Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 607 It’s addiction, not love (Don’t read that kind of book...)

"Okay, okay, don't cry." Xiaohui wiped away the tears on her face and comforted the crying Saori.

Although there had been some unpleasantness before, it seemed that no matter how many tears were shed under the story of this magnificent man's life, there were not enough tears.

"I just... I just didn't expect him to be..." Saori once lost her emotions. Although time has made up for it a lot, she is still not as good as ordinary people after all.

In the end, extreme closeness is only close, not truly achieved.

There are some emotions that Saori cannot understand.

And some emotions, in the consciousness before the lack, will be subconsciously misunderstood.

He quarreled with her, joked with her, his fighting ability was as good as the strongest in the universe (in Saori's eyes), and he was the source of never looking back once he set a goal. In her eyes, he could be called anything.

But the only thing she didn't expect was that his past would be like this.

The emotions suppressed in his heart would be so strong.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that compared to me, I was happy in that world, but also unfortunate."

Fortunately, she had the love and dependence that she longed for but never got.

Unfortunately, she couldn't accompany him to the end.

Monsters don’t care who you love, and they won’t stop because of who they see.

In the monster's perception, humans are just moving ants.

A fragile foot can crush it to death, so why care about what the ants think?

Meeting, getting to know each other, falling in love, accompanying each other, until the final parting, everything she witnessed with her own eyes finally made Xiaohui understand what she lacked.

"I...he really likes you, Sister Hui." Wiping away the tears on her face, Saori didn't dare to argue anymore, especially when she saw Yuanquan kneeling on the ground, facing the person he couldn't pull at all. It becomes even more unbearable when the huge boulder is powerless and howling like a child.

Was there ever a time when he was so weak? You can't protect the one you love most when you don't have the strength.

But after having the power, it was already too late.

Has this fact been torturing his heart?

So that's it, so the frown on his face after he fell asleep on the sofa was the guilt that he couldn't let go of?

Until now, he has...

"No, he doesn't love me, he loves his Xiaohui. Even though we look exactly the same and are similar in all aspects, to me and to him, we are not the most important to each other. People." Just as Yuanyuanquan can rationally distinguish the difference between the two, Xiaohui can also clearly distinguish the difference between the two.

Perhaps, it may also be because Xiaohui knows that she cannot replace her position in Yuanquan's heart.

In the following scenes, those scenes of becoming Ultraman's future battles passed by one after another.

Gained strength, found companions, supplemented the light, completed evolution, killed the betrayer, destroyed the destroyer, gave up his invincible power to awaken the dead planet, became the savior that no one praised, and finally, A warrior who lives for others, a man who longs for redemption loses the meaning of his existence after completing the mission he set for himself.

There were so many things going on that he had no time to think about the meaning of his existence.

But the piling up of things made him busier and more confused.

Because these things can be done by another person, because these things are not necessary for him.

This is not the meaning of his existence. He should have more...more extravagant desires.

"Do you like him?" Xiao Hui asked suddenly after reading all the pictures and focusing on the picture of Nexus standing alone on the cliff looking at the universe.

"Well, I like him and I think I..."

"Do you really like him?" Xiaohui interrupted Saori and asked closely: "I saw you in his memory. Do you really like him?"

"Instead of him giving you his own light for a long time, making you feel dependent on him. And this sense of dependence makes you think it is love?" Xiao Hui saw it clearly and got the memory of Xiao Hui in that world. Although she can clearly distinguish the difference between the two sources, emotionally she pities Nexus very much.

It's really not easy for him.

His life up to now has been full of sorrows and joys, ups and downs, and ups and downs, which are not enough to describe his past.

I am Xiaohui, but I am not Xiaohui. I have no love for him, but under the influence of my memory, I feel pity and worry for him.

"Dependence? But I will have a sense of dependence on him. Isn't that love?" Saori tilted his head, infinitely close to human emotions, but only infinitely close after all. The part she was missing was sharply pointed out by Xiao Hui.

"It's not the same. You feel dependent on him because you are used to his power. His power will make you feel happy, satisfied and happy."

"But that's not love, not at all. It's just an addiction formed by long-term habits. It's dependent on substances. It's not like it at all." As she said that, Xiaohui seemed to be thinking of herself and said rather self-deprecatingly: "Of course. , I’m not qualified to tell you, after all, my own feelings are not responded to..."

"Xiao Hui!" However, the moment he finished speaking, a call full of anxiety came from a distance.

Suddenly appearing from the dream world, Yuanquan hugged Xiaohui with red eyes, and the eyes that had already cried bitterly started to burst into tears again.

"I understand, I finally understand what he meant by what he said to me!" Smelling the scent of Xiaohui's hair, Yuanquan sobbed and said, "Let me cherish the people in front of me, and don't regret it after losing them. "

“Once the treasure in your palm passes, you can never catch it again.”

"Hold on to the little happiness, and be careful not to let it slip away if you don't pay attention."

"These words you said are all your own feelings!" Yuanquan, who was holding Xiaohui, raised his head and shouted in this dream world: "Nexus! Another me! I finally understand, understand you Why do you dislike me so much?"

"Why do you feel upset just looking at me?"

"You must look down on me. I'm such a coward, and I look like a clown compared to you!" Yuanquan has no regard for his own face, and has degraded himself to the point of being worthless.

When he finished reading the life of a man named Nexus, who was also the "Source", he felt very small.

In front of him, what he did was just a joke.

But his call did not receive a response from Nexus. Instead, a guy who had degraded himself from the higher world was attracted, broke through the boundaries of reality, and was able to appear in this dream world.

However, after self-degradation, He was no longer Him, not even a sphere, but turned into a crawling mollusc-like creature. It suddenly grew in size above the crowd, and then swam down.

"That's..." None of the group had seen what this worm-like monster was. Even though it was full of malice, everyone could not escape and could only watch.

At the critical moment, the Spark Arms released a stream of light and built a shield to block the opponent's attack.

At the same time, the spark weapon released a bright light, and Nexus, who was forcibly inserted from the outside world, used this as a basis, and blocked everyone in front of everyone with his red body.

Came just in time.

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