is a being with powerful power. Any kind of speculation can be placed on Ultraman. Therefore, if this is what Nexus wants to tell us, then this scene should be the future. ." Staff Officer Chiba gave his answer in a deep voice.

"Whether it's Alchemy Star or others, we can predict the arrival of the Destruction Recruitment Body so early, and there's no reason why Ultraman, who is stronger and more mysterious than us, can't do it."

"Do you mean to say that in Ultraman's eyes, this world and this planet will eventually perish?" If this is true, then this is really an unacceptable thing.

If even Ultraman thinks this way, wouldn't all the efforts that humans have made all this time be in vain?

"No, I investigated some ancient information and consulted with Ms. Megumi Kuroda at Inazuma Shrine, and came to a new conclusion." My dream's avatar appeared on the big screen, and his voice attracted the attention of others present. People's attention also saw the intellectual and polite Miss Kuroda Megumi beside him.

Dunzi's eyes were on Kuroda Megumi, biting his lower lip subconsciously, and instinctively took out a ballpoint pen from the pen holder with his plain hand, rubbing it unconsciously.

I dream, why are you always around me

"Actually, whether it's Gaia, Agur, or Nexus, they all appeared in ancient legends, but their names at that time were called Guardians. They came from the birth of this planet. Another sacred gesture." There is a book in front of Kuroda Megumi. Although it may not actually record Nexus, Gaia and Aguru are really possible.

"Actually, the Renlong that appeared last time was also the messenger of the earth, and there are many dragon veins like Renlong. Hundreds of years ago, in the country on the other side of the ocean, there was a legend about a certain dragon-slayer. In fact, They are all the same." Megumi Kuroda had a rare opportunity to popularize theology for these guys who advocated science, so she took the time to start popularizing science.

"Renlong is the messenger of the earth, but he is not the messenger of mankind. I should understand it correctly." Captain Di Cheng asked in return.

"In a sense, yes." Kuroda Megumi nodded, not shying away from anything: "Human beings are creatures living in this era of the earth, and are the children loved by the earth in this era, but this does not mean that It always will be.”

"When I say this, I believe you can understand it."

Kuroda Megumi choked back a sentence that was neither salty nor bland, but there was a touch of irony in the plainness.

"We don't have anything else to say, please continue." Commander Shishi interrupted, which could be regarded as taking a step back on behalf of the air base.

"It's not that Nexus has seen the future, but that Nexus is trying his best to avoid such a future." Kuroda Megumi opened the book and pretended to explain. After all, she didn't know about Nexus' abnormality. Why is space like this?

But it doesn't matter, she didn't know it before, but now she really understands it.

Outside the screen, Yuanquan was gesturing with his hands, and from time to time he took out a notebook and wrote all the explanations on why his Meta Field was like that.

"Now that the destruction has brought about the body attack, all life on earth must unite and work together to protect their home. If they cannot do it, then the future in Nexus's eyes will happen, and everyone in that world will be destroyed. It will become a reality." It seems that he is explaining the words on the book, but in fact he is reading from the notebook.

Megumi Kuroda's acting skills are undoubtedly explosive at this moment.

"He used such a scene to strictly demand that he must never fail. If he failed, it would be like that in the future. That's why." Captain Kajio's mind turned quickly and he reacted immediately.

"That's right. In order to avoid that kind of future, you must become strong, become extremely powerful." Kuroda Megumi nodded and quietly pushed the notebook under the book to cover it up.

"I dream, if this is really the case, then the idea of ​​Nexus is" Commander Stone Chamber pondered for a while before continuing: "All life on earth should unite together and condense into one force at this moment to fight against Destruction invites body.”

"Humans, monsters, and Ultraman must put aside their past grievances."

"I think that's what Nexus means." My dream glanced at the source who nodded with a thumbs up, and said with certainty: "They are completely different concepts from Gaia and Agur."

"How is this possible? You know the Renlong underground in Tokyo. We tried to warn the citizens that it was a mythical beast and would never appear again from now on, but the citizens of Tokyo were still very resistant." Staff Chiba felt it was very outrageous. Although I can understand what Nexus is doing, I don't think it will be successful.

"Ultraman's perspective is different from that of us humans. Those monsters are also creatures living on the earth, just like us humans." Wo Meng nodded and gave the answer.

".I will upload the photos and today's conversation to the headquarters GUARD. Let's stop talking about this issue for now." Commander Shishi ended the topic and did not intend to continue.

Because he knew that discussing this now would not get a real answer at all.

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