Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 743 Your boy has no other choice but to go back and marry Liang.

"Can't you learn from your senior Tiga? Why does he know how to spend his life with the one he loves, and you are just being a cosmic scumbag? Can you have some snacks!" Nexus came up and scolded him. , said Feiniao speechless.

Although he has traveled through many universes and learned that time in the Tiga Universe will pass very slowly, the slow passage of time does not always mean permanent stagnation.

And as long as time keeps moving forward, it means that Liang will eventually grow old one day.

But as a flying bird, his time is forever fixed on an eternal timeline and will never change.

He can afford to wait.

But what about Liang? Can she afford to wait?

"Senior, vice-captain, but I..." Feiniao still wanted to struggle. He really wanted to roam in the endless universe and see the differences in various universes. He didn't want to go back so early and just left. Into the grave of marriage.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You've waited long enough, Liang. She's been my subordinate from the beginning. No matter what, I have to control her happiness in life for her!" Nexus He stretched out his hand, put it on Dana's shoulder, and said earnestly.

"Go back and give Liang the happiness he deserves. I am your joint vice-captain. Although I am not married yet and I don't have a girlfriend, I really want to see you get married and start a family."

"You don't have a girlfriend, it's obvious..." Sero, who was lying on the hospital bed, muttered something secretly, but before he could say anything else, Hikali hurriedly interrupted Sero's subsequent words with a swoop, and grabbed Zero's twin ponytails were swaying constantly.

"Damn it, you really dare to say anything." Seeing that Nexus' attention didn't turn over, Hikari breathed a sigh of relief and felt incredible at the same time.

Although he already knew from Severn that Zero's mouth was full of debts, but when you uncover his scars in front of Nexus, it's no longer a problem of debt, it's a problem of seeking death.

That is the biggest regret in Nexus's heart. If you said it directly, let alone the waist, you would probably break the timer with one punch after another.

Nexus glanced at Zero who was suppressed by Hikali.

Oh, don't think that his ears are not good. He was very clear about what this kid Zero was about to say.

This brat's wings have really turned into steel wings.

It doesn't matter. You are lying in the ward now. When you are discharged from the hospital, we can play slowly.

"After being out for so long, you should go back and report to your teammates that you are safe. They thought you really died in the black hole." The hand on Dana's shoulder slowly tightened, although on the surface it said The wind was calm and the clouds were calm, but in fact, if Dyna dared to answer no, Nexus would probably play the Storm Sword immediately.

".Okay." The pain in his shoulder was so real that Dyna didn't dare to have any intention of overstepping it, so he could only agree to Nexus' words as if resigned to his fate.

Now, even if I wanted to, I couldn't run away.

I really didn't expect that I would meet my senior in this universe. Now it's better. My dream of traveling around the universe has been shattered. Now I'm done with it completely.

Although the Kingdom of Light encountered catastrophe, it was quickly reborn, and this was enough.

Nexus resigned from his position as the chief instructor of the Kingdom of Light and was basically doing nothing every day. In addition, Zero was hospitalized and no one was bothering him. Therefore, in this rare free time, Nexus I just wanted to take Dai Na, who was thinking about running away all the time, back first, and deal with the matter there first.

So one day, when the plasma sparks were still shining in the Kingdom of Light, Nexus and Dyna came to the Ultra Airport together. After bidding farewell to the first generation and Zoffie who came to say goodbye, Nexus pulled Flying into the universe with Dyna, he immediately escaped into the universe.

"Senior, my ability to travel is random. There is no way to accurately locate a universe, and you don't have the ability to travel through the universe, so we just..." Before going home, Feiniao's heart became more and more frightened. I dare not go back and face it.

He racked his brains to excuse himself and also wanted to stop Nexus.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can locate it accurately."

"That's your position alone. What if you take me with you and lose me!"

"It won't be lost. The King's Cloak can carry multiple targets through time. Not to mention you, adding another Ultraman will be no problem."

"But senior!"

"There's nothing good about it. If you keep nagging me, I'll treat you to the Spark Sword right away."

"Senior! Senior, I don't want to go back!"


But no matter how the birds screamed, Nexus would not waver from what he was determined to do. Therefore, he still took Dana to travel through time and space, holding Dana's wrist in the tunnel.

The two parties traveled through countless dimensional realms almost instantly, and came from the Showa Universe to the Tiga Universe in the blink of an eye.

The abundant plasma energy disappeared instantly and was replaced by faint dark energy, slowly flowing in the cosmic space.

Other than that, nothing is different.

This is the only proof that they have come from one universe to another.

Feeling timid at home, Dana immediately switched to his miracle form, activated his super power, disappeared in an instant and moved a considerable distance away.


I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to go back at all! "

"Your boy is also a stubborn master, so that's the case." Facing Dyna's repeated evasion, Nexus was furious, and he decided not to let Dyna mess around anymore.

"Even if I have to carry you, I will carry you in front of Liang!" The red body switched instantly, golden energy flowed throughout the body, and the brilliant stone shone thousands of times, becoming a bright light in this eternal universe.

Nexus's initial attack was the Brilliance type, and there was no room for any rejection from Dyna.

"Senior, why don't you understand this truth?!" Dana shouted: "When the time is right, I will definitely go back. Before that, any force is meaningless. !”

Is the time right? During the theatrical version of Ultra Legend, you shouted from afar, saying that you would wait for Liang and the others in the future.

Wait for the hammer? Why, at that time, Liangdu was in her thirties and almost forty, and her whole life of youth was about to be exhausted. You still want her to wait for you, and you still want her to wait for you in the future?

What about Mao?

"You deserve a beating, don't you? You won't go back, right?" Pointing one hand at the sky, Nexus was furious and exerted his radiance-type power to instantly incorporate himself into the rules of the universe, and in an instant he Controlling the cosmic space in this area, Dyna's movement trajectory was blocked.

"I am also a super-powered warrior now, and so am I." Dyna wanted to activate the ability of the shining crystal, and also activated the teleportation space ability to escape, but Nexus's next words made him completely cut off. gained hope.

"Your superpower is useless." As soon as he finished speaking, the rules of the universe turned into layers of shackles, covering Dyna's body layer by layer, blocking all his superpowers, and not revealing any bit of them. .

"The last time I was forced to use this move was the Demon God." His milky white eyes reflected Dyna's appearance, and Nexus spoke slowly: "Ultraman Dyna, I think you can cancel the transformation and return. It looks like a human body.”

As soon as the words fell, Dyna's entire body released a strong light. In this light, Dyna's body gradually shrank, and gradually re-condensed into a human form from the endless light, returning to the posture of a flying bird.

That is the human gesture.

Although the distance was a bit far away, Nexus could still see the confused expression on Asuka's face.

"A flying bird can breathe in the universe, and he will not suffer any negative harm."

In one sentence, the bird is floating in the universe, can even breathe the air freely, and is completely fine even if it is directly exposed to the universe.

This was an experience he had never had before.

"Senior, this is me." Being exposed to the universe in a human form is quite a novel experience.

Asuka opened his hands and floated in the weightless world with a look of excitement on his face.

"The rules of the universe are driven by me, and this entire space is controlled by me." Nexus said calmly: "I think I can, then it's okay. This is my current power."

"So where do you want to run? Where do you think you can run?"

"I'm telling you, kid, now you have no other choice but to go back with me."

"Even if there is, I've blocked that road."

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