Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 613 As Jack Sang’s son-in-law, my one-on-two skills have been maxed out.

"Why are you so familiar with one versus two?" Yuanquan hadn't reacted yet, but Nexus had already taken the lead in getting out of the one versus two dilemma and responded to two completely different opponents.

"Just like the person you like is Xiaohui, the person I like is also Xiaohui. One versus two, I am a veteran."

Otherwise, how can we say that we like the same person? Go Hideki is a classic one versus two, he likes his daughter, so as a son-in-law, he also has this fate.

One against two or something is too normal.

Once you do it more often, you really get used to it.

"That's what I said... I always feel like you have a story." Yuanquan secretly complained, but this moment of distraction caused a loss of one-mindedness, causing Nexus' movements to freeze for a moment, and he almost failed to escape. Gob's sweep followed.

Nexus took a few steps back, stretched out his hand and shot a light arrow from his palm, hitting Chao Gob's chest. However, even Chao Gob's scratching machine couldn't do this.

"Can you use some suitable moves? There is enough light energy, so don't use such tricks." Seeing himself firing a light arrow from his palm at the thick-skinned Super Gob, Nexus was really Bengbu paused: "Use another trick!"

"I've been looking at it. The list of skills is a bit long. I'm still looking for it." Yuanquan had to worry about the battle over there on the one hand, and on the other hand he had to look for suitable moves. He was so busy that he didn't know what to do and fell into panic.

"...Don't look at the moves at the bottom. They are not what you can use now. Just look at the moves written in blue. You can use them all." Nexus made a mark, and in Outside, he grabbed Chaogob's horns with both hands, pinned it aside, and punched it hard several times to knock it back.

Nexus took a few steps back, his body moved again, and he was still preparing to release the ultimate light, the rushing gesture.

"Can you not use a big move as soon as you come up? If you have enough energy, you can't waste it like this. Will the fool on the other side just wait for death?" Seeing the movements of the source, Nexus couldn't help complaining.

"It's annoying. If this doesn't work, that won't work either, so let's do this!" Source canceled the release of the ultimate light _ rushing. He raised his hand and pointed it forward, and raised his hand to throw out the eight-point light wheel.

Source is still very familiar with this move. When he was a child, he often saw the first generation and Jack using this move, and also destroyed many monsters.

Dizzy when he looked at the skill list, he could only choose a move that seemed familiar to him, and then used it casually.

The Hippolyte star, who was also very familiar with the eight-point light wheel, subconsciously covered his nose to prevent him from ending up like his fellow humans.

Super Gob tore apart the eight-point light wheel with a wave of his hand, which made the Hippolyte people feel relieved.

But even so, it still covered its nose with its hand and said in a sullen voice: "Is it just a little trick like this? Nexus, this is not worthy of your status as the emperor's appointee!"

"Before you say this, can you put down the hand covering your nose first..." Yuanquan started to complain in time.

He found it a bit funny that the Hippolyte was so arrogant even though he was extremely scared.

"Emperor? It turns out you are also from that timeline." Knowing Emperor Ampera, knowing that he was appointed by the Emperor, it is self-evident which universe the Hippolytes come from and what time period they are from. .

"Hmph, I will step on you to get to the top and become a strong man famous in the universe!" The Hippolyte put down his hand and bet that the eight-point light wheel would completely disappear and his nose would not be cut.

"...It's so hot, if it weren't for Zaki..." If it weren't for the fact that he had exhausted all his strength to fight Zaki and made himself weak, the Hippolyte could stand in front of him for more than three seconds even if it was blessed by its ancestors. It's his turn to talk nonsense here.

On the other side, it was also the first time that he transformed into Tiga, but because he had the memory of Da Gu from another world, Da Gu seemed to be particularly comfortable even if he got started for the first time.

While his skills are maxed out, his level in all aspects is not bad, and he can still have the upper hand even in one versus two situations.

Rather than being funny like the two guys next to him who seemed to have the same mind.

It's just that Rechubas's lineup with Eye Q, which can advance, attack, retreat, defend, and interfere with corners, makes Tiga unable to deliver an accurate and effective one-hit kill in a short period of time.

Although it is a deadlock, it is only a temporary deadlock. Dega will find an opportunity sooner or later.

But before that opportunity came, the Hippolytes pretended to pounce on Nexus, but in fact they flew in mid-air and suddenly changed direction, condensed the glass cover instantly, and enveloped Tiga, locking him inside.

This is also a very familiar move. Hippolyte used this move to kill the Otto brothers and solidify them into bronze statues.

If Father Ao hadn't arrived, I'm afraid they would have perished by then.

Ace's reputation as a team-killing engine is not false. In a team fight, only the team is left, and there are pits that even Ao's father can't close, which really makes Ace seem so real.

This shield cannot be broken from the inside, and the living body trapped inside will be drenched in Hippolyte's special oil in despair, and then solidify into a bronze statue.

Tiga was locked in and unable to resist, but Nexus flew up, and the green ring that disturbed his wrist suddenly shot out, forming an impact circle, and landed on the glass cover in a concussive form.

Stop ring.

The movement of the glass cover slowly stopped, and the stop ring and the glass cover had a resonance reaction. They both exploded at the same time and scattered like stars. Hippolyte's plan to kill one of the Ultraman first was in vain. .

In this way, Nexus rescued Tiga, but he himself was inevitably set on fire.

Eye Q emerged from the ground and headed straight for Nexus.

Nexus only had time to grab Eye Q's tentacles with both hands to prevent it from sticking close and being sucked into Eye Q's body.

It was normal for him to lose power for a moment and be suppressed. Super Gob gathered golden thunder, condensed a large amount of lightning in the sky, rumbled down, and exploded on Zainexus.

The range of this attack is so wide that it even includes Eye Q, causing both sides to be damaged at the same time.

Seeing that the Q was blown up, it jumped up and down, wailing and retreating. Before it could make any other moves, a red light rising from the ground knocked it away and flipped it over.

This red light rose to a sufficient height, and the red earth giant suddenly landed, causing the earth to emit a huge round of applause to welcome his appearance.


I know everything about Gaia's appearance. She has made several solid appearances on her own TV. Since she started making guest appearances, Gaia's appearance has been quite shocking.

As soon as Gaia appeared, she immediately set her sights on Yan Q.

It was naturally obvious who he wanted to fight.

On the other side, brilliant light like the starry sky descended from the universe, and Dyna appeared in the starlight, intercepting him in front of his old rival, Rechubas.

There is still some grudge between the two of them after all.

"Dina... Gaia... Damn it!" Seeing two more Ultraman join the battlefield, the Hippolyte star suddenly had a splitting headache when he looked at the crowd of four Ultra Warriors.

But it doesn't matter. Back then, its kin could kill the five Ultraman brothers one by one, but now there are only four Ultramans, so it's not a big problem.

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