Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 666 Mebius: Let me warm your cold heart with my fiery body (meaning your whole body is on fi

"That guy Desrem, he died so clearly, as if he wanted to go to hell with the Yapo people." It was still the gathering place of the Four Heavenly Kings, except for Mefilas and Grotto. Except for Zam, the other two are already dead.

"But the Yabo people can be resurrected, but he can't be resurrected. I really can't understand it if I rush to deliver him." Mefilas took a deep breath and felt a headache: "Grozam, what's your plan?"

"Plan? What plan do you want? I can just go up and fight! With my immortal body, even Nexus and Mebius will never be my opponent!" Grozam made a big move. Hui, completely thinking that Mefilas is talking nonsense.

He spoke arrogantly, with a dragon king-like tone that was not only arrogant, but even confident.


"Wait, Mephilas, I'm going to take the lives of Nexus and Mephius. Just wait here for my good news!" A halo appeared under his feet, and Gro Zam disappeared directly into the circle of light. It seemed that he was going to Earth to find trouble with Nexus and Mebius.

"Grozam, does he really think that his immortal body is invincible?" Mefilas felt a headache, why is there no normal person among these guys?

The two people in front of you who couldn't make it in time went to die, but you, Grozam, can do whatever you want with your immortality.

From the day when the first generation Ultraman and Bermuda came to the earth together, until now, monsters or cosmic beings with abilities more powerful than the immortal body have been lost on the earth.

Those guys with powerful abilities don't dare to be so arrogant, why are you so arrogant...

Immortality doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. If you keep going like this, I might really be able to prepare a tomb for you in advance...

Forget it, it seems that Ampera's subordinates are all a bunch of stupid guys, and Mefilas is already thinking about running away.

Seeing that the emperor was about to become a loner, Mephilas didn't want to die generously like a die-hard loyalist.

Running away in advance is the way to go.

Grozam arrived very quickly, and the first three of the Four Heavenly Kings all arrived very quickly, almost one after another, without giving any time to rest.

Although he could do whatever he wanted with his immortality, Grozam wasn't really so confident that he thought he could fight one against two, so he found a suitable place for himself, that is, in front of a certain dam. , using the favorable environmental factors to strengthen its own freezing energy to the extent of suppressing Mebius's flames.

Otherwise, why would Grozam appear in this place?

In the original work, even though Grozam is stronger than Mebius, he is still only slightly stronger.

And just like Zheping said, this is a trap.

Grozam took advantage of the geographical location to strengthen his freezing energy, hoping to successfully suppress Mebius's flames. It was precisely because Zheping saw this that he stopped Mirai from going up to fight.

But being in an environment of more than 30 degrees below zero, Zheping's body could not withstand the severe low temperature and developed a high fever. The pain was so great that even standing still became a difficult thing.

He wanted to tell the future, but Zheping could no longer say a complete sentence neatly and had a serious fever.

Grozam froze the dam, attracting the arrival of Mirai and Teppei, and issued a declaration of war.

Grozam felt that the venue he carefully selected could definitely bury Mebius.

"Zheping, I won't lose to him." Although he was in a good position by Grozam, Mirai was not that scared. Thinking of what he was told by brother Yuan in the ward, Mirai was full of confidence and cheered up. : "Zheping, I will definitely protect you!"

"Future..." Zheping trembled and was speechless.

It just so happened that at this time, Mariina and Kinoomi also rushed over and supported Teppei, who was suffering from a high fever. After being instructed by Mirai, Mirai directly drew the Membim aura and transformed into Mumbius.

"Very well, Mebius, you are indeed a qualified warrior." Grozam did not make any moves after becoming huge. Before he transformed in the future, he waited gracefully until he became Ultraman Mebius.

"Grozam, I must defeat you!" Lowering his body and sinking his center, Membius made a fighting gesture and observed Grozam's body.

This metallic body reflected the cold light, which also reminded Membius of Brother Leo's teachings on the Star of Kings.

"Perhaps it would be stupid for a mechanical life form to hit you with your fists, because they don't know pain or fear, and they will always put their goals first."

"Encountering such an enemy, pure physical skills are useless."

"You need to increase the use of energy with each punch and kick."

Membius nodded secretly in his heart, gathering the fiery energy in his chest with both hands, flowing to the whole body through the timer, and concentrating on his hands and feet.

"What the hell are you doing!" Grozam couldn't understand those things, or he didn't care about them. With the right location in hand, Grozam rushed forward and rushed towards Membius.

Mebius, on the other hand, did not dodge or evade, but directly faced him head-on, punching Grozam directly in the chest.

The energy that exploded at that moment set off violent sparks on Grozam's body.

The surging fire hit Grozam's body along with his fist, and the metal body was left with scorch marks. Grozam took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

"Hmph, you are just trying all these little tricks on me, but it's useless! Mebius!" Grozam brushed off the black marks on his chest and smiled wildly.

Membius didn't say anything. He just raised his fists and engaged in close combat. Every punch and kick that hit Grozam would explode with huge sparks.

It seems to be a lot of damage, but in fact it is still scraping.

Mebius knew that his flames and energy in his basic form were not enough to cause real damage to Grozam.

Holding each other's hands, Mebius was gradually suppressed by Grozam, but he had already made a plan.

Raging fire burst out from Membius' chest plate and spread throughout his body at an extremely fast speed.

Grozam was startled, pushed Membius away, and stepped back one after another, looking at Membius warily.

Because Membius was Taylor's disciple, Grozam was especially wary that Membius would rush up to hug him like his master, with his whole body on fire.

These two masters and apprentices are purely insane and tend to explode themselves at every turn.

The flames painted golden flame patterns on the plate armor on the chest. Mebius turned on the Flame Hero mode, and the flames in his body and various body data increased greatly.

"Yes, that's right, it's this form, it's this flame! Only then is it worthy of being hunted by me!" Taking out the Flame Brave, it represented Mebius' real move. Grozam was not afraid. In a battle between ice and fire, one of the two sides is bound to fall.

In the battle of attributes, either you die or I die.


Mebius let out a war cry, strode forward, and collided with Grozam.

This time, Grozam felt something from Mebius that he had never felt before.

That's... temperature.

As a frozen beast, things like temperature should not be touched by Grozam.

But in the physical contact with Mebius, it felt this kind of thing.

The kind of scalding temperature that I have never experienced before.

"This feeling..." Grozam felt the temperature and was a little dazed.

Probably because I have never experienced this feeling before, I was a little stunned.

But Membius would not give him this chance. Seeing it dazed, Membius seized the opportunity, and the flames ignited on Membius' breath instantly enveloped the entire fist, clenched the fist in the abdomen, and came out quickly.

This punch with great impact hit Grozam's abdomen, and the flames burst out with the mark of the Möbius strip. The fiery fist knocked Grozam into the air, and suddenly hit his frozen body. In front of the dam.

This punch is almost as powerful as the Membim Ray, and it is of the level of a sure-kill move.

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