Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 836 is coming!! I activate the magic card - Fusion! Will... on the field...

After the violent explosion, no one thought that Dyna could still survive, or that he could still remain in the transformed state.

There is no way that Hyperjetton would have any mercy on the Ultra Warriors.

Dyna may have…

"Hmph, one of them has been solved." In Hypajeton's consciousness, Baxter was very relaxed. After all, for him, it was not difficult to eliminate such a guy, it just required a little more strength.

"Hypa Jetton!" The king's cloak spread out, and Tiga and Zero fell not far away. Seeing Hypa Jetton over there who did not take the initiative to attack at all but was waiting for something, Zero was filled with resentment: "Why. Why is it so strong!"

"My strength is a matter of course, Zero. You can't imagine how much effort I put into cultivating Hypageton! Its invincibility is destined!" In the sea of ​​consciousness of Hypageton, Baxter's hands Open and laugh wildly.

"Can you imagine? When I face you now, even if I want to be a little serious, I have to restrain some strength."

"I'm afraid that if I'm not careful and exert too much force, I'll crush you to death!"

What Baxter said is indeed true, but there is a type of people who are born to overturn this fact.

"Don't talk so eloquently, Baite, I'm not dead yet!"

Dana's voice sounded at this moment, which was somewhat shocking. Even Baite himself was a little surprised.

How could Dyna survive such an attack?

Does this guy have any reservations?

After the smoke and dust from the explosion dispersed, the gleaming blue light enveloped Dyna's whole body. A small emerald-colored beam of light came from a distance and spread to Dyna's whole body, protecting him tightly.

And if we trace this thin emerald light back to its source, we can clearly see Gauss maintaining his posture of releasing light.

This emerald light was released from the crystal on the top of Gauss's head.

"What?!" Baxter was stunned, Gauss. Is this guy in such trouble?

He was actually able to respond to that situation and rescue Dai Na?

This auxiliary ability is too exaggerated.

Such Ultra warriors are completely different from those guys from the Kingdom of Light.

Among those Ultra warriors with abundant martial virtues, there was no one like Gauss.

"Thanks, Gauss." At the critical moment, if Gauss hadn't released this pure energy to neutralize and offset many of the explosions of Hyperjeton, Dyna would have really died by now.

"You're welcome." Gauss, who was still in the form of the moon god, really had no choice. He could see that if he switched forms, the situation where he could barely fight would be unbalanced in an instant.

Perhaps his form switching can bring a warrior with enough ultimate power to the field, but he lacks a support who can take care of his teammates.

But the current scene cannot be saved by a warrior with ultimate strength.

Therefore, Gauss can only maintain the moon god and exert his greatest power.

"It seems that I have to deal with you first." Even though he had never played any games, Baxter knew that Gauss could not continue to assist his teammates like this.

God knows how long he can help?

From the beginning of the battle with Hypa Jetton's juvenile body until now, the timers of the three Ultraman Tiga, Dynasero and Ultraman have all flashed.

As for Gauss, his timer is still full!

This is despite him constantly healing his teammates.

Is this guy's energy so exaggerated?

"No, Gauss!" Once Hyperjedon chooses to change its attack target, Gauss becomes the person it must defeat as quickly as possible.

And if Hyperjackton doesn't want to play anymore, its combat power will be crushing on the field.

Gauss had already made plans to be targeted, and the power of the moon god Gauss could not escape the pursuit of Hyperjedon, so no matter how reluctant Gauss was, he had only one choice.

Raising his hands, the light of the sun and moon condensed in his palms, Gauss finally decided not to paddle anymore, but to activate his strongest form and release his own power to fight Hyperjetton.

However, his idea was good, but the forward movement required before switching forms made him ultimately fail.

Hypajedon arrived and disappeared in an instant, passing by Gauss, grabbing Gauss's neck and controlling it in his hands.


Seizing this rare opportunity while Hypajeton's back was turned to them, Zero immediately made a light attack gesture, squeezing out the last light energy in his body and trying his best to unleash the final blow.

Give it a try, it’s now!

"Diga!" However, just when Diga was about to release the last Zepeli Ao ray, Ultra's hearing allowed him to hear another voice, and this voice was still familiar to Diga.

That was the voice of Anna, the captain of the Earth Defense Force.

Because of this shout, Tiga did not join in the procession of releasing the light. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Anna, who was flying a Gundam (bushi) to attack.

In Anna's hand, Tiga felt a very familiar light, and under the vision given by Ultra Vision, she saw the evolved trustworthy person in her hand.

Nexus has turned into a stone statue. How did this evolution truster come from?

Could it be that.

With a thought in his mind, Diga immediately understood how important the appearance of the Evolved Truster was to him and to Nexus, who had turned into a stone statue.

So Tiga gave up the light technique and even turned around and ran towards Anna.

Dyna and Cero did not wait for Tiga. One of them released the Soljet ray, and the other released the Cero cluster ray. The two rays of light converged together in mid-air to form a fusion ray, which rushed towards the sea in a mighty way. Pajeton's back.

Hypaje didn't even turn his head, but pointed the tip of one hand behind him. A vortex of energy-absorbing energy suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, absorbing all the Ultra Fusion Light without leaking, and immediately enhanced its power and reflected it. go back.

It wasn't until he was hit by the reflected light that Zero suddenly remembered the knowledge that the first generation had emphasized in class in school.

Jayton has the ability to reflect light.

Zero didn't have time to regret it. Because he was full of the reflected light, his body suffered huge injuries, and the timer on his chest gradually dimmed until it became weaker and weaker.

There was still a huge energy ball lingering in the hand that was withdrawn. Hyperjedon had no intention of showing any mercy and hit Gauss's abdomen with a swift blow.

The raging explosion blew Gauss out, and Gauss was shattered while he was still in mid-air, causing Musashi and Gauss to exit the fusion state.

In a serious situation, Gauss was defeated with just one blow.

Hyperjedon didn't look at Dyna, who was holding the ground with both hands, and the light disappeared, and Zero, who was about to perish as the timer gradually faded away. Instead, he aimed his gaze at Diga, who was striding away.

"Humph, do the Ultra Warriors who protect the world ever want to run away because of fear?" Nothing makes people feel happier than the scene in front of them, especially when Ultraman who can fight escapes. , even the world does not protect this, which especially makes Baxter feel happy.

But don't think he will let it go so easily!

The "beep-beep" sound in his chest seemed to be foreshadowing something. Hyperjedon raised his hands flat on both sides, released a trillion-degree fireball, and headed straight for Diga!

On Tiga's side, Anna was driving the robot and looked at Tiga running toward her. With a determined look on her face, she threw out the Evolution Truster in her hand and watched the thing spin and fly out.

Diga stretched out one hand and jumped up. There was nothing else in his eyes, but only the spinning evolution truster.


However, just when Diga's outstretched hand was about to touch the Evolved Truster, a one-trillion-degree fireball hit Diga's back at a faster speed. The red lotus exploded in an instant and swallowed Diga. , also swallowed up Anna.

The red lotus fire seemed like the God of Death had issued the final verdict.

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