Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 702 Nexus VS Max

Battles between high-end warriors are often won or lost in an instant, especially in life-and-death battles.

But what Max and Nexus want is not a battle to decide the outcome in an instant, but to prove each other in the discussion, find out their own shortcomings and improve them, not a battle between life and death enemies.

The fighting stance between the two parties did not last long before Max launched the attack first, and instead of coming up to fight with his fists as imagined, he instantly used Max's head dart, which was controlled by telekinesis to fly. Got out.

Max's head dart is similar to the ice ax like Severn, but the difference is that Max's head dart is hidden inside Max's head. It is just a blade loaded inside, not like the Severn family.

Max's head dart flew at high speed, and Nexus instantly popped out the Storm Sword to knock away the incoming head dart.

But Max arrived suddenly after the head dart, and a fierce punch gathered a large amount of light energy in an attempt to hit Nexus' chest.

After the Storm Sword flicked the first dart, Nexus's other hand was not idle. Taking advantage of the turning of the Storm Sword, Nexus pulled back and put his free hand on his waist to accumulate strength. .

After taking several steps back, Nexus punched out quickly and directly collided with Max's fist.

The two red fists collided with each other carrying a slight flow of light. Max remained motionless, while Nexus was also as steady as a mountain.

In this head-to-head confrontation, no one was inferior to the other.

"You are really strong." Max had heard of Nexus' reputation before, but he had never fought against Sengoku with Nexus.

Today was the first time, but it was also the one that made him excited.

"Max, you're not bad either." The title of the fastest and strongest is by no means just a boast. Being able to get through the terrifying monsters and cosmic beings on Earth in another universe, there is no doubt about Max's strength. He is definitely a A hero.

Nexus was serious from the beginning and had no intention of looking down on Max.

"Then what's next." As soon as Max finished speaking, he raised his hand and released the palm cursor from his raised palms, and he released it while running over.

Nexus saw the move, brushed Nexus' weapon with one hand, and directly used the more powerful, but equally fast crescent light blade to counterattack.

The crescent light blade destroyed all the cursors on the palm and rushed towards Max.

The palm cursor is the foundation of the basic moves, and although the Crescent Light Blade is a small move, it is also for Nexus. In fact, this move is better than the palm cursor.

Seeing that his attack was crushed, Max immediately rose into the air and let out a war cry, then kicked up and brought down a handful of red light and shadow.

Nexus did not dodge or dodge. He crossed the Nexus weapons in his hands to form a defense. He took a step forward to resist the attack of Max's flying kick and withstood it completely.


Nexus let out a war cry. Not only did he block Max's attack, but with his crossed hands, Nexus opened his arms and also released the gamma flying knife, which he rarely did. Skills used.

In fact, if it were a life-and-death battle, the horizontal attack that Nexus pulled out with his hands now should be a guillotine.

But the Guillotine is a forbidden technique in the Kingdom of Light, so it doesn't matter if you use it casually outside. Using the Guillotine in front of Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light is really too much.

So Nexus chose the Gamma Throwing Knife to deal with it.

Max was startled, and the gamma flying knife passed in front of him with the smallest gap. Before he could stand upright after turning over, Nexus was already chasing him.

The half-crouched body used downward sweeps one after another, forcing Max's body to become unstable. He could only retreat one after another, unable to stabilize his body.

This is what Nexus wants.

After taking advantage of the last leg sweep, Nexus turned around and struck out, punching directly with the Shoryuken stance. Max could only press his hands down at the critical moment to resist the damage to the maximum extent.

But because of his unstable body, he was unable to find a point of strength, so his whole body was knocked away.

After hitting the air, Nexus immediately used Specium Light, adjusted it to the minimum power level, and rushed towards Max.

Don't question why Nexus can also use Specium. In fact, after squatting in the Kingdom of Light for so long, it is probably a problem that Nexus can't use Specium.

From the moment he was forced to land, the initiative in the next battle was no longer in his hands, and Max had known this for a long time.

But combat is like this. Once you make a wrong move and someone seizes the opportunity, if you want to regain the initiative, you have to survive a burst of attacks from the opponent.

Max urgently used his head dart to rotate in front of him, constructing a head dart-shaped rotating shield that blocked all Specium's light.

Max landed calmly, and Nexus did not choose to pursue him. Instead, he lowered his crossed arm, symbolizing the end of the battle.

"This is it." Although it was short-lived, all aspects of psychological tactics, timing control, skill selection and physical competition were displayed in this battle.

Everything is beyond the reach of the students in the Ultra Fighting Arena.

Zero's heart was on fire.

Is this the strength of a regular member of the Ultra Guard?

Compared with such warriors, my little routines and little ideas are really the thoughts of a childish child.

"Who won this battle?" Unable to suppress the excitement in his fiery heart, Cero raised his head and asked Membius beside him, wanting to know the outcome of this battle.

"If I have to say it, Brother Nexus should have won the move." Membius knew that Max could use the head-dart-type rotating shield to block the light attack in an emergency, but that was because Nexus used the Specium Light whose power was adjusted to the minimum. It was not even Nexus's specialty light skill, so Max's rotating shield could block it.

But what if it’s the Specium light with full power?

But what about those special moves that belong exclusively to Brother Nexus?

Can Max's rotation shield be blocked?

So in the eyes of Mebius, Max actually lost a move.

"Hmph, that guy, I knew he wouldn't lose!" After receiving Mebius's answer, Zero immediately became happy: "Before I defeat him, I will not allow him to lose to anyone else."

"Hey! Membius! The same goes for you!" Zero said enthusiastically, and even poked Membius next to him with his elbow, with a look of pride on his face: "You are all my opponents. , before I defeat you, just enjoy the fruits of victory!"

"You haven't learned all your skills yet, but this mouth is more powerful than anyone else." Membius smiled and shook his head: "Sero, let's go. After watching this battle, you should be able to understand that you really should direction of effort.”

"You have seen what the so-called sky should be like."

"I haven't learned everything now, but I will definitely learn it all in the future!" Zero shouted unwillingly: "When the time comes, it will be your turn to become my apprentice!"

Mebius was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Zero had such great ambitions. He couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"Then the amount of training in the next hundred years should be doubled five times."

G:? ? ?

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