Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 748 What is the daily work of being the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team?

"Vice Captain, there is a new situation." In the base, Midorikawa Mai controlled the computer in front of her and displayed a certain communication from the universe on the big screen, attracting the source's attention.

The source wearing the uniform of the Super Victory team focused his eyes on it. What he saw at this glance was the anomaly that appeared outside the solar system and was transmitted from the space satellite.

The cosmic space that should have been dark turned out to be a different kind of red, and it was twisting toward the inside in a vortex-like, concave form.

This is not a good phenomenon.

"Nakajima!" Yuanquan said immediately. He stood up from his position and looked directly at this extraordinary distortion: "The universe distorts space? This kind of scale is not naturally formed. There should be some external factors. That’s right.”

"Vice Captain, I mobilized the band of the last signal transmitted by the exploration satellite. We detected some kind of distress signal from this band." Nakajima's position in the Super Victory Team is equivalent to Horii of the Victory Team. There was little he couldn't fix.

Although the phenomenon of cosmic distortion is a very rare scenario, rare does not mean that it will never happen.

"Distress signal? Could it be that some of the spaceships that were exploring the outside were absorbed into it?" Gosuke Kibi couldn't sit still at this moment. What if it was really the spaceships of the astronauts who set off from the earth to explore the universe and were absorbed into it? If not, it would be over.

The universe is a twisted space, and everything in it is completely unknown. No one knows what will appear in it.

"We don't know yet. We need the latest, first-hand investigation information." The exploration satellite that detected this twisted space in the universe has been absorbed into it. This picture has been conveyed for the last time. In other words, it is equivalent to saying Intelligence has fallen behind.

"I'll leave immediately." Kariya nodded. As a combatant, he was supposed to perform his duties at this time.

"Kariya, I'll go with you." Yuanquan turned around and patted Kariya on the shoulder. Under the latter's blank gaze, Yuanquan put his helmet under his arm: "This is not an ordinary twist. , it is very likely that it involves other universes, and if my prediction is good, someone wants to open the door to all universes."

"Beyond the barriers of all universes, there is a mezzanine that belongs to all universes, and the space in this mezzanine does not belong to any universe."

"Just like standing in a hall that leads to all the doors, that space is just such a place." Yuanquan popularizes science for everyone: "There, there is no concept of time, no concept of space, everything Nothing that people think will exist, and everything that is observed will change in the blink of an eye.”

"In that case, let me go with you." At this time, Kibi Gosuke stood up: "Kariya, you stay at the base and pilot the β to patrol outside the earth. Once something happens, you must It must be sent back to the headquarters as soon as possible.”

"Koda, prepare as an emergency responder. If there is a problem with the β, you will immediately fly the γ to attack and coordinate together!" Although Kibi Gosuke is about to step down from his duties as the captain of the Super Victory Team, it is not immediately. He is now Still the captain.

"Mai, Nakajima, you are preparing to receive the message. You must analyze the detailed information in the distorted space as soon as possible." After giving everyone the task, Kibi Gosuke came to the source: "Let's drive α Attack!"

"But captain, you are resigning soon. There is really no need." Kariya wanted to dissuade his captain, but Kibi Gosuke was not the kind of person who would be stopped when he made up his mind, so he raised his hand to stop him. After Kariya's follow-up words, Kihi Gosuke turned around and looked around at everyone before going out.

"I'm not old yet. I've been on the front line for most of my life. It's not the right time for me to retire." After saying this with a smile, Gosuke Kibi put on his helmet and shouted loudly: "Source , let’s set off!”

"Yes, yes, my old captain." Putting the helmet on his head, Yuanquan turned sideways, gave a thumbs up to everyone in the base, and then turned around and followed Kibi Gosuke.

It can almost be said that Yuanquan became the vice-captain, and don’t forget who the current TPC director is.

Don’t forget that Kibi Gosuke is not just a captain.

He used to be from the police station.

Besides, Yuanquan's position as the vice-captain of the Sixth Team has not been revoked in the TPC, so no one can say that he is not from the TPC.

"You brat, you were always clamoring to fly a plane. Now you have finally realized your dream." Arriving at the hangar below the base, Gosuke Kibi sat in the back of the α, preparing to debug the battleship: "But, you Can the boy drive it?"

"This is not the Feiyan."

"I've even flown a plane equipped with artificial intelligence, am I still afraid of this?" Sitting astride the main seat in front of the aircraft to control the flight, Yuanquan tilted his head slightly and smiled: "And I haven't been anything these days. I didn’t even do it, but I learned how to fly a plane.”

"You drive very smoothly, but I don't know how good you are at flying a plane." In the past, when there were only two people in the Sixth Team, Yuanquan was usually the one driving the car.

Being used to riding in Yuanquan's cars, Kibi Gosuke certainly knows how good Yuanquan's driving skills are.

"Then you're going to have an eye-opening experience today." He opened the jet port and started to warm up the power. The source connected to the command room via radio, and the voices of Mai and Nakajima suddenly rang in his ears.

"Send me the coordinates of the twisted position of the universe. In addition, adjust the Alpha to orbit three and prepare to open the hangar..."

"Max Power, prepare to recharge."

This series of stories is enough to prove that Yuanquan was not really eating and waiting to die during this period.

After all, he had studied hard or something.

He is Ultraman himself. He has excellent physical fitness and a good mind. His photographic memory and other basic abilities are among them.

As long as he puts his heart into learning how to fly an airplane, he will be able to master it very quickly.

"Understood, vice-captain." Mai and Nakajima prepared for the takeoff of the Alpha at the same time. After the finale of Ultraman Dyna TV, the TPC base, which had been silent for a while, finally became operational again.

Holding the power handle, Yuanquan took a deep breath and pushed slowly.

"No. Alpha, attack!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hangar door opened, and the Alpha rushed out like a sharp sword on orbit three, sprinting towards the sky.

The Max power system gives Alpha the speed to soar to the limit in a short period of time.

The material of the α number can fully withstand the pressure of living at this speed.

The Alpha rushed towards the sky like a sharp red arrow. In the blink of an eye, there was only a black dot left, and it set off towards the outside of the earth.

"If you use this speed before you reach the universe, aren't you afraid that the plane will catch fire?"

"Don't I believe in the current TPC technology?"

Amid the familiar bickering sounds of the two, Alpha broke through the atmosphere, escaped the earth's gravity, and came into the universe.

After breaking through the atmosphere, Alpha can truly show its speed in the universe.

After all, it is a Max power system, which is the power that can achieve light.

"Prepare to carry out investigation tasks and share investigation progress."

"Mobile Fortress NF-3000. Please reply. This is number α. I am the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team - Source, and the captain of the Super Victory Team - Kibi Gosuke." After arriving in the universe, the first thing that reflected What catches the eye is the huge mobile fortress, which is the cosmic mobile fortress that together with Dyna delivered a fatal blow to the Sphia matrix at the end of Ultraman Dyna TV.

It looks like a four-clawed spider and can even spin like a top.

It is an emerging field plan, currently the strongest technological crystallization.

"Received, we will follow up on your progress at all times." Soon, a reply came from the Mobile Fortress NF-3000, which meant that this behemoth had officially begun operation.

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