Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 774 The legendary warrior, the light buried in the previous era-Nexus

"Red Lotus Flame has told me the coordinates of the Mirror Star."

After rushing out from the center of the explosion, Zero released his transformation state, but the king's cloak still hung on him.

He also needs the king's cloak to help him avoid the negative states of the universe at all times, otherwise once the cloak is removed, the abundant light energy in his body will disappear in an instant, leaving nothing at all.

Of course, it was precisely because he knew that his condition was not good, and that the time the Red Lotus Flame bought for them was limited, that the first thing Zero did after detransforming and returning to James' cabin was to get straight to the point. A slight pause.

"Only the Mirror Star knows the location of the Shield of Palagi."

"Then let's go." Yuanquan added: "No matter what, this is the last chance."

"Before Beria comes looking for you."

"Yes!" Amy Lana nodded and said in agreement: "James, let's go."

"Understood, Your Highness Princess." Because of the urgency of the situation, everyone had no intention of talking nonsense. Instead, they went straight to the point and flew directly towards the location of the Mirror Star.

Lan sat aside with a gloomy expression, and Yuanquan sat beside him unceremoniously, because he knew what Zero was thinking about at the moment.

"You don't think that the Red Lotus Flame is dead, do you?" Yuanquan said: "And in the final analysis, the disasters that swept the universe were caused by Beria, and the person who did not kill Beria was you. "

"That's what you think."

Lan was silent for a while, and while the princess and Xiao Zhi were listening quietly, he spoke.

"I will defeat Beria. My mistakes and negligence will ultimately be resolved by me!"

"No, Zero, Beria is no longer an opponent you can defeat." The source of these words belongs to the truth. Beria, who has absorbed the huge Emerald ore as a reserve energy source in this universe, also from These ores have acquired the characteristics of the creatures that once formed them.

Emerald Ore is actually an ore formed by the destroyed alien beasts after Noah reset the universe.

Although there are no signs of life and no appearance of alien beasts, absorbing too much Emeraru ore will cause the body to mutate.

Belial's overly long claws and the infection factor on the claws appeared because of this.

So now Beria is undoubtedly stronger than Zero.

Zero's double rays, which had dealt a heavy blow to Beria, were even torn apart by Beria's Disium rays in the second wave confrontation with Beria.

"I must defeat him, no matter what method I use, no matter what price I pay!" Seeing these things happening around him, Cero had obviously lost his mind.

His guilt and anger were tormenting him at this moment, making him want to fight Beria at all costs.

"Calm down! Zero!" Yuanquan put a hand on Zero's shoulder and said seriously: "Don't let your anger drive away your reason, stay awake!"

"Nexus, tell me, why..." Zero seemed a little confused: "Why is he okay? I clearly thought..."

There is no way to answer this question. Do you mean that your boy wants to form a habit of Beria's corpse fraud?

Not to mention last time, even this time, he still couldn't die.

He will even be resurrected again in the future, and then live and die.

Why can't he die?

Then you can only go through the dimensional wall and ask Tsuburaya...

Go ask them why they didn't let Beria die...

"Perhaps it's because of Rebrando. After all, Rebrando is famous for surviving." The source shifted the conflict and put the responsibility for Beria's resurrection on Rebrando.

Anyway, he is the ancient ultimate life form, the oldest scapegoat. If you throw the blame to him, there will definitely be no problem.

Outside the window, the planet that was pulled out of a phantom was left behind by James Robert, and was also abandoned by their sight. As they set off towards the location of the Mirror Star, the residents of the second dimension, the path they have to walk is naturally not an ordinary cosmic passage.

First, James must pass through a barrier, a barrier that seems no different from the ordinary universe. Then enter the two-dimensional world through this barrier, find the entrance to the Mirror Star here, and only enter after obtaining permission.

Of course, the most fundamental difficulty is that the entrance cannot be found.

Because the barrier looks exactly like the ordinary universe, even if you pass by the entrance of the barrier, you probably won't be able to detect it.

So that if you don't have accurate entrance information, no one can find it.

What? Then why did Belia's army find it in the original novel?

Of course, there is a Mirror Knight in the Mirror Star who was contaminated by Beria.

Isn't Beria still aware of the energy that belongs to him that he left in the Mirror Knight?

The source and Lan both controlled the coordinates of the Mirror Star, and therefore, James was able to pass through the barrier and enter the entrance of the Mirror Star.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that James suddenly disappeared into the universe.

After passing through the barrier, you will enter a world of colorful black, with rhombus mirrors hanging on the left and right, and countless faces.

From the moment James entered this place, his body seemed to be in a hazy phantom.

And in front of the road reflected by the rhombus is a square mirror, hanging alone in the colorful dark world.

Only when the mirror is turned to the mirror surface will the Mirror Star be revealed.

This is where the entrance to the Mirror Star is.

James drove into it and appeared in the mirror, looking like he had entered the painting. But that was what it looked like from the outside. In fact, Yuanquan and others who entered the two-dimensional world did see a huge planet in front of them.

James entered the planet and landed on a huge mirror.

This acts as a mirror on the ground, just like the earth of the Mirror Star.

The group of people got off the plane one by one, with the princess leading the way. Obviously, she was in a very urgent mood and was eager to find the legendary Shield of Palagi.

Following closely behind was Lan, who was holding Xiao Zhi's hand.

The source is at the back.

There was a reason why he was at the back, because he didn't want others to see his trembling body at the moment.

"Answer me, people of the second dimension, we are here to find the Shield of Palagi." The princess asked aloud as she looked at the snowflake-like mirror hanging on the dark sky with the phantom of the aurora.

"We residents of the second dimension will not interfere with the affairs of the third dimension." An old man's voice came from the mirror.

"But, Beria will come here sooner or later!" Lan couldn't stand Mirror Star's attitude and immediately asked.

"We know that the light of the Mirror Star can be reflected to any place in the universe." After a pause, the Mirror Body continued: "No matter how hard you struggle, it is useless. Destruction is already doomed."

"Doomed to destruction, just wait for the arrival of death."

"What a joke!" Xiao Zhi couldn't accept the mirror body's statement, because it was tantamount to denying the legend he had believed in since childhood, denying the consciousness of everyone who had come along the way and sacrificed along the way: "Everyone in the universe, everyone You’re working hard to live! How can you die just because you say you’re going to die?”

"If you think this universe will be destroyed, why did you let us in." Yuanquan also spoke at this time, because he had already arrived at the Mirror Star where he wanted to come.

"We, the Mirror Star, have made an agreement with the Esmeralda Kingdom and will not refuse the entry of people with royal bloodline." Obviously, the person the Mirror is talking about is Princess Esmerana.

"In that case, can I make you change your mind?" Yuanquan walked in front of everyone and directly raised the Evolution Truster in his hand.

He didn't pull it out, and he didn't intend to transform. He just held up the Evolution Truster, but it was as if he was holding some token high.

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