Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 661 Old Road: I will kill the people Ultraman dare not kill, and I will do the things Ultram

After breaking away from the extra-dimensional world, Nexus and Mebius both returned to their human forms.

Mirai held the unconscious Aya Jinguji and left first with a nod from Source.

Yuanquan, on the other hand, swung the king's cloak, shook Zichuan out of the cloak, and let him roll around on the ground several times without any politeness, before hitting the edge of the flower bed.

Zichuan lay motionless on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

This is also normal. After all, after being separated from the world of another dimension, the heavy space pressure is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Therefore, it is not unbelievable that Hiruchuan lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Yuanquan also knew this, so he was not prepared to do anything more, but stayed for a while before preparing to leave.

What? You said you killed Zhichuan?

Didn't I say before that Yuanquan's bottom line is not to kill anyone. Even if this person is extremely guilty, Yuanquan can at most beat him to paralysis, just like the things he did in the Tiga world.

He is not a being who will not fight back when beaten, nor is he innocent and innocent towards everyone.

A person's bottom line is not to kill, which means that as long as he can't kill, he can do anything.

It doesn't matter whether it's a hammer, a violent beating, whatever.

Anyway, with that kind of feeling, maybe people who are treated like this would be better off feeling like they're dead.

Yuanquan gathered up his king's cloak and turned around to leave. He ignored Zichuan's intention and had no intention of going up and kicking him.

Because he knew what would happen next for Zichuan.

From the moment he used the Dark Flash, showing enough power to charge Mephisto and provide powerful dark energy, the Source already knew what his ending would be.

Not long after Yuanquan left, Zichuan groaned and slowly woke up from his coma. Feeling the severe pain all over his body, it took a long time for Zichuan to figure out what happened before he fell into coma. things.

After thinking clearly, Zhichuan hurriedly groped everywhere on his body. After groping for a long time, he couldn't find the existence of the dark flash. Then he fell to the ground in despair.

"The thing that turned into Ultraman is gone." Hiruchuan stared blankly at the void in front of him, his sweet dreams, those thoughts he had after gaining Ultraman's power, and with the loss of Ultraman's power, It seems that they have gone along with it.

Becoming the king of the world, becoming the emperor of mankind, all these wonderful thoughts were completely shattered by that guy's punches and kicks.

Now even his power as Ultraman has been taken away by him.

"Nexus! Hibino Mirai! Guys!" Every time he uttered a name, the hatred in Hirukawa's heart grew heavier.

If not allowed, he would have wanted to come to the door and kill those two guys now.

"Damn it!" He punched the ground angrily, making Zichuan extremely painful.

However, at this moment, something fell to the ground and even touched Zichuan's palm, causing him to suddenly come back to his senses.

It was at this moment when he regained consciousness that he saw the device that was exactly the same as the dark flash he had used before, staying on his hand.

Zhichuan was a little stunned and in disbelief. He tremblingly picked up the thing and held it tremblingly in his hands.

Feeling the exact same touch, a smile appeared on Hiruchuan's face. He revealed that twisted smile that he didn't even know he had.

"It turns out I'm still here, hahaha. It turns out I'm still Ultraman!" Touching the dark flash on his hand, Hiruchuan laughed, very loudly and happily: "Haha! It turns out I haven't lost it yet, I still..."

"Then, why don't you try transforming here, human." Such a sound was mixed into the wild and proud laughter. Hiruchuan's pride was interrupted, which made him very unhappy.

There is no need for outsiders to interfere with this moment of self-satisfaction.

"Why don't you just stay here and go? I'm a human god now, but I'm different from ordinary people like you!" Hiruchuan turned around and wanted to teach the person behind him a lesson, but when he turned around Later, when he saw the dark and ferocious demon standing behind him, he was immediately startled.


"My name is Lukiel, and I am the one who gives you the power to become Ultraman." Lukiel stretched out his hand: "Sa, human, I'm here to collect the fee."

"Fee? What fee?" Hiruchuan put the Dark Flash back into his pocket and looked at the ferocious demon warily: "Who are you! There is Ultraman on this earth. As long as I Shout! Nexus! Mebius! And guys! They will definitely appear to destroy you, this evil cosmic being!"

"Oh? Didn't you still hate them before? Why did you choose to ask them for help now?" Lukiel asked.

"What nonsense! The earth is not a place for you evil cosmic people to come!" Zichuan quietly took a step back, already thinking about how to run away.

"Really? That's true, but I still have to take back what I should collect." Lukiel stroked the red energy core on his chest and began to prepare.

"The moment you picked up the Dark Flash and determined to give your strength to become Dark Mephistopheles, you signed a contract with me."

"Human, now I'm here to take back the part that belongs to me." Lukiel opened his fingers, and the genuine dark sparks emitted powerful dark energy, taking over the dark flash in Hiruchuan's pocket in an instant.

Of course, the clone obeyed the orders of the main body. The dark flash followed the will of the dark spark and released a thick black mist that enveloped Zichuan. No matter how he struggled or resisted, it was useless.

Luigiel turned the Dark Spark and pointed the open front end at Hirukawa's chest.

There, a steady stream of negative energy belonging to the evil in people's hearts was extracted and absorbed by the dark sparks, and was absorbed bit by bit by Luchiel.

The boiling negative energy should have been powerful enough to cause changes in the surrounding environment, but under the constraints of the dark sparks, the fluctuations of energy dissipation were not wasted at all, and were completely constrained between the two transmission channels. Does not leak.

The red energy core on the chest is continuously absorbing negative energy, and Lukiel's power is gradually rising, becoming stronger bit by bit.

The red cracks on his body began to emit an evil light, and the cracked lines became more and more terrifying.

As the last trace of humanity was absorbed, everything in Hirukawa's body, including his humanity, was squeezed and extracted by the dark sparks, and every last drop was absorbed by Luchiel.

And this is why Luciel risked being discovered and came to this era in person.

Zhichuan is a good man and a qualified carrier of negative energy.

Looking at Hiruchuan with a dull face and a silly smile, Luchiel turned around and left without paying any attention.

The existence named Hiruchuan, his heart, and his humanity were all squeezed and absorbed by the Dark Spark, and his soul was torn into pieces by the violent extraction of the Dark Spark. From then on, he was no longer a human being.

Having lost its humanity and heart, this existence named Zhichuan now only has its body left and has become a wreck.

Luigi El had just left, and the Milky Way fell through the sky among the bright stars.

After seeing the tragic scene of Zichuan, Yinhe, who knew what happened to Zichuan, was immediately furious.

"Luciel, have you fallen to this point?!"

It was an existence that coexisted with him. To a certain extent, Galaxy also had to bear part of the responsibility for what Lukiel did and the crimes he committed.

Traveling through various universes and flowing in various timelines, Lukiel is erratic and will never stay in a certain world for too long.

Yinghe is puzzled, but will not stop pursuing.

"Luciel, what exactly are you looking for..."

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