Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 605 Origin: My pain is far greater than yours! (Penn smashes his face)

Not only Qiuzi was rushed to the hospital, but also Mirai.

Yuanquan and Dagu arrived almost in tandem with two wounded people on their backs. They didn't care to chat, and immediately called a nurse to put the two people in the car and push them away. I was pushed all the way to the emergency room, and that was the end.

But the tense atmosphere between the two is real. Yuanquan is obsessed with Aunt Qiuzi's injury, and feels that he didn't go there in time.

Dagu, on the other hand, was worried about his future body. Dagu had no specific idea of ​​how much damage would be caused by forcibly launching the Ultra Bomb at the last moment. But he knew that when he first found the future, his clothes had been burned to tatters, and even he himself had completely lost consciousness, lying motionless in the ruins.

"Yuan, I'm going to find it." After sitting in silence for a long time on the chair, Dagu finally stood up and said firmly: "The future tells me that there are seven brave men in this world, waiting for me to wake them up, so that they can save the world.”

"Save? Parallel world theory? You also remember my dream paper." Rubbing his face with his hands, Yuanquan sighed and continued: "So who do you think the Seven Warriors are?"

"Uncle Hayata, the four of them, Asuka, I Meng and you." Dagu stared at the source tightly and said with great certainty: "You must be one of the seven brave men, and that bracelet is proof. And maybe you in the parallel world are...!"

"Dagu!" Yuanquan interrupted Dagu's subsequent words. In his silence, Yuanquan rolled up his sleeves, revealing his spark weapon.

"I don't know why you think that. Maybe that's true, but I'm not thinking about that right now."

"Even if I really am Ultraman in the parallel world, that doesn't mean I am."

"Now I just want to wait for Aunt Qiuzi to get out of danger. I can't accompany you to find the Seven Warriors. I'm sorry."

Yuanquan's mood was very low, and he once again took the responsibility on himself.

"..." Dagu didn't say much, he could only pat Yuanquan's shoulder silently, and then left quickly.

He wants to find the existence of the Seven Warriors and let them definitely recall his memories from another world, and then become Ultraman.

"Future has fallen. I can't let him down. I can't let him drag his body like this to fight anymore!"

Dagu didn't take the fact that he was Ultraman to heart. In fact, he didn't even dare to think about it. The Seven Warriors he always thought were others and did not exist at all.

This is proof of lack of self-confidence, and it is also proof of having an inferiority complex about oneself.

With this mentality, Dagu couldn't see himself clearly, and he couldn't find the Seven Warriors at all.

Because he doesn't believe it himself, how can he let others believe it?

Suddenly seven hours passed, and Aunt Qiuzi, who was transferred to the ward, had a bandage wrapped around her head and a neck brace, which showed that she was seriously injured.

In the future, his physical strength will be exhausted, his mental strength will reach its limit, and he will be placed in a general ward.

Since he had no identification in this world, it would have been a bit troublesome, but Nanami stepped in and completed all the procedures, successfully preventing Mirai's identity from being exposed.

At this moment, sitting next to Aunt Qiuzi is no longer the source, but Keiko and Hideki Go.

The two of them sat side by side in silence, watching their mother and beloved on the bed.

Guilt and regret permeate the heart and torture the soul.

"Go, Xiaohui." The calm atmosphere was broken by Xiang Xiushu. Xiaohui turned his head in surprise and looked at his father.

"Go to him. That kid is a person who will take all the blame on himself. If no one enlightens him, he will definitely get into trouble."

"Besides, it's time for him to return to the source you are familiar with." Xiu Shu turned his head, glanced at someone hiding in the opposite corner, and continued: "All along, we believed that he would leave on his own. Come out, but there are some things that only you can say."

"Dad, Da Gu has been telling me secretly about Yuan's situation. All I know is that I just wanted to wait for him to take the initiative to talk to me." Xiao Hui nodded: "It's just... the brave man he used to be doesn't seem to be able to Know where to go."

"It is precisely because he cares about you that he has been carefully maintaining this relationship." Xiu Xiu looked at Qiuzi silently, and his mind was filled with the things he had done when he was young and everything between him and Qiuzi.

"Go quickly, that kid is sitting on the rooftop, probably thinking about something that he doesn't have."

The wind on the rooftop was strong, ruffling the hair on Yuanyuan's forehead.

A girl suddenly appeared hiding behind the balcony.

She has figured out the difference between the sources now. During the conversation with Xiao Hui, she knew that this source was not the other source.

This also made her cautious and did not dare to approach him. After all, he was not the one she was familiar with. Who knows how different he was.

The door to the balcony was opened, and Xiao Hui walked out of the darkness and stood in the golden light of the setting sun. The short dusk made the light and shadow on the horizon look like a dream.

Dusk is the time when darkness exists but is least dark.

Dusk is when light exists but is at its weakest.

There was darkness behind him, and the afterglow was engraved in front of him. Xiaohui followed suit and walked behind the source.

She still didn't speak, just stood silently, and the inexplicable meaning in her eyes made her look even more complicated.

"I already know what happened to you, Yuan." After a long silence, Xiao Hui finally spoke: "You... no, there is another you."

"Another me?" Yuanquan turned his head, and the remaining tears on his eyelids dispersed, becoming vaguely invisible: "What do you mean by this?"

"When you ran away before, I met a girl. The girl said that she came across the world and was looking for the source." A conversation with Saori allowed Xiaohui to get far more information than the source herself: "So, there are two sources, you and the source attached to you, the other world."

"What? He is...me?" This news was so explosive that Yuanquan pointed at himself in disbelief and murmured: "Me in the parallel world? Wait, he is obviously..."

He is obviously Ultraman Nexus, how could it be me?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

If it were me, even in a parallel world, I would never want to become Ultraman!

Become the source of Ultraman? What a joke!

"So, why don't you come out and talk to me? I have a lot of questions to ask you." The reason why Xiao Hui's expression was complicated was because she probably guessed that the dream last night might not be a dream at all.

Maybe those are what happened to another source.

It's just...another source, is his other half also Xiaohui?

"Hey! Nexus! Are you really another me?" With a spark armed in front of him, Source asked: "Why don't you tell me this! You!!"

"Do you want me to tell you that I am another source, and then I helplessly look at Xiaohui, who is also my true love, and then..." Nexus's plain voice was mixed with painful moans. He didn't want to have such a bad past. Expose even half of it to yourself and Xiaohui in this world.

"Do you think it was me who wanted to come to this world?"

"Do you think I feel how I feel when I see you and Xiaohui quarreling every day?"

"What else do you want me to say? What exactly do you want me to admit?"

"I know clearly that she is your Xiaohui, not mine, but even so, using reason to suppress emotion, do you know the pain I feel!"

"My pain is greater than yours! (Penn smashes his face)"

Only Yuanquan could hear these words. He opened his heart for the first time. After Yuanquan learned these buried truths, he made his mouth squirm and couldn't say a word.

"Nexus, what exactly happened to you before?"

"Oh, if you want to know, just..."

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