Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 426: In addition to cement, there is also a fish with seven heads under Tokyo Bay (everyone

After Geshek, another anaerobic monster appeared - Cardin.

Nexus also appeared this time. He first rescued the members of the Swordfish team in the ocean and took out the submarine they were driving from the mud, allowing them to evacuate smoothly.

Nexus himself turned back to face the anaerobic monster-Kadan.

Its appearance is also due to human beings.

In fact, the person who should be standing here facing it should not be Nexus, nor Gaia in the original work, but Agul.

As the light of the ocean, Aguru is the most qualified to stand in front of it.

But in the same way, Aguru has that qualification, but Fujimiya Hiroshi does not.

Because he is a human, and this monster was born because humans dumped a large amount of garbage and wastewater into the ocean, as well as corpses and chemicals from biological experiments.

These species either flow to the surface of the ocean, or are eventually deposited on the seafloor with waves.

When Nexus transformed and appeared at the bottom of the sea, he actually noticed that the bottom was full of silt. What held the Swordfish team back was not anything else, but the human garbage that settled here.

On Cardin's body, in addition to the presence of the same domestic garbage, there are also restless radiant currents, and even in another place, the ground on the seabed is covered with a thick layer of plastic particles.

It is also human domestic garbage, but it is processed into smaller plastic particles, which are dumped into the sea one by one, and settle here as the waves surge.

Cardin's violent movements made the waves more turbulent. The plastic particles settled in the trench rose and fell, passing by Nexus, and even stuck to his body.

The surging tide carried plastic particles and washed over Nexus' body. Even if he lifted his feet, he could be completely submerged.

The sight around this monster left the source of humanity speechless.

Even Cardin's riot, the body flying up and down, the roar, the vented anger and riot, made Nexus clenched his fists, but his fighting spirit was reduced to a minimum.

Why is there no life here except Kadan?

Why was Nexus able to detect a large amount of nuclear radiation on Cardin through his eyes?

Why is there no trace of human existence at the bottom of this 10,000-meter-deep sea?

Shake your fist at the victim and kill it?

Do we expect humans to regret this and become enlightened?

Do you want to use the power of Ultraman to eliminate disasters caused by people and let this matter continue?


Carrying the light of the sky and becoming the guardian of the sky, Nexus had a clearer understanding of the weight of this identity.

This is a heavier responsibility than myself as Ultraman.

"What's Ultraman's position? Do you want to destroy this monster for mankind?" Although it was only a fleeting observation by the Swordfish team's submarine, Commander Shishi had already clearly seen what kind of scene there was on the seabed.

That scene was like a slap on the face of a human being, the slap was so loud that even the commander of the stone room didn't know how human beings could have the face to destroy this monster.

"Even so, Commander, we are human beings, and as human beings we must consider humanity. Even so, it will bring misfortune to the earth and other lives." Staff Officer Chiba said this with a heavy heart. The birth of Cardan is a sin of mankind, but mankind cannot bear this sin, and even requires Ultraman to bear it and execute its elimination.

Is it Ultraman's responsibility to clean up the mess that humans have done?

Although he wanted to say that this was excessive, Staff Officer Chiba also understood that he was a human being, so he had to say it, that was to clean up the mess of human behavior, and it was necessary.

"Eh..." Commander Shishi took a deep breath, but he still couldn't speak.

And at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea, Nexus raised his hand, but slowly put it down, then raised his hand again and condensed light, but then he still put it down.

Make your choice, as a guardian of the sky, as a human being, choose the path before you.

Will destroying this monster prevent humans from polluting the sea?

Can we prevent such monsters from ever appearing?

This is a choice we have all faced in the Tiga world in the past. At that time, it was told from the perspective of Ultraman and humans, but in the Gaia universe, the identity of the guardian of the earth has been added.

"The mistakes that humans have made, the choices that Ultraman has to face, is this also a guardian? Is this why you let me stand here on Earth?" Clenching his fist, Nexus raised his hand and gathered a lot of energy. The light energy is in the palm of the hand, and the bird core on the chest is shining with extraordinary brilliance.

"I clearly know that I must be more fair and rational, that I must fulfill my responsibilities as Ultraman, and that I must shoulder my responsibilities as a guardian."

"But I am a human being. From a human perspective, I ultimately choose to favor humans."

"Nexus, Earth, is this Ultraman? Is this the Ultra Warrior!"

"Is this... me?!"

Every time I face this kind of choice, I always get no answer, and I feel confused when my mood is agitated.

Once in the world of Tiga, when facing the Lightning Man, Nexus gave the answer.

But is that the answer?

Rather than the answer, it is better to say that the final choice is still partiality.

So even if you add the identity of the guardian of the earth, it still cannot be changed.

So why should humans be given the responsibility of being the guardians of the Earth?

Why, human beings?

At the moment of questioning, Nexus' body released a powerful light, and the red light of life illuminated the sea area. At that moment, all the light escaped into any place in the sea area.

Factors full of life entered the surrounding silt and seawater, filling the life-forbidden area of ​​this oxygen-free sea.

He is re-giving life to this sea area, using his own light to complete the purification, allowing this forbidden area of ​​​​life to return to the embrace of the ocean.

Nexus did it. Although he did not have the corresponding skills, his light full of passionate life was the best nourishment for this forbidden sea of ​​life.

The red light dissipated, the garbage on the seabed has been broken down into molecules, and the plastic particles have been completely purified.

The oxygen-free world is re-infused with the brilliance of life.

Sporadic bubbles are a sign of leaving the restricted area of ​​life.

Nexus's timer began to flash, releasing powerful light energy to purify the sea area. Although it was only a drop in the bucket, although it could only change for a while, although humans would cause greater damage in the future, although

Perhaps there is still some illusion in the heart. Human beings who fantasize about Gaia's time and space can finally wake up.

Because Ultraman is here, there is still a glimmer of hope, but in those worlds without Ultraman, the situation under the sea will probably never change.

If we expect humans to wake up, we might as well expect the earth to recover.

Cardin stopped rioting and stopped his anger. It was an ancient deep-sea creature, originating from an oxygen-free world long, long ago.

In this polluted sea area, it originally built an oxygen-free world to live in, but human beings' behavior of tilting those things eventually changed it, from a cellular life form to what it is today. An image of Cardin.

It is going to turn this world into an oxygen-free world and return the earth to what it was like hundreds of millions of years ago.

But everything came to nothing in front of this half-kneeling giant.

Regardless of its own existence, the world it conceived, or whether it wanted to let humans taste the mistakes it had made for some kind of anger, after all, in the light full of life, Cardin saw the will of this giant. I also saw his helplessness and desire.

A long, low cry resounded in the deep sea. It was the last sound made by Cardin. This distant cry seemed to be transmitted to the deepest part of the earth's core, as if it wanted to spread throughout the entire ocean.

Cardin is telling someone something, or perhaps he is yearning for the will of Mother Earth at the bottom of the unreasonable ocean.

In the collapse and decomposition of the self, Kadan scattered in pieces.

It is self-killing and is suicide.

Regardless of hatred or hope, in front of this giant, it finally gave up its persistence.

Because it understands that it is impossible to achieve.

But the person he was complaining to was not the guardian of the ocean, which still made Cardin feel a little unwilling.

So this feeling is regret?

Forget it, we have to go to that world anyway.

Sooner or later, humans will get there anyway.

Maybe everyone there is waiting for the arrival of humans.

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