Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 695 Source: I misunderstood. This is the Kingdom of Light, not a certain ( ) leaf village.

In Ultra School, Nexus will not use force. This is a place for teaching and educating people, and a place for learning knowledge. Therefore, he rarely takes a positive view of little Cero's challenges.

But the more he refused, the more excited Little Cero became, and the more he wanted to fight Nexus.

The huge disparity in strength between the two sides has prevented Zero from achieving this wish, but it doesn't matter. As long as he continues to persevere, there will always be a day when his wish will be realized.

Just because you can't get it now doesn't mean you won't be able to get it in the future. Sero firmly believes that he can achieve his wish.

His perseverance and persistence are unmatched by ordinary Ultra warriors. Even without the guidance of a master, he only relied on his own instinct to explore and figure out a way to fight.

At the age of elementary school, he was able to sum up experience in battle and even develop his own fighting style. This is something that many Ultra warriors who have reached the level of members of the security force cannot do.

And Zero has already done it.

And this is not his limit, he can become stronger and strengthen himself.

His talent surpasses that of Mebius, and almost no one in the Kingdom of Light can match it.

Nexus knew that Zero was Seven's son. Not to mention Seven, he went to him and asked him to take care of little Zero. Even if Seven didn't tell him, Nexus would take special care of him. G.

After all, what this person symbolizes is the dividing line between the old Heisei era and the new generation.

And his talent is indeed enough to make people admire him with admiration.

Seeing Zero leaving with excitement, Eddie walked out from the hidden corner position and stood next to Nexus: "He still doesn't know his identity."

"Ah, Severn wants to conceal his identity. I respect his choice. After all, this is his son, not mine." Nexus nodded, and then said: "In terms of his cultural classes, he is still very good. Please give me more advice, I can’t possibly know as much as you in this regard.”

"You're being modest. You have uploaded all the information about monsters from other universes that have not been recorded in the Kingdom of Light to the database, which has greatly increased the knowledge of the members of the security team. This is enough." Of course Eddie would not think so. Nexus was the one with little knowledge. Many of the monsters he uploaded to the database were monsters that even Eddie didn't recognize.

Seeing those monsters with all kinds of strange abilities really opened Eddie's eyes.

"Max, like me, has also encountered many strange monsters." Max must have uploaded many of the strange guys in Max TV into the database.

But there were some things that he didn't even know what they were.

For example, he did not report the demon god he had encountered because he himself did not know what it was.

Things like leaf rot always have their own characteristics, but what are the characteristics of Demon God?

"I think you should teach him a little bit. He is not the kind of person who would take it lightly just because he refuses." Eddie added: "And I have also seen his talent. Young people of this generation Among warriors, there is truly no one who can compare with him.”

"His talent is good, but whether his mentality can support his talent is also a question." Nexus's focus is never on physical strength, but on spiritual strength: "Eddie, mind Teaching needs to start from a foundation, so I leave it to you."

"Ah, I'll pay attention."

After classes started the next day, Nexus came to the classroom as usual, and when he just arrived, he saw some conflicts in the classroom.

Zero folded his arms and stood proudly and lonely on the desk.

Below him, the three little Ultraman's were groaning after being knocked down, surrounded by a circle of peers who looked at Zero with fearful eyes.

"Hmph, this young master is not a freak. I am a genius, a genius you will never be able to match!" Proud and lonely are the true portrayal of Zero's mentality and experience at the moment.

Yuanquan placed the data pad on the desk, lifted Zero off the desk, and held it in his arms.

"Eh?" The proud genius was suddenly caught, and subconsciously wanted to twist his body, but when he saw it was Nexus, he immediately stopped moving.

"If anything happens, let's go to the medical room and talk about it." Then he carried the three little guys lying on the ground on his back, and Nexus left the classroom directly: "I have already informed Teacher Eddie. Will come and teach instead.”

"Sit tight and let Teacher Eddie take some time to worry about."

"Yes! Teacher Nexus!"

Silver Cross also has a dedicated nurse stationed in the Ultra School, so Yuanquan sent the four little ones over and watched the blue nurse deliver light energy to the four little ones and use healing light waves.

"Okay, now you can tell me what happened." He nodded to the nurse, and while the latter was embarrassed, Nexus stood in front of the four little ones and asked flatly: " It’s not like you don’t like Zero, so you’re ready to teach him a lesson.”

"He always says that he is the first genius or something, and we don't believe it!" The young man from the Red Clan turned away: "I won't let him know that he is the first genius or something!"

"That's right, it's as if he can be stronger than us!"

"Whether he is stronger than us or not, you won't know until you fight him!"

With the words of the three little ones, Nexus knew what exactly happened.

It seemed that it was not the case that he imagined that Zero, who was regarded as an alien, was ostracized and targeted by others, but that Zero claimed that he was the number one genius when meeting people, which caused dissatisfaction from others.

"That's why you made an appointment with him?" Nexus asked with interest.

"Hmph, it turns out that my title as the number one genius is well-deserved." As he spoke, Zero stretched out his hand and showed two fingers: "If you want to beat me, you are still 20,000 yuan too early." Year!"

"Zero!" Nexus turned around calmly: "Don't interrupt, I haven't asked you why you dealt such a heavy blow."

"Don't blame him, it's what we asked for." Clutching his chest, the little red warrior looked dissatisfied, but he had to admit that he had indeed lost to Zero: "Since it is a challenge, of course you have to come up with something If you learn it with real talent, you don’t need to hold back at all!”

"The title of the number one genius is temporarily in your hands. We will take him back sooner or later!" These are the words of another young man from the Silver tribe. Although they failed, they will still ask Zero issue a challenge.

"Oh, then you have to work hard, my footsteps will never stop!"

"Let's see what you can do!" Yuanquan knocked on Zero's head and said angrily: "Although it is a fight, it is an indisputable fact that you are doing it in the classroom. After you go back, each of you will fight I’ll copy the Big Monster Encyclopedia.”

"Also, go and explain and apologize to everyone in the classroom. I don't want similar things to happen in the classroom in the future. You heard me!"

"Yes! Teacher Nexus!"

The four little ones are still very convinced of Nexus. There is a biography about him in the textbooks in their hands, and they all know that this man is a warrior who has experienced countless hardships.

They always abide by the principle of respecting their teachers.

Nexus crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

Yes, although Zero is an alien, the Kingdom of Light is not Konoha after all, and Zero is not Uzumaki Naruto. It is impossible for him to be ostracized like that. It is because he thought too badly.

This is the land of light, not so dark.

Even if they are children who have not yet grown up, their parents are also mature Ultraman. Under the correct atmosphere of the Kingdom of Light as a whole, and with the corresponding correct three views under the guidance of their parents, it is absolutely impossible to make such mistakes. Exclude others and use force to intimidate others.

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