Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 620 How many Ultraman human bodies do you think there are in the world of Super Eight...

Although his performance was very funny, Nexus had already done everything he could in the face of Giga Chimera.

But compared to its huge body, Nexus was hit because he couldn't dodge it.

His cutting skills were all over the place, but Giga Chimera used her size to suppress Nexus, leaving him unable to do anything.

Finally, after using the Storm Sword to cut off a large section of the tentacles, Nexus was hit by the claws of Giga Chimera and was pulled down in mid-air, floating on the sea, and then something happened. text scene.

"Are you okay?" Diga quickly pulled Nexus up. His best friend...he was clearly not like this in his memory.

In the memory of the parallel world in which he awakened, Nexus also existed and was also a powerful warrior.

Why did he look like a total idiot just now?

"Fortunately, I can withstand it." Nexus shook his head. He would never admit that he was controlling it now, not the source.

Anyway, today's shame has been completely lost, but the shame can't be Nexus, it must be the source.

So everything is the fault of the source of this world, and has nothing to do with Nexus!


Jiga Chimera was pursued from the sea. The huge body of more than 500 meters flew at high speed on the sea. The oppressive sea surface was completely sunken, driving countless waves to press towards it.

"This guy not only wants to kill us, he also wants to plow the city." If Gigachimera were to plow the city at such a speed, I'm afraid the city would be split into two. .

But there was nothing they could do against the behemoth Giga Chimera.

The four of them would never be able to face the collision of Giga Chimera head-on.

But if we leave like this, that city...

"There is no other way. Let's rush forward head-on." Standing up from the ruins, Nexus stood beside Diga.

The four Ultraman faced Giga Chimera. Nexus rose up from the ground first and rushed directly towards Giga Chimera.

And it’s hedging head-on.

Following him were Tiga, Dana and Gaia. The four Ultraman's previously huge bodies were as small as ants in front of Jiga Chimera, just like a mantis using its arms as a cart.

Jiga Chimera's speed did not slow down, and even increased its speed. It was bound to kill these four Ultraman here.

"That's it now!" Nexus used the binding light and swept upwards, passing by Jiga Chimera's body by a hair's breadth and flying above it.

Tiga moved downwards, while Dyna and Gaia were on the left and right. The four responded to Nexus's binding light at the same time, weaving into a large square net, and instantly enveloped Jiga Chimera.

"Fly upwards at full speed!" The other three turned around and flew towards the sky. The four Ultraman tried their best to prevent Giga Chimera from hitting the city.

But the power gap between them was really huge. Even when flying at high altitude, their flying speed did not increase. Instead, they gradually tended to be dragged away by Jiga Chimera.

"It's really amazing how big you are. This power is simply outrageous." At this time, a certain Dana who was unwilling to die spoke, and he was so irritating as soon as he spoke.

What about Liborium rays? What about black hole exile? You use it!

"No matter what, we can't give up." On the side, Gaia, who had returned to v2 form, also spoke.

He really saw clearly that beating Jiga Chimera was not the time to improve the score and get kills, so he immediately cut SV Supreme back.

It seems that he plans to use v2 to resist injury...

At this moment, the flesh hole in Jiga Chimera's body was opened again, and countless flesh buds extended out and rushed towards the bodies of several Ultraman along the network woven by the binding light.

If they don't let go, these sprouts will bite into their bodies.

And once they let go, Jiga Chimera will definitely hit the city directly.

At the critical moment, a fierce flame flashed away, and the flaming sword was as powerful as breaking bamboo, cutting through several networks, and killing several meat buds by the way.

Everyone looked in the direction of the attack, only to see Membius standing staggeringly on the ground, his legs weakened and half kneeling on the ground, panting, and no longer capable of fighting.



Mebius' participation in the war was unexpected, but in his current state, even if he participated in the war, it would not be of much use.

Because of this, the sprouts that stretched out again appeared again, and the speed was much faster.

Mebius raised his head and struggled to stand up and participate in the battle, but his weak body made him unable to do anything at all, and the timer had begun to flash rapidly.

If it was really on the verge of despair, maybe Jiga Chimera could really win, but it was a pity that it came to the wrong world.

In the Super Eight World, there are too many parallel-world equivalents of Ultraman's human body hidden.

The next moment, behind Mebius, four rays of light flashed brightly. From left to right, they were four Ultra warriors who were very familiar to countless people.

The first generation of space heroes.




These are also the four Ultraman special photos produced by Tsuburaya in this world. After Ace, Tsuburaya Company in the Super Eight World no longer produces Ultraman series, so people in this world only know these four An Ultra warrior.

Suddenly seeing with their own eyes the appearance of the Ultra Warriors they had fantasized about when they were children on TV, people went into a huge uproar.

Compared with other unknown Ultraman, these four are the ones who can bring them the most emotion and enthusiasm.

It was like seeing the hero of your imagination appear in front of you and save yourself.

The awakening of the four elders has a history. Hayata and the others already have memories of where Da Gu was promoted.

From the moment Mebius came to this world and appeared, the memories belonging to the Showa Universe were constantly recalled by them.

The arrival of Mebius is like a key, opening their awakening.

But now, they have finally solved the last hesitation in their hearts. With the encouragement of their lovers who have also awakened, they have obtained the same type of transformers. In the dazzling light, they have transformed into the four characters of the Showa era. An Ultra warrior.

As soon as the first generation of them appeared, they first extracted energy and gathered it together, and then instilled it into Mebius's timer to heal Mebius's depleted physical strength and energy.

Within a moment, Mebius was reborn, his energy was fully restored, and his physical strength was greatly improved.

After his condition returned to normal, Membius stood up from the ground, looked at his brothers, suppressed his excitement and said: "I knew that these brothers would definitely think of it!"

"Mebius, thank you." The first generation encouraged Mebius. His previous fighting qualities and determination to protect were highly recognized by him. This young warrior has now become a qualified The strong one.

On the other side, the two action groups Jack and Severn had taken the lead. Severn took off the ice ax and controlled it with telekinesis, while Jack flashed his bracelet and his speed soared, cutting off Gu Dun's waving tentacles in an instant.

"We'll talk about the rest after we deal with this guy." Ace nodded and immediately flew into the sky.

Following him were the First Generation and Mebius.

...Don't worry about why the Eight Heroes of the Super Eight became nine. This is the same as there are five Four Heavenly Kings and the Gotei Thirteenth Division has a Zero Division.

Understand the tradition!

In fact, if it weren't for Dagu not looking for the remaining few, there would have been more Ultramans in this world.

For example, Fujimiya Hiroya.

Another example is Haruno Musashi who leads a kindergarten tutoring class...

So it seems that there is no Ultraman in the Super 8 world, but in fact Ultraman is everywhere...

The four elders rushed towards Jiga Chimera, starting with their own famous rays.

It didn't matter if they didn't break the defense, what they wanted was to attract the attention of Jiga Chimera.

Anyway, no matter what, it's fine, just don't let it rush into the city.

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