Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 844 I finally finished writing the Austrian Biography, and now the pressure is on the author

Saka caught the broken wing and threw it aside, without giving Haipa a chance to react. The ultimate fist output 10% of the power, so that Haipa, who had not yet recovered from the pain of the broken wing, ate it head on. One punch.

The beating caused Hypa to suffer a concussion on the spot, and even Baxter was knocked down, making it difficult to control Hypa to fight back.

Saka was unyielding. He punched straight and then used the ultimate punch with 20% power. A rising dragon hit Haipa on the jaw and knocked him away.

Switching the Ming Gu Cannon back to the Ming Gu Holy Sword, Gu Jia flew up and took advantage of Haipa's characteristic of being pulled back no matter how hard he hit it when it was locked in position, and launched the Ming Gu Slash (Super Martial God Slash, Charge!).

For a moment, the afterimage of Gujia's speed and the shadow of the sword flying across the sky left traces. Haipajedun was unable to escape the attack, resulting in being hit by thousands of blows in an instant. In the end, Gujia lifted his sword close to his body and struck him again. Knock.

At this time, Saijia flew over and rushed to the sky with Gujia.

The two went hand in hand, fighting with fists and feet and cutting with swords, driving Hyperjedon out of the earth and outside the earth.

It was here that Baxter looked at the emerald ring outside the earth, and finally understood why it couldn't initiate space movement and couldn't jump away.

Feeling the broken sword marks on his body, Baite was furious.

"I am God, I am God!"

"God, right?" The double voice represents the perfect state of one mind. The blade of the ancient holy sword is facing downwards. Gu Jia reaches out and brushes the sword body, adding an extra layer of purple light to the red and white sword body.

The ancient power lingers all over the body, and Gu Jia's use of this move is of course incomparable with Di Jia's use of this move.

Gu Jia fully improved his condition, letting the power beyond dimensions linger on the sword's edge.

Gujia raised his feet, started, and took the first step.

Hyperjetton will never sit back and die. It will squeeze all the cells in the body with full power, instill all the energy that has been absorbed or has not yet had time to absorb into the crystal body in the chest, and use all its strength to release a trillion Fireball.

The two one-trillion-degree fireballs had no temperature at all. They were neither cold nor hot. They looked like just two glowing spheres.

But if anyone thinks this is just a fake, it will really kill them when these two one-trillion-degree fireballs collide with them.

Hypajeton had already begun to fight for his life, but Saka would not give it a chance to survive. He raised his fist, raised his clenched fist, and emitted a faint colorful light from his whole body.

The ultimate fist, 70% power release!

The sword edge of the ancient holy sword swept across, leaving a trace of the sword mark on the one-trillion-degree fireball.

The cut one-trillion-degree fireball revealed the true appearance hidden inside. The terrifying power exploded in an instant, completely engulfing Gu Jia's body. The powerful explosion tore the strings of the universe, and the spreading shock wave spread here in an instant. Centered towards the universe.

In the blink of an eye, the barriers of the universe were torn apart, turning the universe into a leaky sack full of holes. The shock wave of the explosion radiated to the multiverse, and even tore the barriers of closer universes apart.

Hyperjedon's life-threatening blow was so terrifying.

Although the power is terrifying, Saka comes, and the miracle he represents turns all impossibilities into possibilities and redefines all things in cognition.

That's what a miracle is.

Therefore, it stands to reason that an attack that should have destroyed the universe, affected several universes and turned the multiverse upside down, could only achieve this in its final power.

Not only that, behind Saka, the earth was unscathed, and even the universe where Saka was located was safe and sound.

This is Saka's ability, and Guja also has his own passive.

Since he is the Warrior of Light formed by the fusion of the two people's bonds, Gujia's ability is naturally the bond.

Connecting everything together, even if they are completely unrelated, we can meet in the future.

Even though we are strangers, we can still go hand in hand in the future.

Even if civilizations are hostile at the moment, they can form alliances in a few years.

Connect everything together and develop towards the good side.

It combines gentleness and hope, making everything peaceful and peaceful.

Even if you are an enemy now, you will be able to smile and give a thumbs up in the future, and laugh heartily while holding hands.

This force preserved the half of the broken universe, causing the result that it should have been broken, but it was not completely broken.

Gujia rushed out of the explosion and rushed towards the broken universe, where Hypajton was located.

His speed did not slow down at all, and the edge of the ancient holy sword was cold. As his body shape changed, Gu Jia passed by Haipa's side, and there was also a sharp sword mark that lit up at the same time.

Ancient power - cut!

The holy sword passed over Haipa's waist, and the sword edge passed through the body. The black-golden carapace did not act as any obstacle, allowing the sword edge to cut smoothly.

After Gujia, there was Saijia who attacked brazenly with the ultimate fist.

Although it only has 70% power, can Saka's 70% be average?

The Ultimate Fist penetrated into Hyperjetton's head, killing not only Hyperjetton but also the Baxter.

Saijia pulled away and worked with Gujia to build a defensive shield to restrain the explosion.

Just after it was completed, Hypa's death caused a super powerful explosion that was enough to blow up a large universe.

It broke out instantly.

The protection created by miracles and bonds restrained the explosion within a limited range.

If you don't do this, even if the universe is passively protected by Saka and Guja, it will be destroyed.

In the final analysis, Hyperjetton is not just a cat or a dog, it is an existence that meets the threshold of a god in terms of specifications.

What Baxter said about bringing death and terror to the entire universe was definitely more than just words.

After the violent explosion, Hypageton died together with the Baxters, leaving no body behind.

Gujia and Saka stood in the cosmic space, facing the half of the broken universe. Gujia stretched out his hand to accelerate the passage of time in this half of the universe, allowing his passivity, that is, the effect of the bond, to arrive earlier.

The universe is reborn, linked together again, made whole again.

Gu Jia put down his hand and turned to face Saka.

The two had no intention of communicating. Each other's bodies emitted light and disintegrated at the same time.

Gujia dissipated and differentiated into Tiga and Nexus.

And Saka also separated from the body and turned into Dyna, Gauss, and Sero.

From two warriors to five, and what happened before was still vivid in their minds, they looked at their bodies in disbelief.

Of course, only Dyna and Sero are like this. Gauss, Nexus and Tiga are all familiar with it and have already had experience.

"Saijia. Why is it me again?" Gauss muttered in a low voice. He really didn't expect that he could still fuse. It was really because he was stuck in Bengbu.

When he thought of Regjedo in the past and Saga just now, Gauss felt speechless for a moment.

"Did we succeed?" Zero asked in a daze.

"Of course, Saka and Guja both appeared, we must have succeeded." After Hypajedon died, the people on earth who were swallowed by it turned into blue lights under the influence of Saka's miraculous power. point, like a meteor falling to the earth.

The people of Earth will return to the Earth they have always lived on, just like before Baxter arrived.

Reincarnation from the dead.

Saka brought miracles.

"Let's go say hello to them." Nexus raised his hand. The other four Ultra Warriors also understood very well. They stretched out their fists and bumped them together, and then headed towards the earth together.

Not far away, Justis looked at the scene of peace after the war and reported the situation to Dracion.

"Bonds connect everything, people to people, civilizations to civilizations, world to world, and because of the beautiful wishes in their hearts, the final result of the connection brought about by the power of fetters must be beautiful. .”

"Gu Jia. What an amazing existence."

"They are both very gentle people."

"Dracion. This is where Gauss and I believe in humans."

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