Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 750 Source: I am the ace pilot of the Victory Team!

After the dazzling light dissipated from his eyes, Kibi Gosuke opened his eyes.

And when he opened his eyes, what he saw was that he was in the universe where they came from before.

The only difference is that there are many more wormholes produced by the same universe distortion phenomenon.

"This is here." Looking at the novel cosmic scenery presented in front of him, Kibi Gosuke looked surprised: "Is this the center of the distortion phenomenon? It's right here."

"We have arrived at the intersection of the major universes. Here, due to distortion, the curve of time cannot exist here, so there is no concept of time at all." Yuanquan put down his raised hand and entered the distortion. Before the wormhole, he released powerful light energy to protect Alpha's fighter plane, forcing the fighter plane not to be torn apart in the distortion phenomenon.

You can't compare the Alpha and the Panlong. You must know that the Panlong was modified by the Pedan people. The entire body of the Panlong is made of Pedanium metal.

The hardness of Panlong is equivalent to that of an ancient golden bridge, which greatly guarantees Panlong's sturdiness and defense.

Otherwise, in the original work, how could the Panlong, which often performs plowing by planes, be so strong?

You must know that when this thing is at its strongest, even if the head dart of the mechanical Severn cuts across it, there is no way to completely cut off the Panlong. It can only open a crack in the body of the Panlong.

This kind of hardness cannot be compared to Alpha.

Therefore, although it was also absorbed into the distortion phenomenon, the source still had to protect Alpha.

Looking at the completely stagnant time count on the monitor, Gosuke Kibi pondered for a moment, and then continued: "You are right, the interior of destruction is indeed not necessarily destruction, but... what is the signal for help? Where did it come from?"

"We have lost contact with the outside world, but the radar can still be used." As he said that, Yuanquan adjusted the angle of the plane, followed a certain distress signal searched on the radar, and drove the Alpha there.

The flying speed of Mach 7.5 is even as fast as the flying speed of some Ultraman. Alpha's speed is very fast, and a red rainbow light flashes across this universe with no concept of time, leaping instantly.

"As expected, it's you." As Yuanyuan, who was driving the fighter plane, got closer to the location of the distress signal, he also felt the aura of light energy that was extremely familiar to him.

"Captain, get ready, the enemy is coming." The propeller increased the power, and at the same time, the Alpha also changed its elevation angle and leaped upward. The angle of this instant leap allowed the Alpha to successfully avoid the ice blade coming from below. And met a fighter that also came to this planet with them.

The two planes passed by each other, only for each other to discover each other's presence, and then they separated.

The ice ax pursuing behind the Alpha changed its position and rushed towards the Panlong.

Behind the Alpha, an eight-point light wheel emitting gleaming white light appeared.

Lightweight, fast and easy to maneuver, these are the advantages of the eight-point light wheel.

The power is less, which is the shortcoming of the eight-point light wheel.

But the lower power depends on who it is compared with. Even if it is not powerful enough, compared with human fighter planes, the eight-point light wheel is still a terrifying move that will destroy the machine and kill people in one hit.

"What happened?" Gosuke Kibi realized belatedly that his plane was under attack.

This was something he only discovered after the plane suddenly made an extreme movement and position, causing his head to suddenly hurt.

"What is that? Are there other planes out there?"

"They should have detected the distress signal like us and came here." Yuanquan turned on the radio communication and at the same time retracted the hand on the push handle. While controlling the radar, the other hand also held the joystick and drove the aircraft. The sky is moving and changing, forcing the eight-point light wheel to be unable to catch up with itself in the changes and rotations.

The skilled piloting skills make Yuanquan look like an ace pilot.

But in fact, this is a habit he developed through his superhuman physical fitness and long-term aerial combat.

Although he doesn't have an aerial type, he has done a lot of aerial combat.

If you look at Tiga, it was because Dagu was terrible at playing air-types that his driving skills were also terrible, and crashes became a daily occurrence.

If you look at a certain Happy Superman, before Yonghui, the aerial type was yyds. The aerial type was good at it, so he started flying a plane, and the show was almost lost.

It can be seen that as the human body of Ultraman, fighting in aerial combat can cultivate qualities.

After a circuitous route, the Alpha relocated to the location of the Panlong. After calculating the movement trajectories and positions of the two aircraft, Yuanquan controlled the Alpha to lag behind, allowing the Panlong to fly past him first.

Yuanquan pressed the attack button, and red light blasted out instantly. Three consecutive red lights hit the circling and biting ice ax, sending it flying instantly.

The Alpha changed its trajectory and flew downwards. After breaking through the thick clouds below, the Source kept flying at low altitude and high speed, dodging towering mountain peaks one after another. During the extreme operation, it finally emerged from the fiery battlefield. Passed up.

"I found you." After arriving on this battlefield, Source lowered Alpha's flight altitude again, pressed the buttons one after another, and emitted red light, hitting the first generation who was manipulating the eight-point light wheel to pursue Alpha.

Suddenly encountered an attack, the first generation of the machine took a step back slightly, and its body became stiff for a moment. And this moment of stiffness gave the trapped Zero a chance to break away from the siege and successfully hit the target with his ice axe. The first generation of machinery.

Where the ice ax scratched, the simulated skin on the first generation of the machine had a gap, exposing the mechanical body under the simulated skin.

When the first generation was attacked, the eight-point light wheel lost its flexibility and crashed on a certain mountain peak.

The Alpha got out of the predicament and was immediately controlled by the source to climb up to the sky, launching a crazy attack while falling vertically.

For a moment, with Zero's surroundings as the center, the light hit the ground and stirred up dust and smoke. The attack of the light forced other mechanical Ultraman to retreat.

Seizing the opportunity, Zero soared into the sky in an attempt to break through the encirclement.

But rushing down from above the clouds, Severn, who was originally chasing the Panlong, dropped down with an ice ax in his hand and hugged Sero directly, turning both of them into rolling gourds.

This also made Zero's attempt to break away from the encirclement come to nothing.

"I didn't expect that besides the Panlong, there would be other fighters coming in." In the experimental factory, the Salome star, the manufacturer of the mechanical Ultra brothers, looked at the Alpha that had just joined the battlefield, showing dissatisfaction. Expression: "What universe does this come from? This kind of driving technology is a bit too exaggerated."

The adult-like Salome star is a great beauty, and what can I say, in another world, she should be Chisuki Rei's lover (the same actor.)

"According to the TPC logo printed on this fighter plane, it should be a battleship from another universe, similar to the Panlong." Salome also has two auxiliary staff under his command, one of whom has captured Alpha The appearance of the fighter jet is being simulated and analyzed continuously: "It cannot be identified. It comes from a universe we don't recognize."

"Hmph, I thought that the arrival of the Panlong was enough trouble. I didn't expect that there are humans from other universes who dare to rush into the center of this twisted phenomenon and come to this area." Although the Salome star She was dissatisfied, but there was nothing she could do.

It is understandable that the Panlong was modified by the Pedan people and could pass through the wormhole without being injured.

But what about this fighter plane? Has it also been transformed?

"Let the mechanical Seven, the first generation of machinery, take care of this fighter plane."

"Eh? But in this case, Ultraman Zero might be able to break through the encirclement!"

"Idiot, I want you to call another team of Ultra Brothers!"

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