Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 617 Heisei Three Hooligans, Specializing in Fighting the Five Emperors (Yeah)

I still remember the first appearance of the Five Emperor Beasts. At that time, it was still on the TV of Galaxy S. Before appearing as the final boss, it defeated both Shengli and Galaxy. It was a powerful monster that once brought deep despair to mankind.

Although he was later defeated by the stronger Galaxy and Ultraman Victory, this could not change the fact that the Five Emperors were powerful.

But therein lies the problem.

The second appearance of the Five Emperors after being killed was in the theatrical version of Ultra Ten Warriors, which also appeared in the previous chapter.

Appearing this time, the invincible Five Emperors met its eternal rivals. From now on, they will accompany it on the stage and beat it violently forever.

From then on, whenever the Five Emperors appear in the new generation, the Three Heroes of Heisei will inevitably follow them and have opportunities to appear.

Even if it's not the main body, it's the same thing if it's cards, medals, and the like.

From then on, the Five Emperors fell into a strange circle, which was unable to escape from the vicious circle of the Heisei Three Heroes.

It can never escape the nightmare of the Three Heroes following it.

This also caused the Five Emperors to steal the show in front of other Ultraman, and they were the well-deserved Five Emperors.

But in front of the three heroes, it was just the fifth brother king...

In fact, there was another point that Nexus couldn't understand when he first watched the show, and that was that Etaluga's ability was to stir up the fear in a person's heart, and then materialize it to directly bring the object of fear to the person. Conjured up.

So here comes the question. Among the ten Ultraman present, who fears the Five Emperors...

It can’t possibly be the Three Great Heroes of Heisei...

You said that the Heisei Three Heroes are the Five Emperors.

Of course, that is for the future. The current situation is that the Five Emperors appear much earlier than in the original plot.

But this early arrival is not a good thing. After all, the Super 8 Theatrical Edition also has the Three Heroes of Heisei. This wave of people coming here are just lighting up the lights in the toilet - seeking death.

But the Five Emperors didn't know this, just like when it saw the Three Heroes for the first time, it thought it could kill the Three Heroes of Heisei.

It is also the same mentality now.

What are the Three Heroes? I am the Five Emperors!

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, that would have an offense and defense of up to 5,000 points!

Can we still lose this wave?

The Five Emperors roared and charged towards the Three Heroes.

This is not the first time the three heroes have fought, and they cooperate with each other very well.

Diga stood in the C position and took the lead in attacking. Dyna and Gaia on the left and right shouldered the task of absorbing attention. Each of them hit the shoulders of the five emperors with their palm cursors.

At the same time as the smoke burst out, Diga jumped up and punched the five emperors hard on the head, forcing the five emperors to stop their momentum.

After receiving a heavy blow from the front, Dyna and Gaia on the left and right sides swept past, grabbing the hands of the Five Emperors and forcing them back.

The head was beaten and the body was charged. The five emperors were at a disadvantage for a while, and the door was wide open.

Diga was not polite, grabbed the sharp corners of the Five Emperors' heads, pressed its body down, and locked the Five Emperors' necks.

But as the master of five fusion beasts, the five emperors are five times thicker and thicker. Diga's temporary suppression cannot win a definite victory.

The Five Emperors quickly emerged from the dizzy state and broke free from Diga's control.

As it roared, the light yellow crystals on its abdomen emitted light, and several energy light bombs were emitted from its spit.

Diga was well prepared and opened his hands to hold up the shield to block it perfectly. Although he himself was continuously beaten back, he did not suffer any damage.

Gaia and Dyna looked at each other, and with a tacit understanding, they immediately understood each other's thoughts, and simultaneously launched an attack on the lower body of the Five Emperors, causing the Five Emperors' finally adjusted bodies to be frustrated and lose their balance again.

The original plan of stepping on the ground to use force to break free from the restraints of the two Ultraman also came to nothing.

Converging the shield, Diga restrained his fist and placed it on his abdomen. The fist condensed with a large amount of purple light suddenly shot out, hitting the abdomen of the Five Emperors, and exploded the largest light yellow crystal.

Amidst the explosion of sparks, Diga made a powerful punch and took a few steps back to avoid the Five Emperors who were rioting because of the pain.

Dyna and Gaia also let go and retreated, avoiding being attacked by the five emperors in a furious state.

The Five Emperors waved their hands, and Rechubas's pincer-shaped hands released freezing air to form fine freezing light.

Not to be outdone, Gaia quickly charged up and used the photon crusher. Since he appeared in a v2 posture, he naturally had the power of Aguru.

The photon crusher (also a stupid light) collided with the freezing beam. The two phases were in a stalemate for a moment. The conflicting energy exploded. Both the freezing air and the blazing light were extinguished and exploded in the city.

The Five Emperors roared and did not take a step back, while Gaia took a slight step back.

The photon crusher used in a hurry has not reached its maximum power and can only block it but cannot push it back.

In the sky, he was in a chaotic black cloud. The interlacing traces of lightning and thunder made it impossible for Nexus to tell where the enemy was.

The hovering figure looked around, using Ultra Perspective to carefully search for traces of the enemy.

Suddenly, a huge soul afterimage appeared from the lightning and thunder, making a dull roar and crashing into Nexus' back.

Nexus had already expected it, and he popped out the Storm Sword to extend the blade. He turned around and swept across in an instant, cutting off the ghost soul of the monster behind him.

Pure physical attacks cannot cause damage to the monster soul. Although it was cut off, under the influence of negative energy, the monster soul gathered together again and formed a complete soul body after just a circle.


This is the case again, and Nexus also finds it troublesome.

He seems to be a remnant from the old era. The boss in this new era is a bit strange in every aspect.

Storm Sword is really useless against this monster soul.

In the same way, in the red youth state, if you want to annihilate the soul of a monster, you can only use the most powerful crescent shock wave, or the ultimate light - rushing.

But the former takes too long to accumulate power, and the latter makes no sense if you can't find the main body of this black cloud and use it.

The next moment, the huge flesh whip tore through the black clouds, pulling the lightning towards Nexus.

This time it's not a soul body, but a physical body!

But such a huge tentacle was beyond the limit that Nexus could withstand, forcing it to pull away immediately.

But as soon as he retreated, the entangled lightning immediately hit Nexus, forcing him to be knocked down several points.

The thick fireball ripped apart the dark energy and hit Nexus.

Nexus's heart pounded. The size and energy level of this fireball were both foul levels.

This fireball is bigger than his entire city!

The Storm Sword extended to 100 meters again, and Nexus advanced instead of retreating. He rushed towards the fireball and struck with a slash, cutting the fireball into two halves and passing through the middle.

Carrying the Storm Sword, Nexus rushed towards the center of the black cloud again, but the dense fireballs that seemed to rain down one after another completely stopped him from trying to rush forward.

So huge and dense, these fireballs were next to each other, like a wall of fire pressing towards Nexus.

Nexus, on the other hand, seemed to be stunned and stood motionless at the front.

"What are you doing?! Get away!" Yuanquan shouted anxiously.

Doesn't he want to take this move forcefully?

"You can't hide. If you do, once such a wide distance falls into the city, everything will be over!" Looking at the city below, Nexus made a decision in his heart and decided to resist.

"... Damn it, then we'll face it together!" Yuanquan also understood this. He made a voice without choosing to retreat, and chose to advance and retreat with Nexus.

"Ha, this is a bit like Nexus's human aura." Nexus chuckled, then raised his hand: "Don't worry, the world is on our side."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nexus's blue timer immediately turned into emerald green, symbolizing that what stood behind him at this moment was the will of the planet.

The little girl with red shoes gave her answer.

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