Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 710 Why is Ye Fu a representative of anti-war? Why is he? Don’t be too serious about the myt

Ye Fu, there are many things to say about this monster.

Legend has it that when you encounter something strong, it becomes stronger. The more you hit it, the more powerful it will become than you, and then it will attack in the same way.

The more violent attacks are used against it, the more powerful it will become, and it will continue to evolve endlessly, eventually bringing destruction to the civilization that has harmed it.

Among the many powerful monsters in Ultraman Max TV, Ye Fu is the one who can compete for the top spot.

If Max TV continues, although Ye Fu's power is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no one will remember it.

But I don’t know since when, Ye Fu, this monster who would fight back with the same attack method when beaten, became a so-called anti-war monster, and was given proof of Tsuburaya’s conscience.

It is impossible to verify when this statement originated or when it came from.

But no matter how you look at it, Ye Fu doesn't look like a monster that can be called such a monster.

Its origin is inexplicable, its existence is also inexplicable, and even being given such a name is even more inexplicable.

The point it is touted is that humans should not attack it and then exert violence to be met with even greater violence.

But is this really the case?

Throughout Max TV, when DASH was dealing with the leaf rot, which was only a white ball in the first stage, he also carefully tested whether the leaf rot was a living thing.

After getting the answer that the test was inorganic, he thought that the leaf rot was cosmic garbage, so he burned it, which led to the rampage of the leaf rot.

It’s true that Ye Fu went berserk, but what’s wrong with DASH’s operation? What’s wrong with burning space junk?

Not to mention that they burned it only after they found out that the leaf rot was not a living thing.

Why should we treat him as a living being even though he is not a living being? Isn't that nerves?

No matter how you look at it, DASH operates normally.

But why can this operation, which is very normal, be regarded as something that should not be done, or even as a wrong behavior for human beings?

From God's perspective, we know that Ye Fu is a living body that will evolve when attacked, so can we laugh at and comment on those who have experienced it personally?

Therefore, why Ye Fu is a representative of anti-war and why he is called such a name can only be said to be very inexplicable.

Not only does Ye Fu not have any anti-war points, but he can actually see the destruction that some higher civilizations have unleashed on lower civilizations.

Because you can say that leaf rot is a living form. Because the earth's technology is too backward, it cannot detect the fact that leaf rot is a living form. But to say this is not consistent with the fact that leaf rot is a monster released by advanced civilization to perish. Did you explain it? (The author thinks so.)

In addition, the most important point.

I don’t know since when, there are always people who like to deify a company that they don’t understand, or even really understand. They can deify Ye Fu into a representative of anti-war, and they can self-hypnotize themselves into believing that a certain company will always maintain its integrity. The original intention of anti-war is very inexplicable.

Don't bring your own fantasies into reality. People need to understand one thing, that is, don't have any illusions about something you have imagined.

No matter what Tsuburaya does, you can't change the fact that you don't understand him.

The once-hyped Ultraman Gaia TV Anti-War God Return: Swamp of Sorrow was rumored by the screenwriter of this episode to refute the rumors, saying that he had no such idea at all, and just wanted to show the environmental damage and the impact it caused, and it was not related to anti-war at all. Not up there.

In the end, the person who has been bragging about this episode for several years or even decades is living like a clown. It is just his own wishful thinking. From beginning to end, it is just some people's self-fantasy. They think they understand what the screenwriter of this episode wants to express. .

As a result, when the screenwriter came out and gave his own account, this type of people became disillusioned.

And when this situation is brought to the head of Ye Fu, who is inexplicably labeled as an anti-war monster, you can probably guess that Ye Fu also exists in the fantasies of some people, and then clings to it. Hold on to this fantasy, realize it is real, and then put it on the altar.

The higher I stand, the harder I fall. I actually look forward to the day when Ye Fu, like the swamp of sorrow, will eventually break the illusion and shatter the delusion of some people.

In addition, to put some emphasis on certain things, things like anti-war can always hit our g-spot.

But people should live in reality and not have illusions about certain things.

Your self-righteous fantasy of thinking that Tachibana should repent for the war is the same as Tachibana's never understanding why the fighter pilot who dropped the little boy didn't apologize to them.

You can't just talk about death all at once, there is good in you when you stand up.

But to face up to a problem, we must first correct our three views and give up our illusions.

The round valley and the standing foundation you imagine are just your fantasies. Don't confuse them with reality.

"When a lower civilization develops to a certain period of time, it will be noticed by higher civilizations. They will judge everything about this lower civilization, thereby deciding whether this lower civilization should continue to exist. The so-called observers, That’s how it exists.”

Dracion changed the topic and directed his words towards the Kingdom of Light: "The Kingdom of Light also has the position of planetary observer, and the purpose is the same."

"But unlike the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of Light only observes and does not intervene. However, higher civilizations are different. When they determine whether the civilization exists or is destroyed, they will make corresponding choices."

"Just like the Giga Endora you sent out at that time?" Gauss asked.

"In my judgment, sooner or later the earth will step on the path of San Deros. But since Reggie is willing to believe in humans, I don't mind giving humans a period of time." Dracion continued: "But if humans let down Reggie, Jeddo’s expectation, Dracion’s trial will still come as scheduled.”

"Back to the topic, if it's destruction, just destroy it. If it's survival, just leave it alone."

"But when there are differences of opinion, it's time for a life form like Ye Fu to take action."

"Put it on the planet of that lower civilization and give the right of judgment to the civilization itself on that planet."

"If you choose destruction, you will be destroyed. If you are reborn, you will be reborn. The difference between life and death depends on the civilization's own judgment."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" After hearing Dracion's explanation, Nexus immediately became angry: "You also said just now that Ye Fu's life fluctuations cannot be detected by lower civilizations. When the time comes, Ye Fu will definitely If it is burned as garbage, or cut and preserved, it will be judged by Ye Fu as being attacked, causing Ye Fu to be activated!"

"Isn't that why the leaf rot that Max encountered was activated because of this!"

Listening to the roar of Nexus, Gauss gave a different answer in his deep thoughts: "Perhaps the key to the problem is not whether Ye Fu will be attacked at the beginning, but whether it will be attacked. After activation, the reaction of this lower civilization."

"Those who are destroyed are allowed to be destroyed, and those who are reborn are reborn. When Ye Fu is activated, it is time for the choice to be handed over to the lower civilization." Gauss finally understood the existence form and representative meaning of Ye Fu, but this It also means that the lower civilization that Ye Fu destroyed may have exceeded his imagination.

"So, is this a test?"

"Yes, this is one of the survival laws of the universe, the weak eat the strong." Under Dracion's indifferent voice of equality for all living beings, there is a coldness and coldness hidden, just like the eternal vacuum of the universe.

"It's the same as if the earth was not protected by Ultraman and would have been taken into the palm of the cosmic people a long time ago."

"The reality of the dark universe is often cruel and unpopular, but reality is far more beautiful than fantasy. Only cruel beauty can make people unforgettable." Dracion's voice gradually became ethereal.

"After knowing this, Nexus and Gauss, do you still want to stop that Leaf Rot?"



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