Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 574 Noah-Lightning (disabled) VS Zaki-Lightning

Maintaining the core pulse output, they both raised their hands at the same time. Although the light released by one hand was not powerful enough, it was enough at this time.

Two rays of light, one red and one white, touched together, but this time it was different. It moved from far to near normally, instead of the close-to-distant collision like the core pulse.

The almost equal energy impact brought the two into a stalemate again. The two sides continued to attack, and the one with the upper hand would not always be just one person.

Cracks began to appear on the surface of the moon, and the powerful energy offset spread to the moon itself, consuming the moon's body.

Once the afternoon continues, the moon will be ruined sooner or later.

You must know that in the original battle with the puppet Zaki, if it were not on the magical planet O-50, the energy conflict between him and the puppet Zaki would have been enough to destroy the entire planet.

The moon is not as magical as O-50, and its endurance limit is not high.

Zaki didn't want to maintain a stalemate, he wanted an absolute victory.

Nexus doesn't want that either. What he wants is a tangible victory.

But the too close strength made both sides' desires become a reality, and it became a stalemate where no one could suppress the other.

But a party to break this deadlock is about to appear.

Driving the Phoenix Nest and flying out from the earth, basically all the GUYS members were there.

Except for Mirai, who couldn't be contacted for some reason, they all came here.

"The energy value is very scary. If this continues, the moon will not be able to bear it!" Zheping, who was always observing and adjusting the data, immediately gave the current situation of both parties. The too dazzling scene almost lit up the moon. I am afraid that standing on the earth now, as long as people raise their heads, they can see the strange scene of the sun and the moon together at noon.

"We can't tell the winner in a short period of time. The strength of the dark giant is very close to Nexus, and they can't suppress each other." Mariina also gave the answer to her observation.

"Then let's be the last push to break the deadlock!" Aihara Ryuu keenly sensed the opportunity. Now that the two sides are too close, an outside force is needed to break the deadlock.

Whichever side outsiders help, they can bring a devastating blow to the other side.

"That's right. Prepare the meteor technology immediately and use the most powerful Phoenix Miracle Beam." Qishui naturally also knows the importance of catching fighters. Zhaji placed the pair of waves, unable to dodge, standing like a target. That is definitely the best time for Phoenix Nest to launch an attack.

Seeing the Phoenix Nest flying above Nexus's head and the entire machine began to glow, Zaki, who noticed a powerful energy gathering, let out a threatening roar, as if he wanted to threaten the GUYS team and others. get away.

But Qishui and the others were completely unaware that everyone in the team was preparing to launch an attack in an orderly manner. They must give Zaki a hard blow at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The entire body of the Phoenix Nest emits golden light, and it becomes more and more powerful. The accumulated energy gathers at the front of the muzzle. After a short period of energy storage, a thick plasma beam blasts out from above Nexus, forming a third The road went straight into the harsh beam of light.

Unlike the two opposing rays of light, the Phoenix Miracle Beam hit Zaki directly on the chest without any obstruction, instantly applying a plasma beam with power approximately equal to the temperature of the sun onto Zaki's body.

This became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Normally Zaki could ignore this light, but at such an important juncture, this attack that he only needed to take a little more seriously became the key to his defeat. The final move.

Realizing that the output power of Zaki's core pulse had weakened momentarily, Nexus seized the opportunity and exploded all the light energy, defeating Zaki's core pulse and palm beam in an instant, directly hitting Zaki's core pulse. body.


Zaki's body, which was hit by three kinds of light, erupted with endless fire and explosions. The raging light and the ultimate darkness erupted into the most extreme conflict, reacting everywhere on Zaki's body surface and body, giving him considerable pain. .

The impact caused by the extreme energy explosion was no small matter. Nexus stopped the follow-up attack and immediately jumped up. He hugged the Phoenix Nest and protected it on his chest. He resisted the impact of the explosion with his back and was submerged in the lunar soil. In the smoke and dust.

The flames hit Nexus' crouched body with a strong shock wave.

But in order to protect the Phoenix Nest, Nexus squatted half-crouched and remained motionless.

On the other side, after Zaki howled one after another, Zaki slowly stood up on the crystallized ground burned by the high temperature. Even though his body was still emitting sparks of collisions, Zaki still stood up.

The smoke and dust could not cover his persistence, and the pain aroused his submerged reason. His wolf-like red eyes locked on Nexus not far away through the white smoke. Zhaji slowly stood up, right in this pit. In the cave, at this injured place, he slowly raised his arm and spread it flat on his side.

The dark universe seemed to be agitated by the appearance of this move. The boiling dark energy was like boiling water, surging crazily around Zaki, layer after layer, even distorting the starlight.

Nexus held the Phoenix Nest flat, and after watching the Phoenix Nest fly up and away slowly, he nodded to everyone in the machine.

"Leave the battlefield immediately! Our duties have been completed. Leave the rest to him." Qishui also nodded. Understanding what Nexus meant, he did not hesitate and directly ordered: "Evacuate at full speed!"


Watching the Phoenix Nest leave, Nexus immediately turned around and without any hesitation, directly used his special skill that truly suppresses the bottom of the box.

When facing Zaki, this move is the only way to end the battle.

He raised his hands in front of him and raised his left hand towards his side. Although the golden light drawn was dim and calm, this faint light trapped in the darkness was about to bloom.

"I will not lose to Nexus! Absolutely not!" After regaining his senses, Zaki could not bear to lose to anyone else except Noah.

Zaki-Lightning. He will use this move to kill Nexus and win!

But when he saw Nexus's starting position, the figure of Nexus reflected in his red eyes vaguely overlapped with someone for a moment.

"That posture... that move... you are!" Zaki seemed to have discovered something, and shouted angrily: "You are not Nexus!"

"I am Nexus, but I am also a human being!" He raised his left hand and placed his bent right hand against the elbow of his left hand. At that moment, restless light was released from Nexus' hand, and the platinum Colorful light rushed out.

The ultimate dark impact of black and red mixed with lightning also rushed out. Zaki's special move was nothing fancy, a head-on collision!

Noah-Lightning (incomplete) VS Zaki-Lightning!

Another confrontation, another confrontation, two super-limited sure-kill moves collided with each other, time was banned, space was shattered, everything was swallowed up by the light mixed with darkness, even the Phoenix Nest that was evacuating with all its strength. It was also affected and almost completely lost motivation.

"Yes, you are him! You are him!! It turns out you are too! Hahaha!" The stalemate lasted only a moment. Noah-Lightning blessed by the legendary stone suppressed Zaki's power, and gradually pushed forward to break Zaki's darkness. .

But Zaki was not surprised but delighted. When he saw Nexus in front of him using this move, he knew that Nexus, who was originally just food in his eyes, had changed.

Not only Gumen, this guy is also Noah!

"Hahaha! I remember your scent, Nexus, and I will come back to find you again!" The defeat was inevitable, and Zaki accepted it calmly, allowing Noah-Lightning to hit his body and destroy him. body.

He is immortal and is just taking a trip to the monster graveyard.

He will come back.

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