Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 766 Source: I am Nexus, a good guy. Why do you run away when you see me?

Just like the original theatrical version, the space battleship sent by the shuttle carrier landed in the Kingdom of Light, and looked around with the one-eye that was both an eye and an attack device.

The red light continuously released by the red one-eye swept across the glazed floor of the Kingdom of Light.

Every time it sweeps across, it can stir up large swaths of debris.

It's not that there are no Ultra Warriors to attack, it's just that none of their light skills can cause damage to this huge robot.

The continuous output of light cannot even hinder its progress.

Because it came suddenly, the Kingdom of Light was caught off guard, and the members of the Ultra Combat Guards were on duty outside for a long time, so there were very few people who actually stayed behind.

Even if there is, it still takes time to react.

But fortunately, Zero happened to be bored, so he took over the battle and used the Emelim Cut to compete with the red one-eyed man.

After no one could suppress anyone, Zero used ice axes. The two ice axes were like arms, flying up and down. Under the influence of telekinesis, they exerted great lethality, and soon killed the intruder's arms. Remove.

What finally ended the battle was the flames ignited by Zero's flying kick, which penetrated the body of the robot, ending the battle completely.

But what he thought was the end was actually just the beginning.

The Dark Cyclops slowly stood up from the flames and dust of the explosion. His red one-eyed eye scanned the surroundings. After confirming that it was the Kingdom of Light, the Dark Cyclops that survived and was successfully activated was ready to wreak havoc.

When Zero landed, he discovered the doubts about the existence of the Dark Cyclops. He was shocked and even felt a chill in his heart.

This shape and posture are very similar to the dark Lopusero he encountered in the distortion phenomenon.

And that guy is an out-and-out formidable enemy.

Now three such enemies appeared at once, which immediately made Zero feel overwhelmed.

Has Salome not given up yet?

Didn’t you hear that she has gone to Earth?

Zero discovered the Dark Cyclops, but the Dark Cyclops also discovered Zero. They were created to follow an order, to find the Kingdom of Light, destroy the Kingdom of Light, and destroy Ultraman Zero.

This is something etched into the core of the data.

So the moment they saw Zero, they also launched an attack.

After the actual fight, Zero realized that there was a huge gap between the strength of these three Cyclops and the previous Dark Lopus Zero.

If that was an enemy that he must show his true ability to face, then these three Cyclops could only bully him by relying on their numbers.

The difference from the original work is that this time, Zero was not surrounded by three people and then captured alive, or even almost killed. Instead, he fought one against three and never lost, and he even seized the opportunity to cut him open with a plasma ice blade. The body of one of them was destroyed, causing it to explode in destruction.

After defeating one of them, Zero's pressure was greatly reduced. After a round of fighting, he once again used the plasma knife to destroy the second Cyclops, cutting open the opponent's timer and cutting off the opponent's body.

The last one saw that the situation was not good and prepared to run away, but was caught up by the plasma knife thrown by Zero in the high-speed rotation, and was eventually destroyed in the explosion.

What followed was almost the same as the original work. The last Cyclops retained its mechanical core. Under the operation of Hikari and Eddie, the core's guidance function was activated, and the result was that the core pointed outside the universe.

Therefore, Ao's father judged that this was an invasion from other universes, and someone needed to go to the source of this source to see.

Zero volunteered and decided to go on his own, and he also wanted to figure out why these Cyclops used his image.

Father Ao readily agreed.

Zero was recognized by Plasma Spark, had an important mission, and was the person to usher in the next era. Whether it is the image of the Cyclops or his volunteering at this moment, maybe it is the guidance and arrangement of fate.

But right now, the Kingdom of Light, without being able to contact Nexus, has only one way to send an Ultraman to other universes, and that is to gather all the power of the Kingdom of Light and collide with it with enough energy. Breaking the barriers of the universe and not being stuck by flowing matter, thus being captured and trapped in it.

Before leaving, Severn gave Zero Ot a bracelet, which contains enough light energy and can be used to replenish energy, but it can only be used three times.

The energy of the bracelet is connected to the scale on the plasma spark tower behind Severn. Once Zero uses it to annihilate a gem, the scale on the tower will dim immediately, so that the Kingdom of Light will also know.

In the end, Severn was worried about his son traveling far away and was afraid that something would happen to him, but he couldn't stop it, so he could only do this.

Under the gift of light from many Ultra Warriors, Zero was wrapped in a ball of golden light, and instantly flew up with extremely powerful speed and power, flying towards the vast universe, where the core in his hand guided the position.

He will break through this universe and go to another world.

"That's over there..." Flying alone in the dark and chaotic universe, Nexus seemed to have broken into a somewhat remote place. After flying towards the center of the universe for so long, he had not encountered any civilization.

It cannot be said that there is no such thing, but that there is no such civilization that can communicate and whose scientific level has developed to the point where it can conduct interstellar exploration.

He must at least know some information. If he found a primitive planet and asked the primitive people, they would probably regard him as a god and throw himself on the ground and kneel down.

What can you ask?

So it continued flying for a long time, and finally Nexus discovered a civilization capable of sailing in the universe amidst the interstellar war.

Of course, depending on the scene, it is not just navigation, but also the ability to launch interstellar wars.

This also shows from the side that this universe is not a new universe, maybe it is still very old.

It’s just that Nexus couldn’t understand why when he emerged from the red light and appeared on the battlefield, the civilizations on both sides that started the war suddenly broke out in a commotion, and then they stopped fighting, and just paid money to withdraw their troops, and ran away. As fast as it goes, it disappears almost in the blink of an eye.

Nexus was a little stunned.

What's the reaction? Is it possible that these people know him?

Or maybe the legend of Nexus also circulates in this universe?

Nexus wanted to catch up and ask for clarification, but just as he was about to catch up, the two warships immediately turned their power to the maximum and disappeared into the darkness almost in the blink of an eye, leaving no trace of them again.

His plan to ask something about this universe failed, but Nexus didn't get any information. At least based on the reactions of these people, he could tell that there might be Ultraman in this universe.

Thinking this way, Nexus began to shrink his body, transformed into a faint light, and then landed on the planet beneath him.

Since the image of Nexus is terrifying, what he can use is naturally his appearance as the source of humanity.

As soon as he landed, Yuanquan hadn't even taken a step yet. The touch of the loose and broken stones under his feet made him frown.

Don’t forget, Yuanquan worked in a quarry, and was also the supervisor.

The ground he stepped on was clearly the traces of an overexploited mine.

The gravel was broken too regularly.

"Mining ores? This universe can't really be..." The thoughts in my mind came to mind a lot. The voice calling in the dream before, the stone statue of Noah on the verge of being broken, plus this mining area, all the signs seemed to be there. It shows that the world he came to was the one he thought about in his mind.

"No... we can't judge it just based on a quarry. It's just a possibility, not a certainty." Shaking his head, the source took a few steps forward and stood at the highest point.

His eyes were focused on the dirty camp below the quarry.

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