Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 834: Send the Evolutionary Truster to that person. This battle is basically stable (everyone


Gauss and Dyna had already flown away to find Tiga.

Being knocked away by such a blow, who knows what condition Diga is in now.

If by any chance the transformation is canceled in the sea, it will be a no-brainer.

"Hmph, what's Hyperjetton? Just because you want to create a super powerful monster and defeat us, it's still 20,000 years too early!" Seeing that the death of Hyperjetton's juvenile body has become a foregone conclusion, Silosong While taking a breath, he also taunted the Baxters in the sky who were watching the battle quietly.

"Huh huh huh..." Baxter did not panic, nor was he angry. Instead, he pressed the button and divided the black battleship into countless black cubes, turning them into countless digital blocks densely distributed in the sky.

Seeing this, Zero didn't know what was happening, but he felt an uneasy feeling from the bottom of his heart.

"Do you think you'll win like this? What you defeated was just the juvenile form of Hypjeton." The shocking words shocked everyone present. The cubes gathered into a storm, swarming into the broken body of Hypjeton's juvenile form. Inside, no one is missing, they all fall in.

The moment the black cube had just entered, Zero's cluster rays had already been fired over, setting off wild explosions on the remains of Hypajeton's juvenile body. They exploded one after another, causing the black and gold carapace to fly everywhere.

Zero landed on the ground, clenched his fists, and looked at the area obscured by the smoke of the explosion with his pale yellow eyes.

Even he didn't know that his breathing had slowed down a lot unconsciously.

It was an attitude that resulted from the tension and solemnity caused by the overwhelming pressure on my heart.

Dyna, Gauss, and Tiga, who had been briefly treated by Gauss, flew back. The three Ultra warriors did not know what happened next. They only knew about the power of Hypa Jetton's juvenile body and the fact that he was destroyed by Palagi. scene.

But looking at Zero's attentive look and the gradually spreading smoke not far away, they could also feel the condensed aura and the high pressure that made it difficult to breathe.

"Zero?" Dana asked.

"Be careful, Hyperjackton, he's not dead yet."

As soon as Zero finished speaking, the familiar voice belonging to the cosmic dinosaur Jayton sounded again, like a vibrating bell and drum, beating in the hearts of everyone, making their hearts sink.



In the smoke and dust, a slender figure was revealed, still a black and gold body. The humanoid appearance was not too huge than before, but it seemed more oppressive.

The two drooping pointed tentacles swayed slightly, and the arrow-shaped hands that were joined together were covered with light yellow crystals.

It is different from the ordinary Jayton's palm, which is completely human-like.

The light yellow crystal on his chest contains the abilities of many monsters it absorbed during its gestation stage. Not only that, but the genetic data of several monsters is also stored in his body.

Hyperjackton can even use this to construct a complete monster and launch it.

This ability does not come from Hypajeton itself, but from the ability of the Baxter warship that enters its body and merges with Hypajeton.

"Hmph, damn Nexus, don't think that I can't help but continue to make my Hypajton stronger!"

The body of the alien Baxter appeared in the chaotic mind of Hypajeton. When cultivating Hypajeton, Baxter only left the instinct to Hypajeton instead of giving it wisdom.

Because such a powerful evil god was something it prepared for itself.

It will become the brain of Hypageton, and control Hypageton from within, becoming the evil god that destroys countless universes.

If we consider that the body and appearance of the Baxters are similar to creatures such as cockroaches, we have to say that the relationship between Hyperjackton and the Baxters is quite subtle.

After confirming that he had completely entered Hyperjetton's consciousness, Baxter immediately activated his pure monster factors stored inside the battleship and divided into countless small cubes.

These monster factors are what Baxter got from killing the monsters he captured. They are all the essence in a monster. They were caused by Baxter sealing Hypjedon in order to deal with Nexus, causing Hypjeton. Early hatching strategies.

That is, after it is combined with Hypajeton, these are stored in black cubes. The cubes spread over Hypajeton's body will release the monster essence squeezed by Baxter, and then transport these essences to Hypajeton. Jayton's body allowed it to absorb again and start its second evolution!

"This is...the real Hyperjeton!" Baxter raised his hands in the air, extremely excited: "I will become the god of the entire universe, I will become..."

"What kind of god in the universe is not as intimidating as the one just now!" Zero interrupted the Baxter star's subsequent words. Under super pressure, he had to speak, otherwise he would be stunned by this condensed force. The pressure suppressed me and I couldn't raise my fighting spirit.

"Humph, my road to invincibility starts with you." Baxter didn't care about Zero. He had successfully piloted Hyperjackton, Ultraman Zero and so on. In his eyes, they were no different. .

Leaving aside the changes on the frontal battlefield over there, Saori finally, after exhausting all his strength once again, successfully used his hand armed with sparks to remove the stone from the petrified Nexus statue. , took out Nexus's transformer - the Evolutionary Truster.

The red light shone, and a specific image was outlined in the palm of the hand. The evolution trustor dispersed the shimmer, and the pulse of the heart rang in his ears. Saori looked at the evolution trustor in his hand, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If he gets this, Saori will probably know what to do.

"Da Gu... You have to give this to Da Gu, right..." Saori murmured. She knew that Gu Jia, the giant who formed the bond, existed, and she also knew that only Da Gu could use the evolutionary trust of the source to become that giant. .

Saori slid down from the stone statue. She originally wanted to hand it over to Dagu herself, but the excessive consumption of light made her body extremely weak. Even if she just wanted to take a step, it would take a lot of effort.

His face was as pale as paper. Saori had exhausted too much energy and could no longer exert any more force.

"Leave it to me." However, when Saori was sitting on the ground, extremely weak, Anna took off her helmet, revealing her heroic appearance.

"Leave it to me." Xing Nai squatted down with a guilty look in her eyes: "When he turned into a stone statue... I was actually present."

Behind Anna, the girls who were chasing after them were stunned when they heard such breaking news.

Anna had no intention of hiding it. Once she decided to speak out, she would have no scruples.

"I watched helplessly as he turned into a stone statue in order to protect the world and end the growth of Hyperjeton. I witnessed all this and could do nothing. I felt so powerless."

"Whether it's because I'm helpless or because I'm afraid to stop moving forward, I can't tell myself anymore." Xing Nai covered her chest with a dark expression: "But at least, at this moment... I have to do something to help him wake up."

Saori looked steadily at Anna, who looked guilty, and looked at her firm expression, and unconsciously handed her the Evolutionary Trustee in her hand.

"Leave it to Ultraman Tiga, the Ultra warrior who was knocked out before." Saori herself was completely powerless, and she could only let others complete what she was supposed to do.

"Okay!" Although there was only one short word, the determination revealed by Anna was extremely solemn.

If I was cowardly at that time, then I must have the courage to let him come back to life now.

Will you put your hope in the hands of that Ultra Warrior?

Anna held the Evolutionary Truster in her hand, and it seemed that she could hear the rhythm of rebirth from this thing.

The moment she turned around, Anna saw her companions who looked worried.

"Captain, you..."

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