Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 762 I don’t hate you for going to the light, I just hate why you didn’t take me with you (th

There were not many witnesses to the wedding between Camilla and Dagu. Apart from Dagu and Camilla who were the parties, only Yuanquan and Saori were left.

Yuanquan is acting as the best man again, and he is the only best man.

As for Saori, she naturally went to be Camilla's bridesmaid, and there was only one.

The two of them even had to act as spectators.

If the priest hadn't really invited him, I'm afraid Yuanquan would have had to stick a beard on his head to be a guest priest.

Anyway, with his hair color, it wouldn't be inappropriate to put on two beards and pretend to be an old priest or something.

This is a marriage that is not blessed by outsiders, because no one knows that this time between Dagu and Camilla has been almost 30 million years late.

No one knows how valuable this pair's union is.

Naturally, Lina would not get involved. In the final analysis, her ability to accept Camilla was already a reflection of her generosity.

If you want her to come to Camila's wedding, isn't that just getting a bargain and being nice?

Although there was an agreement between Lina and Camilla, this was a woman's natural emotional reluctance and had nothing to do with anything else.

"This is my second time...no, this is my third time as best man." The first time was naturally at Horii's wedding. At that time, Yuanquan also joined as a member of the best man group and presented a gift to Horii. bless.

"Yuan, you said... the person who is marrying Camilla here now, is it me or Ultraman Tiga?" Dagu's face was still a little confused, because of the relationship between Yuan and his relationship between humans and Ultraman. Man has a clear understanding of these two identities.

But Camilla's obsession with him made him confused at this clear boundary.

"You are Dagu, and you are also Ultraman Tiga." Yuanquan knew that Dagu had such questions, so he was already prepared: "You don't need to be like me, trying desperately to separate the two identities. "

"I have said it a long time ago, Tiga and Nexus are different."

"Dago, you are Ultraman Tiga, the one and only, the real Ultraman Tiga!"

As to whether Dagu is actually Tiga, you may have to ask Camilla. After all, it is Camilla who pours her feelings into him.

In Camilla's eyes, whether there is any difference between Da Gu and Tiga, or whether there is no difference between them, is up to Camilla herself.

"At least, the person she wants to marry now is you, that's enough."

"You are a warrior of super ancient heritage, you are the real Ultraman Tiga."

(By the way, in some setting, Da Gu looks exactly the same as Heidi from 30 million years ago...)

"What's the use of thinking so much? She's already preparing to give you a baby." Yuanquan patted Dagu on the shoulder: "You're not the kind of scumbag who just runs away after playing, are you?"

"Dago, when you are struggling with those identities, you also have to think about the fact that she is pregnant with your child now."

Dagu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately gave up on the confusing fog and entangled identity.

Yes, the source was right to the point. No matter what, Carmilla was now pregnant with his child, and Carmilla had given everything to him.

I am entangled in these things here because I want to show irresponsibility.

Camila gave everything to him, but here he was struggling with whether or not...

"I understand, thank you, Yuan." Taking a deep breath, Da Gu put a smile on his face again: "I will treat her wholeheartedly and will never let her down."

"What's wrong? You've been looking like you want to ask something since just now?" The white wedding dress highlighted Camila's beautiful figure, and the paint on her face had long gone, just like her hatred and anger. .

Camila looked at Saori, who was sitting on the bed and swinging her feet uneasily. The hesitation and hesitation on this little girl's face almost overflowed.

"Sister Camilla, what does it feel like to get married?" After Camilla spoke, Saori plucked up the courage and asked cautiously: "I attended a wedding once, but...it was so lively. In comparison, Sister Camila is so deserted."

"Don't you care about this coldness?"

"Such a sparse wedding, is Sister Camilla really willing to hold it?"

Carmilla seemed to have anticipated this problem. A gentle smile appeared on her beautiful face, which was completely different from the twisted look she had in the past, whipping Tiga and roaring in the ruins of Luluye.

If it was the heartache and resentment of being betrayed, now it is the happiness of love.

People who are twisted in hatred and people who live under nourishment are ultimately different.

"It doesn't matter, Saori, there aren't many people who are qualified to participate in the wedding between me and him." Camilla said softly: "Everything was buried 30 million years ago, and I and I It’s a miracle that he can stay here until now.”

I understand, the only ones who are truly qualified to participate in your wedding are Durham and Hiram who woke up with you, right?

However, unlike Camilla, who is not only still alive, but even got what she wanted, Durham and Hiram... I'm afraid even meeting them is a luxury...

"This wedding is a testimony between me and him. Even if there is no audience and no applause, I still enjoy it."

"Because this is what I have wanted to do for a long time."

The satisfaction in that smile, the nostalgia caressing her belly, all these things seemed like they should not appear in a dark female warrior, and no one would associate the two together.

However, Camilla exists like this.


This is another brand new word, an expression for the emergence of a certain mood, but what this mood is and what it is like, Saori fell into dullness again.

Is this kind of satisfaction the same as the kind of satisfaction that you can get whatever you want?

"Saori, I can see that you have feelings for him, and that guy is not completely unaware of it." Carmilla withdrew from her little satisfaction and turned the topic to Saori. : "You are from Earth, but you are also a monster girl with monster factors. What you are born lacking are human emotions."

"He wants to send you to earth to study, but he doesn't know that there is a kind of emotion that cannot be learned by getting along with outsiders."

"Saori, do you care about him?"

Carmilla handed her bare hand, which was wearing wedding gloves, to Saori, and with Saori's support, she walked towards the door.

"I don't care. I want him to live forever. I want him to take me to eat a lot of delicious food, watch a lot of good things, watch TV with me, and sleep with me." Saori nodded without any hesitation. She felt there was some ambiguity in the last sentence, because that's how she felt.

"This kind of caring means liking." Carmilla responded with a smile: "Saori, tell him your love and express it bravely. If you don't say it, he will escape forever."

"I know you want to think about him, but there are some things that change the relationship between the two parties. It is precisely one party who takes the lead in rushing forward."

Although she had given everything in exchange for betrayal, what Carmilla got now was still what she wanted in her heart.

This result is enough.

"Saori, be brave and tell him your feelings so that he can't pretend to be stupid."

After opening the door, Dagu stood there in the light cast by the huge window, just like the light he represented at the moment.

Bathed in the light, he vaguely allowed Carmilla to see the shadow of Tiga.

Saori held Carmilla's hand and walked step by step towards the person bathed in the light on the red carpet.

"Bah bang bang!"

Sudden but appropriate applause sounded. Yuanquan was sitting in the front seat. He turned his body sideways and applauded vigorously, making the deserted church resound with applause of welcome and blessing.

Dagu showed a gentle smile, faced the beautiful woman who was walking towards her, stepped aside and stretched out his hand.

It was as if he was trying to pull Carmilla into this light.

Easter eggs:

Carmilla: I don’t hate you for going to the light, I just hate that you didn’t take me with you when you went to the light.

This is what Carmilla told Dagu before her death in the final holy war in the movie. She dedicated everything and all her love to Tiga, even if she gave up her identity as a dark giant.

So who is the screenwriter of this theatrical version? With Carmilla's dedication to such an extent, Diga would fall out whenever he said so. Doesn't this make Diga look like a scumbag from 30 million years ago? Just eat and run away, right?

This piece can be regarded as giving Carmilla the ending she wanted, and it can also be regarded as fulfilling her wish in the theatrical version of the Final Holy War.

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