Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 688 Mefilas: What, I’m pretty talented undercover.

Ampera's defeat represents the demise of the most powerful dark force in the universe, and also represents the beginning of the contraction of the power of the dark universe.

The Kingdom of Light has won this war that lasted from ten thousand years ago to the present. Its reputation is unparalleled in the universe, and almost no one dares to raise an eyebrow.

Among them, because the Kingdom of Light won, many people with ulterior motives had to restrain themselves and hide themselves as much as possible to avoid being noticed by the Kingdom of Light, which was now at its peak, and then regarded as objects of power by them.

Therefore, since Ampera, the universe has rarely entered a period of peace. There are no major events, and no cosmic people jump out to cause trouble. The days are as dull as water day by day, and it is peaceful, as if the world is unified.

The people in the universe finally stopped and no longer chose to focus on the earth. In other words, they finally gave up on conquering the earth by force.

Therefore, after Mebius, the earth rarely entered a period of peace.

The original intention of the establishment of guys was to deal with the crisis and invasion from the universe. But under the current situation, guys has lost its original meaning of existence, so it was banned and disbanded not many years ago.

The team members were dispersed to various departments. Although they were dispersed, they were still working in the Japanese branch, which had been overhauled in the Phoenix Nest, and they could still be encountered.

It can be said that everyone knows Mirai's identity, but Saori's identity is kept secret by everyone.

Except for the guys, no one knows her true identity as a monster girl.

There is a future on Earth, and with the Kingdom of Light becoming more and more powerful, there are very few people who have any ideas for Saori.

Mebius is equivalent to invincibility on earth, and this fact has been acquiesced by other civilizations in the universe.

The posture of Phoenix Menbius, as long as the guys' team members are still alive, and the bonds between those guys have not been severed, Menbius can directly Phoenix Menbius if he disagrees, who can fight him?

During his stay on Earth in the future, his deterrence will still be sufficient.

Today's Membius is no longer the recruit that everyone praised in the past, but an Ultra Warrior who has become famous in the universe. He is a super powerful warrior who can fight Ampera and even defeat the Dark Armor head-on.

This peace is still maintained, one year, two years... five years... ten years, until a hundred years later.

In the time concept of people in the universe, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye, but to the earth and its people, a century as long as a century has passed.

On the outskirts of the earth where no one was paying attention, Membius dragged Saori in the palm of his hand, turned into a red star and left the earth, rushing towards the distant universe, heading towards his hometown, the M-78 nebula.

The reason why he left the earth... I guess there is no need to say more...

In fact, in these hundred years, Nexus was the most famous one in the universe. The newborn posture of the planet was exposed to everyone for the first time, and the super power of gathering light to penetrate the dark abyss was even more powerful. It makes all the people in the universe feel frightened.

After spending an unknown amount of time in the Kingdom of Light, this Ultra warrior from another world has successfully become a knife over the heads of all cosmic beings who want to cause trouble.

Any cosmic person who wants to cause trouble must consider this person's existence.

Of course, he is not without strength, but after returning to the Kingdom of Light, Nexus turned out to be just an ordinary member of the Ultra Guard for some reason. As a result, he was extremely diligent in his missions, which also led to his being in the entire universe. It flies around to perform tasks and can appear in any corner of the universe.

This frightened them very much.

Although they knew that without Ampera, Nexus would not be able to change into that posture, but before turning into that posture, his shining golden light was what scared them the most.

After all, this thing can force out such a huge amount of resentment. Who knows how powerful this thing's output can be.

Although no one said it, in fact, in the universe, everyone has recognized that Nexus is already one of the most untouchable Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light.

But this Ultra Warrior, who had gained fame over the past century and terrorized the universe, now appeared on a desolate planet and met with a guy who had been waiting here for a long time in a spaceship.

"It's really easy for me to wait, can't you have a sense of time?" Mefilas was still a little dissatisfied: "Did you know that I am now the deputy district chief of the Interstellar Alliance, and time is very precious."

"I didn't know you could be undercover and reach the position of division chief." Nexus replied angrily, and then opened the topic: "Why did you call me here this time? The evidence of the Star Alliance has been Did you find it?"

"It's not about this, it's about other important things." Mefilas was quite speechless, and there was still evidence of guilt. You must know that the entire interstellar alliance has not been so well-behaved since you showed your appearance as a newborn planet a hundred years ago. Not only did he stop the dirty things he had been doing behind the scenes, he even eliminated all the evidence for the first time.

Good guy, when I first came to work as an undercover agent in the Star Alliance, I almost thought I was biased against the Star Alliance. This is actually a noble organization dedicated to serving the public good!

"Internal news from the Interstellar Alliance. They have found traces of the legendary overlord, the Reblondo star, who has been missing for a long time."


"Why aren't you surprised at all?" Mefilas asked.

"Why am I surprised? I know how Reblondo died." Nexus had a headache. He couldn't say that he was at the scene when Reblondo died.

"Do you still know how it died?" This has aroused Mefilas's interest: "Tell me, I'm very curious. In the legends spread in the universe, Reblondo can control monsters and control thousands of species. His unique skill is omniscience and omnipotence. It’s really unfathomable that such a cosmic overlord would die suddenly.”

"Haha, that's because he met another omniscient and omnipotent god, and he was also a god of the universe." Nexus said: "The Spark Legend is fair. If you say it takes Reblondo's life, it will take its life."

"The Legend of Sparks..." Mefilas was horrified: "Could it be that Reggio..."

"As long as you know."

"Huh... If it's that person, Reblondo's death was not unjust." Mefilas took a deep breath, and then calmed down the horror in his heart: "Reblondo chose to expose himself at this time, could it still be resurrected? A chance?"

"It has never given up on resurrection." This is just a prelude. When the melee of Leonix, who has inherited Reblondo's power, begins, that will be the moment when Reblondo is officially ready to be resurrected.

"By the way, there is still news from the Interstellar Alliance. Mebius seems to have left the earth and is heading towards the Kingdom of Light." Mefilas continued.

"He left the earth?" Nexus was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted and became a little silent: "Yes, a hundred years have passed... and he indeed has no reason to stay on the earth..."

Nexus himself didn't feel much about the change of time in these hundred years, as if it only happened in the blink of an eye.

But for the people on earth, it is a long change of a century, and it is a round of farewell with new people replacing the old ones.

Watching your friends leave one by one, in the future, you are now...

"I said, why don't you go back and take a look? Can that kid withstand such a blow?" Mefilas knew that the Interstellar Alliance had been paying attention to Mebius, and when all the guys' members died, in the Interstellar Alliance Within a few seconds, the danger level to Mebius was immediately lowered several times.

Obviously they know that without guys, Mebius can no longer activate the Phoenix form.

"Thank you for telling me, I'll go back right away." Mebius's mental state was worrying, and Nexus didn't intend to stay outside, and was ready to set off immediately.

"Mephilas, please."

"Tsk, are you so outgoing? We have been friends for hundreds of years."

"I should help you."

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