Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 872 The timeline of Yingge II is very early (indeed)

"Why...what happened to me before?" He shuttled among the endless Imperial mechs, killing the remnants of the Belial Army in every attack, but the question in Zero's heart was never answered.

He had already asked his father to confirm that he was indeed possessed by Beria and had even done some outrageous things.

But he himself didn't remember any of this at all. His memory only stopped the moment he was possessed by Belia's invasion.

Later, a war broke out in the Kingdom of Light. He only found out about these things after he came back. Full of doubts, he finally used Praji to travel across the universe and came to the place where the Kingdom of Esmeralda was located, and began to clean up. Those remaining troops of Beria.

However, with a confused heart, Zero's fists and feet also became confused. These mechas that could be quickly eliminated in the past took a lot of time this time, and even Zero himself was injured in some places.

Staying on a deserted planet, Zero sighed. The missing part of his memory always concerned him.

After Beria possessed him, what did he do with his body?

Why didn't everyone say a word and didn't tell him at all?

Could it be that...did he really do something outrageous?

This question, after a certain old Ultra man radiating light finally appeared in front of him from a distance, the questions in Zero's heart were slightly dissipated.

Zero recognized this old Ultra man with red eyes and knew his identity very well.

"King of Ultra!" Zero was surprised and at a loss at the same time. After all, he is no longer the unruly young man who didn't understand anything. The strength of King of Ultra and his status in the Kingdom of Light. Zero already understood.

"Sero, there is no need to be confused. There are some things that you need to explore on your own." The King of Ultra fell in front of Zero and said: "Right now, the timelines of the multiverse are about to be unified, and the two timelines have unknown possibilities. The line will serve as the main body and carry all other timelines."

"This also represents that in all universes, the passage of time will eventually be unified, and there will no longer be different time differences."

"But there are some bad things that come with it."

This bad thing naturally refers to the bond between humans and Ultraman.

If all universe timelines are unified, then in the Tiga universe...

"But...what does this have to do with me?" Zero asked.

"Sero, maybe you don't know or remember, but in fact, in this timeline where we are, the past future is not unknown, but a fixed and doomed future." Ao Wang opened his palms and said, The dragged universe slowly rotated in his palm: "Someone sacrificed themselves to change this timeline, so you don't know your future."

"Logically speaking, time is unchangeable, but that person paid a heavy price just to give him the possibility. And you also have the same possibility." As he said that, King Ao handed the small universe in his palm to Sai. Luo.

When the latter was a little confused, Ao Wang then added: "That's what you did when you forgot this memory."

G:? ? ?

No, King Ao, I know you know a lot, but can you speak openly? I can't understand this in this cloud!

Seeing Zero's confused expression without saying a word, King Ao was satisfied and suddenly felt that his strength was in place.

"The place guided by the coordinates of this universe will bring you the answer and your true power." There is no doubt that Shining Cerro has surpassed the ultimate power, but it is still far behind the transcendent.

But in a certain characteristic, it surpasses the transcendent...

Generally speaking, in a certain aspect, it can do things that even the Transcendents cannot do, but in a fight... it should be impossible to defeat the Transcendents.

But it doesn't matter. The meaning of Zero's existence itself is the prelude to the new era. His name, zero, means zero. It belongs to the new era, but it is not the first in the new era, which is 1.

He was the one who kicked things off.

But the first Ultra Warrior of the new generation was not Zero.

"Really?" Sero expressed doubt.

"The guardian of time is waiting for the help of one person, Zero, that is you." The so-called coordinates are naturally the location of the guardian of time at the moment.

Because of the bomb in the Parker Crisis in the future, the body and spirit of the Time Guardian were blown apart, causing instability in time and space.

The body of the time guardian was blown to the past, but his spirit remained in the original time and space, responsible for adhering to time.

If the future development is followed, the person the guardian seeks help from will naturally be Zero, who will perfectly control the glorious form in the future.

But due to the injection of possibility, Zero, who perfectly controlled the light, became a part that could not be observed. As a result, the guardian of time had no way to ask for help from Future Zero, so... the help came to King Ao.

Aou also understands that the possibilities of the two worlds will be finalized at the moment when the timeline of the multiverse is completely converged, that is, the moment when the barriers of the universe are completely broken, so that the fog that obscures the possibilities will be removed, allowing the future to be once again accessible. Observation.

At that time, the past, present, and future were once again connected. But at that time, although the future could be observed, the possibility was still there...

The uncertain future is still uncertain, but the fog has dissipated. Every possibility has its own tributaries, and there are endless unknowns.

Not only Zero, who perfectly controls the radiant form, but even the source of Noah's complete evolution, or the destroyed Kingdom of Light, all of these may appear, be observed, and even be connected to the past and present.

At that time, there would be many people to turn to for help.

But the key is that the guardian of time can no longer afford to wait.

Therefore, King Ao gave the position of the Time Guardian in this time period, which is the Time Waterfall, and asked Zero to practice there. Under the guidance of the Time Guardian, he could rediscover the feeling of opening the radiant form.

At the same time, it also lets Zero know what it means to have people outside the world, and what it means to be in a broader world.

After Zero was invited to the Time Falls by King Ao, the Kingdom of Light was also stepping up its preparations to rescue Max.

Mog Serpent, Lugoset, and Gordis Cell, three terrifying existences that can destroy the universe suddenly appeared. Even now that the barrier of the universe is about to be broken, this is something that is difficult to imagine.

Zoffi and the others are all moving. Shikari and Sola are responsible for developing an antidote to destroy Gordis cells; Libut is going to K-76 to train and stimulate his true potential.

Eddie needs to lead other Ultra warriors to stop Lugoset's crazy behavior and at the same time investigate the cause of Lugoset's abnormal behavior.

At this moment when Nexus and Zero are not here, the Kingdom of Light still carries this responsibility on its shoulders as usual.

In the Gaussian universe, Gauss unexpectedly encountered Jestis who fell from the sky on Julan Star, and brought Dracion's instructions, asking Jestis to go to the Kingdom of Light universe with Gauss to investigate Lugoset's secrets. Unusual behavior.

At the same time, I also want to go to the hometown of the source to bring him Dracion's congratulations and celebrate the birth of the transcendent of this era.

Gauss was self-reliant and left Zhulan Star with Justis, heading straight for the Kingdom of Light universe.

This trip will definitely bring the most terrifying nightmare to a certain golden guy.

The origin of the four colors, the light of black light, the collision of two powerful rays of light seemed to annihilate everything in the world.

Watching myself become two, watching my consciousness being split in half, this feeling is not pleasant.

But unexpectedly, Yuanquan was able to accept this matter.

He seemed very calm about it and didn't think it was an exaggeration.

Maybe he knew why this happened.

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