Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 623 The Distorted Ideal Dream: Luchiel

"Wake up, wake up!"

The call coming to his ears was a bit like the voice he heard in his dream. In a daze, Yuanquan opened his eyes.

The face that had been blocked from the sunlight stood in front of him, blocking the sunlight.

As the hair fell, it swayed in front of his eyes, making him want to scratch it.

"What are you doing?" Yuanquan opened his eyes in confusion and asked.

"Over there! Come with me quickly!" Saori saw Yuanquan woke up and immediately took his hand to pull him up.

"Don't go. I know what you want to say. I've known that for a long time." Yuanquan didn't move. No matter how much Saori pulled him, he remained still, just like a stone.

"Then why didn't you react at all? That's not...yours...are you just accepting your fate?" Yuanquan's answer confused Saori.

Why do you have such an indifferent expression?

And according to your style, if such a thing really happened, you would have jumped up in anger.

"Because that is necessary. Even if the evolution of life really reaches the day when intelligent life reappears, that will be a matter for the next era."

"For them, if the previous era had not been destroyed, maybe they would not have appeared."

"Our experience is just a story to them. It is a story. It only exists in the story. There is no need to become reality." Yuanquan sighed, and then said: "You may say, this will be very difficult. Cruel, because their efforts are meaningless.”

"But without their efforts, this planet would not have a chance to recover, and the light would not be passed on to me." Yuanquan stood up and looked at the scenery in the distance.

"I am proof of their existence!"

"Life in the next era will not remember them, but on the scale engraved on the planet, there will always be their glorious page!"

"...Can you say such words so lightly now?" Saori looked at the source blankly, as if it was the first time he met him.

"You seem to have changed a lot, or...actually I have never understood you?"

"Never be curious about a man, because then you will get deeper and deeper into it, and eventually fall in love with me." Yuanquan smoothed his hair narcissistically, but unfortunately his hands were not hairspray hands, so he could not give me any help. Style your hair into a handsome hairstyle.

"Hmph, you're so beautiful now." I had to admit that Saori was very interested in this completely different source of expression.

Any more? The true appearance of the source is not just what I have always seen, right?

More of him, is he hidden like Xiao Hui said?

"If there really is a day when life appears, will they remember that you saved this planet?" Saori asked.

"No." Yuanquan answered decisively without any hesitation.

"...If this happens, will you be sad?"

"No." Yuanquan stood up and patted the dust on his body.

"Because the planet remembers me, every plant and tree on the earth will remember my contribution. It is enough for them to remember me."

Saying that, Yuanquan stretched out his hand and grabbed Saori's palm.

"Besides, I don't really need anyone to worship me for doing all this. Is there any need to let others know?" Yuanquan shook his head and continued under Saori's somewhat shocked eyes.

"What a surprise. It seems that even when I came here, some guys followed me."

"Eh? What do you mean..." Saori was about to express doubts, but Yuanquan's move of grabbing her hand and pulling her behind her back was particularly true.

Because of this, after turning around, she saw who the uncle Yuanquan said was unclean.

"The Savior of the Star, the giant of light that shines in time, finally meets." A dark figure came from the darkness, with blood-red eyes that were ferocious and terrifying.

It comes with malicious intent, disturbing the planet and affecting this reborn place.

"I don't remember that I provoked you." After a pause, Yuanquan added.


"You really know my name." Lukiel didn't look surprised: "But it doesn't matter, Star Savior, I'm not here to destroy, but to ask a question."

"The answer to this question will determine my life or death, right?" Yuanquan directly drew inferences and rushed to answer: "Generally speaking, this is my line, because no one has said this to me yet."

"Huh" Lukiel was not angry, but asked: "The eternity of life..."

"Because life is limited, everyone is afraid of death, which is why sadness and mistakes occur." Source was the first to answer, rushing before Luchiel, and divided this period of time when he and Galaxy split from one individual into two. Self-talk, spoken out.

"Then in order to prevent new sorrows and mistakes from happening, just stay in the moment of happiness. This is the eternal life that will not be annihilated." Lukiel repeated and added the following paragraph. talk.

This was when he and the Milky Way were still one body, and the two concepts clashed, causing the one body to split into two, splitting him and the Galaxy.

There are different explanations for the issue of eternal life, and each of them has his or her own opinions and reasons.

Therefore, they refuse to give in to each other.

"So, what's your answer?" The source will know that these are normal, and this is actually the reason why it is standing here.

"Each of you has your own persistence, and so do I." After a pause, Yuanyuan added: "Work hard to live a short life and leave the achievements to future generations. This is how humans repeat and grow slowly."

"...I'm not just talking about humans, I'm talking about life. I'm talking about all life in the universe." Lukiel added.

"Then I don't know. After all, I am only a human being. If you ask me to answer my opinion on human beings, I can give you the answer, but for other lives, I do not have the right to speak on their behalf." Yuanquan spread his hands and expressed that he could not understand. : "Life does not happen overnight, and everyone's thoughts will not be unified, just like you cannot understand the Milky Way."

"...You are right. Human beings, or you and me, are all members of life." Lukiel looked thoughtful: "What if I say, I must do that?"

"That is the eternity you impose on others. When you do this, even if life has been fixed at that moment, it will no longer be happy." Source explained.

"Because he doesn't want to become the eternal life you call (referring to the Spark Doll), and how can that be happy?"

"So, letting life stay in eternal happiness is impossible from the beginning."

"Unless it's voluntary (referring to becoming a Spark Doll)."

"Is imposing it on others completely contrary to my wishes?" Luigi Air immediately understood the meaning of what the source said. Its wisdom is not bad, and it is an existence that is one and the same as the Milky Way, and its philosophy is firm.

Forced eternity will no longer make life happy, and it will deviate from his original intention.

"I understand, the savior of the stars, Ultraman Nexus, thank you for your advice." Luciel bowed slightly, expressing his respect for this legendary savior.

"...You would be so respectful and polite to me, which is beyond my expectation. I thought you were here to end my time at this moment."

The source was a little surprised.

Looking at this very polite and gentle-spoken Luchiel, although its appearance is ferocious and meets all the expectations of a big boss, its behavior is so different.

"Your name was so famous even in my time." Lukiel turned on the dark spark and restarted the tunnel: "I have doubts about the eternity of life and my behavior, so I came to you."

"Oh? Aren't you here to destroy it?"

"You're joking, I don't think anyone would want to start a war here."

"Otherwise your anger will burn to the end of the universe."

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