Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 741 Zero: Ouch! My waist! My waist!

Even though he knew that Zero was deliberately saying these words to prevent him from being merciful and not to hold back because of Zero's young age and being his apprentice, when all these words were heard by Nexus Later, he couldn't help it.

In fact, there is no one who can really endure these words.

These are words that reveal scars in person in front of a person.

Therefore, although Nexus did not make any movement or scold him on the surface, he embodied the cremation weapon into a spark sword, which was actually a manifestation of his anger.

If he was reprimanding Zero, he might not be so angry, but silently drawing his sword like this without saying a word was the real anger.

Leo obviously knew this, so he told Astra that if Zero was going to be killed later, they both had to go out and stop Nexus.

Looking at Nexus's appearance, this matter will not end easily.

Astra, who knew it was okay, agreed.

"Finally, I have to show my true skills, that's it!" Zero put the ice ax on his chest and combined it into a plasma knife. He also held the weapon and pointed it at Nexus, with high fighting spirit.

"bring it on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nexus raised his hand and swung his sword. The crescent light blade he released casually drew a sword mark on the desolate land at an extremely fast speed, and roared towards Zero.

Just the crescent light blade cannot cause any harm to Zero. The plasma knife is a weapon that absorbs part of the light of the plasma spark and condenses it into a weapon. It is very sharp.

The emerald light of the blade flashed away, and the Crescent Light Blade was cut through in an instant.

Zero's speed did not slow down and he galloped out.

And Nexus reached out and brushed the Spark Sword, smearing a bright light on the sword. The blue light stream carried the icy freezing air. The moment it swept across, countless ice crystals were released, extremely The freezing air rushed away at ultra-low temperatures.

This blow was no longer sword energy, but a wave, a wave of ice layer after layer.

It is extremely difficult for such ice crystals to appear on the Star of Kings, a planet where flares and explosions are always occurring.

Seeing this, Zero grabbed the plasma knife with both hands in front of him, and began to spin it at high speed, like a drill bit breaking through the layers of ice crystals, maintaining its own impact, and at the same time, it can bring stronger the power of.

Nexus was still advancing slowly and calmly.

The Spark Sword came out of his hand and flew into the sky automatically. Nexus slowly clenched his fist. When Zero's rapidly approaching body was about to come to him, Nexus seized the opportunity and stepped forward. step.

A fierce punch fell straight down, using Nexus's weapon to resist the cutting of the plasma knife. Nexus's punch hit Zero's cheek, forcibly making him stop his high-speed rotating body, and even he I was also knocked up and hit directly into the sky.

Ignoring the marks on his hands cut by the plasma knife, Nexus lowered his body and began to gather powerful energy in his left foot, compressing the bursting light energy under his feet.

Although it seems to have no special effects, there is no doubt that this is his killer blow.

Although Zero lost control of his body briefly, he had already taken control of his body when he flew into the sky.

But just when he was about to adjust his body and rush over, the roaring sound above his head forced him not to look up to the sky.

The huge spark sword fell from the sky at a height of 100 meters, and the blade pointed directly at Zero's body.

With such a huge sword falling from a high altitude, the pressure is so powerful that any being that can suppress it is trapped inside.

In a trance, it looks like Wuzhishan.

"So exaggerated?" Zero was horrified and flew away before the Spark Sword was completely lowered and the pressure was not strong enough.

Otherwise, even Ultraman would die if he was really involved and pressed to the ground by the sword's edge.

To a certain extent, it seemed that he had indeed angered Nexus.

He has never used this kind of trick before.

But wasn’t this originally my plan?

Zero regrets nothing. Otherwise, why would he have said those words?

The huge spark sword was stuck on the ground, and the trembling movement was already a small scene. The sword tip penetrated the ground, causing the King's Star, which was already in a harsh environment, to start a new round of explosions.

Be it stellar storms or volcanic eruptions, they are nothing more than trivial matters.

Nexus stepped on the blade of the Spark Sword that towered over the earth, and soared into the sky.

Zero, on the other hand, landed on the end of the sword hilt, looking down at Nexus. With the plasma knife in hand, he swooped down and rushed towards Nexus.

At the first moment of the handover between the two sides, the Storm Sword and the Plasma Knife collided together. The two sides in a stalemate maintained an independent posture in mid-air, neither giving way to the other.

The two sides were in a stalemate for only a moment. The next moment, when they retreated, the plasma knife swept out in an attempt to harm Nexus, and Nexus made a move that shocked Zero.

The Nexus weapon on his arm was raised to block the side of his body, blocking the attack of the plasma knife.

Zero's pale yellow eyes were startled, and he could actually taste a hint of surprise.

"Sero, what I want is for you to be able to restrain your power in this battle, so that you can use the energy that is constantly being lost for your own use, instead of continuing to consume it wantonly!"

"It's now like this, are you still thinking about preaching?" Zero snorted dissatisfied: "Let me tell you, if you want to preach to me, you have to defeat me first!"

"Stubborn." A trace of golden light flashed in the milky white eyes. Nexus's arm was strong, and Nexus' weapon turned for an instant, jamming the blade of the plasma knife with his arm blade.

In one wrong turn, he pinned the plasma knife, forcing Zero to let go in order to protect his wrist.

The plasma knife was pushed away by Nexus. The next moment, before Zero could turn around, Nexus's other hand, which had been ready for action, fell directly, and Nexus' armed arm blade slashed across Zero. Luo's waist created a huge spark on his waist.

The sharp arm blade cut into Zero's waist. This was a visceral injury. It only took an instant for Zero to be injured.

The damage this time was beyond the limit that Zero could handle on his own. He was knocked out of the air and fell from the Spark Sword, hitting the ground and kicking up dust all over the sky.

Nexus grabbed the plasma knife, threw it away, and then sprinted down.

After a moment, Nexus slowly landed next to Zero.

The victory or defeat was decided in an instant.

Nexus sighed, feeling a little angry at Zero's attitude just now, and almost couldn't help but kill him.

He is not wearing training armor now, so he can't bear the damage.

The Spark Sword was re-armed and returned to Nexus's hand. The Legend Stone fell into place, and the gentle light from Ultraman Gauss, the healing light energy, passed through Nexus's hand and was continuously input to Zero's wounds were treated bit by bit.

"Is this the power of you when you are angry?" Even though his waist was scratched, Zero still didn't care: "You are so powerful. Will I become such a strong person in the future?"

"Are you weak now? You must know that I have used 100% of my ability and my full strength." Nexus said: "When you completely control this power, you will surpass me now and stand tall Among the truly strong."

"Is that the reason why you scratched my waist?" Zero knew that this was the path he chose, and it was also his choice to anger Nexus.

There's nothing to say about being injured if you're not as skilled as someone.

He won't resent anyone for this. This is the battle he wants.

"If you think it's ugly to cut one side, can I also find an opportunity to stab you on the other side of your waist?"

"Better say goodbye!"

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