Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 795 Ultraman Mefilas! (Confirmed)

Kingdom of Light.

"Hey, Hikari, what is that?" Walking inside the Science and Technology Bureau, Zero looked around like a curious baby.

Everything here was new to him, something he had never seen before.

"That's Bemonstein's organ. It has the function of absorbing energy. I put it there for research." Hikali glanced at the thing soaked in the jar and said nonchalantly: "It's not a precious item. I have quite a few like this in my lab.”

Hearing this, Zero silently closed his mouth.

"Palaj is an artifact given to you by Ultraman Noah. We can't stimulate Palag too much, but it can still be used for testing." Hikari opened the door of the laboratory and opened the door of the laboratory. The decoration was exposed: "But it's only this time, so we have to be prepared. Maybe we can get the secret of traveling through the universe from Palaji."

"Hikali, what is this?" Hikali explained seriously, but unfortunately, Sero didn't listen at all. Instead, he ran to the experimental table and looked at the parts placed on the table. There were also some assembled manipulators, and I was suddenly curious.

"That's the armor I made. It was researched by me for the warriors of the Blue Clan to protect the fragile bodies." Hikali controlled the computer, entered the password, and opened a certain location hidden underground in the laboratory. gap, and then slowly rose up a set of armor that had been completed.

"This is the first-generation finished product. The first-generation self-defense armor made based on the drawings Nexus gave me." Looking at the red armor, Hikali couldn't help but sigh: "Wait until this thing is put into actual combat. , the fragile and sensitive bodies of the Blue Clan warriors can be better protected."

"How does this thing compare to the practice armor?" Zero asked curiously after knocking on the red armor.

"It's definitely not comparable to the Cultivation Armor, but it's only one generation. I'm still upgrading in the future." The Cultivation Armor is the treasure of King Ao, can that thing be comparable to ordinary equipment?

"What's your name? Can I try it?" Zero was eager to give it a try, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Don't you already have this? Do you need any other armor?" Hikali shook the Praji bracelet on his hand and said helplessly: "You have the strongest armor in the universe."

"As for the name of this armor, according to Nexus, the provider of the design, the name of this armor is: Kuuga."

"You are finally back." On a remote planet outside the dark universe, Mefilas looked at Nexus who landed and breathed a sigh of relief: "If you hadn't appeared yet, I would have been thinking about you. I’m going to the Kingdom of Light to find you.”

"You are so anxious. Is there any big move by the Star Alliance?" Nexus asked.

"Yes, what you said is indeed correct. The Interstellar Alliance really has the ability to travel to other universes." Mefilas's voice was a little solemn. Although the Interstellar Alliance is very famous among the people of the dark universe, this kind of Fame is established in the dark universe, and the Interstellar Alliance is the only existence aligned with the Kingdom of Light.

Mephilas was entrusted by Nexus to find dirty information about the Interstellar Alliance, and even went undercover in it. However, the Interstellar Alliance took the initiative to eliminate all the dirty information after Ampera was purified, so that the clean Mephilas Ferras was a little in disbelief.

But even if the previous black material can be eliminated, a force's behavior is destined to never stay on its own terms, and it is destined to commit new crimes.

No matter how careful it is, as long as there is a trace, it can touch the tail of the shady behind the scenes.

Mefilas, who was undercover, successfully waited for the opportunity for this once dark and shining, then seemingly bright organization to commit crimes and require the cooperation of the district chiefs of the entire alliance in each major star field.

It waited for this opportunity.

"It's true that dogs can't change their ways of eating shit. Even though the Interstellar Alliance has wiped out all the black material from the past, the crimes it has committed have not stopped." Mefilas lamented: "o-50, Jonias I heard from people on the planet that I have been investigating that you also got involved?"

"That's right, not only did I intervene, I even almost passed." Nexus was still a little annoyed when he said this.

"You won't be stopped, right?" Mefilas was a little surprised. He knew very well how powerful Nexus was. How could such a powerful Ultra warrior be blocked by the Interstellar Alliance?

The background of the Interstellar Alliance is really terrifying.

"The Cave of the Cosmic Void - Gliza, and the Cosmic White Blood Cell - Lugoset, I really can't rush through these two together." Nexus sighed: "The other party knows me very well and shows me The force coming out is very clear and we have been prepared for it.”

Facing Zaki and even Ampera, Nexus's power has been known to the whole universe, but at the same time, his trump cards have long been exhausted, and his battles have been recited one after another.

This is a very dangerous thing, because it means that all your power has been fully understood by others, and others can even make targeted plans based on this.

Throughout the ages, countless powerful men have died due to this situation.

Obviously, Nexus has also tasted this bitter pill now.

"Oh, that's really a big deal." The void monster Gliza and the cosmic leukocyte Lugset are both legendary monsters that have been circulated in the universe for a long time. The former was sealed by Bruton, and the latter has disappeared for a long time.

Now both of them appeared just to block Nexus.

"If you say so, I have a deeper understanding of the power hidden in the Star Alliance." If even these two monsters can be dispatched, then Mefilas may have to re-evaluate the foundation of the Star Alliance.

"Nexus, O-50 is being invaded by the Interstellar Alliance. According to the order I received, the alliance requires the district chiefs of our respective star regions to hand over the collected energy storage tanks to activate an ultimate weapon." Mephilas informed Nexus of the news he heard from within the Star Alliance.

"I don't know what it is, but I learned at the meeting of the star region leaders that it is a conceptual weapon that can annihilate all life on the entire planet with one blow without causing any damage."

"Destroy all life in one blow?" Nexus repeated: "In other words, the Interstellar Alliance wants to destroy all life on O-50?"

"No, that's not necessarily the case." Mefilas retorted: "According to the information I received, the Interstellar Alliance launched an invasion of O-50 a long time ago, and it was not within the past two years, but a long time ago. "

"They definitely don't want to use this weapon to destroy all life on the O-50."

"What are you using it for?" Nexus asked.

"Do you think it's possible that that thing was used to deal with you?" Mefilas had an idea: "If someone boards the O-50, then the Interstellar Alliance will use this weapon and then give this person to..."

As he spoke, Mephilas made a gesture of wiping his neck with a knife.

"...Used to deal with me?" Nexus couldn't deny it, but these were just speculations and not true.

To know the real situation, you have to go to O-50 to see it.

"Mephilas, please delay as much as possible. I will go to O-50 immediately to investigate this matter."

"I don't care, what about you? Have you thought of a way to deal with those two monsters?"

"I have absolute confidence in winning one-on-one, so I have to find a helper, a helper who can help me." There is no doubt that this helper must be Cero.

Now that he has obtained the Praji Bracelet and has not been weakened, Sero is definitely a T0 level powerhouse.

"Be careful. I don't want to go to a meeting next time and hear the news that the Interstellar Alliance will defeat you or even kill you."

"Mephilas, thank you for your help, I will keep it in mind."

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