Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 596 Nexus, you bastard! (Umino face)

"Nanami! Nanami!" He headed towards the hospital against the flow of people. Affected by the flow of people fleeing in panic, Yuanquan's speed inevitably slowed down.

Tokyo Hospital is right in front of us, but this journey is difficult.

When he turned the corner and separated from the crowd, the roaring voice of the source suddenly stopped, because what appeared in front of him at this moment was no longer a bustling street, but a scorched earth covered by ruins.

Blood and fleshy foam can be seen everywhere, bodies crushed by collapsed houses, pierced by sharp steel bars, and corpses of those who were running for their lives, trampled to death by the crowd, and almost turned into pulp...

This is completely different from the scenes he has seen in his life. Living in a world without monsters and wars, Source has never seen these at all.

This scene, which was like hell, and the burnt smell wafting in the air made him nauseous.

Some faint cries for help can be heard in the ears. Under the cover of numerous ruins, the fire of life is already very weak.

Such oppression of wanting to die without being able to die only makes people suffer more.

Desire to live, but it is impossible to live.

At that moment, his head hurt like acupuncture. Yuanquan covered his head and half-knelt on the ground in pain.

In his mind, some memories that did not belong to him but belonged to him appeared out of thin air, as if someone had forced them in, which made him particularly painful.

As if being stimulated by this hellish scenery, what came to mind was the scene of the red light covering the sky and the two red suns under the dim sky.

Strange monsters wander around the city, looking for any living thing.

The machine gun in his hand sprayed fire snakes, but in front of the strange-looking unknown creature, all the bullets were in vain.

The tentacles swaying at will can take away a living life every time. The torn body is wrapped in blood and organs, scattered on the cement floor.

"This...is..." Gritting his teeth, these memories that did not belong to the source at all were struck by the scene in front of him and resonated with him.

Vaguely, Yuanquan saw part of the scene that another Yuanquan encountered in his life.

It is a rare memory to be touched by the scene.

Although it was only part of it, it was enough to shock the source.

In another place, after also witnessing the cruel scene in the area where the monster appeared, Xiao Hui stretched out her hand to support the wall, her head slightly dizzy.

Some pictures also appeared in her mind, some memories of Xiao Hui that also did not belong to her and belonged to another world.

Living together with the source, even going out to play together, lying on the sofa together and cuddling with each other, and watching some of the increasingly serious current situations played on TV.

The memories in these fragments are truly like those experienced by Xiaohui herself.

But she clearly remembered that she and the source had not done any of this.

The person living with him is not himself, but Dagu.

So what is the source of these memories...

Shaking her head, Xiaohui dispersed the things in her mind, forced herself to cheer up, and continued to look for Qihai.

But whether she really doesn't care about it, who can know?

Obviously, Xiao Hui did not suddenly have another memory of hers appear in her mind because she was moved by the scene, but because she was also affected by the source, so she also awakened.

This is not impossible. You must know that in the original Super 8 theatrical version, Aqiu, Anu and others awakened with the memories of the four elders, and also remembered everything about the other world. It can be said that they are closely related .

"What is that, what on earth is that!" Standing up sweating profusely, Yuanquan's spirit was severely tested. After bearing something he had never carried before, he became overwhelmed and became hysterical.

"Hey! Nexus! Tell me what that is!"

"If you want to know, just transform into me." The Evolved Truster appeared in front of the source again. Nexus's voice was calm, but it could not hide the complexity in his words: "As long as you are of one mind with me, you Only then can we fully know this.”

"I don't want to know this, I want to ask you if this has anything to do with you!" I have never changed like this before today. The only possibility is the problem of Spark Arms and Nexus.

Yuanquan believes that it is definitely related to him.

"...That's not important." After a moment of silence, Nexus had no intention of telling Yuanquan the story between himself and Xiao Hui, so he chose to change the subject.

"Aren't you going to save Nanami? Take my power, even if you don't transform." After a pause, before closing the link, Nexus added: "I hope you can wake up soon. That day."

"What did I realize? Nexus! You bastard!"

Mebius ignored what happened on the ground. The two-tailed monster and Gudun, two monsters that were supposed to be predators and hunters, put aside their natural enemy relationship at this moment and chose to deal with him, Ultraman. .

To say that there is no one behind this, Mebius doesn't believe it.

He is not unfamiliar with these two monsters. The teaching materials compiled by Brother Jack are very detailed. The relationship between the two-tailed monster and Gu Dun, as well as various data indicators and abilities, Mebius is clear about it.

Making a fighting stance, Membius strode forward. The first target he rushed to was the two-tailed monster that was pushing crazily across the road.

Mumbius hit the body of the two-tailed monster with a kick and stopped it from being castrated. Mumbius grabbed the two ponytails of the two-tailed monster and pulled it out of the center of the city.

The two-tailed monster howled crazily, but it could not withstand the power of Membius. Membius's unique position prevented the two-tailed monster from biting his feet with its head below, which also caused the two-tailed monster to squirm three times. The axe is completely useless.

Obviously, Mebius has quite a lot of experience in dealing with two-tailed monsters, and these experiences are accumulated from fighting countless novice monsters in the virtual arena.

The two-tailed monster is apparently one of them.

Mebius spun out of position, and the moment he spun around, Membius' lightsaber popped out, slicing across the body of the two-tailed monster.

This sword is very powerful. The sharp lightsaber empowers the swordsman's aura and kills the two-tailed monster with one strike.

After all, the two-tailed monster is really not that strong...

The body was cut into two pieces. The two-tailed monster fell to the ground wailing, and its body exploded, completely annihilating it.

Seeing this, Membius was about to turn around when he was hit by a meat whip in the back. When sparks were fired, he staggered forward.

Turning around, Gudun took steps and walked towards Membius.

Gudun was stronger than the two-tailed monster, but his strength was limited. Menbius retracted his lightsaber, lowered his body slightly, and then suddenly jumped up. His body flipped several times in the air. His figure was like a flying swallow, which made people dazzled. .

But then, the left foot that was ignited with flames fell from the sky, penetrated Gu Dun's body, wrapped his body in the flames, and caused it to burst open with a wail.

Membim's atomic explosion.

Although he is a new recruit, Membius is no longer a fledgling boy.

With equal emphasis on strength and experience, monsters like the Two-tailed Monster and Gu Dun are no longer his opponents.

Even executing a few moves on his hands was difficult.

After destroying the two monsters with the power of thunder, Mebius crossed his hands on his chest, canceled the transformation and returned to his human posture in the brilliant golden light.

As soon as he landed, Mirai immediately turned around and waved an energy cursor, successfully blowing down a street lamp. Other than that, he had no other achievements.

"Eh?" Future scratched his head in confusion. He clearly felt strong malice and negative energy in that position just now.

The malice was so serious that he was so irritated that he attacked without thinking.

...Is it an illusion?

"Nanami!" Dagu's shouts could be vaguely heard not far away. Mirai could only put the doubts in his heart and turned around to join Dagu.

Because it is quite long, about 21 chapters, I will update it three times for the time being, to finish the short novel quickly and save time on procrastination.

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