Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 886 Looking at Jagula is like looking at some trash from the past, and his anger is rising.

As a person, as a person wrapped in hatred, Jagula has his own pride.

You can't just tell me to follow you and I will follow you, otherwise it will appear that I am very independent, so I have to show my arrogance.

But I just want to show my arrogance. How about you come up and hit me in the face with your fist?

If I wasn't afraid of beating you to death, I would have fought back.

Little did I know that you were going to get even worse and beat me into a pig's head!

Fortunately, I am a kind-hearted person. Even if this is the case, I will not hit anyone.

But don’t do this next time!

Touching the bruises on his face, Jagula winced in pain.

Walking on this dark planet, there is no trace of greenery on the dry land, and the crisscrossing magma underground is like the veins of blood vessels.

From a distance, it looks like the manifestation of life on this planet.

"What on earth do you want to do? There is nothing on this planet worth looking for." The Snake Heart Sword has been withdrawn, and Jakula followed Quan.

Although he was secretly thinking about giving him a knife, Jagula was not that crazy.

In essence, although his heart is filled with hatred, Jakura is still kind.

"This planet was not like this before. She is telling me the story of the past." Although it is only Kurona, Izumi's half body is that of Origin Nai, and some characteristics are still very similar.

Quan can also communicate with the will of the planet. It's just that he doesn't have the confidence of the will of the planet to come up like Yuan Nai.

After staying on this planet for a long time and chatting with the will of the planet for a long time, Quan finally gained the trust of the planet and was able to be informed by the planet of what had happened in the past.

"Before?" Jakula asked.

"That is, in the last era, this planet used to be an uninhabited planet, but life was also being nurtured."

"Just because of the outbreak of the Spark War, the multiverse fell into the flames of war, causing extremely powerful changes in the ecology of this planet."

After stepping on the rock under his feet, Izumi told Jagula some secrets: "It should be that some monsters that feed on the planet fell here, so this planet became what it is now."

"Ha, even so, it has nothing to do with us." Jia Gula crossed his arms and followed Quan step by step: "What role can you and I have with that kind of behemoth?"

"Can you still go up and beat the monster? Like you beat me?"

Quan didn't say anything, and threw the Evolutionary Truster behind with his hand, leaving Jakula to catch it in a hurry.

Jagula had never seen an Evolved Truster, but through this thing, he vaguely felt that this thing might be the same as the Orb ring in Hong Kai's hand.

"Then don't tell me, I can really beat up the monster." Standing in front of a certain cliff, looking at the magma lake below, Quan narrowed his eyes slightly and said word by word: "I found it. .”

"You can't be!" Jagula held the Evolutionary Truster in his hand, and a certain idea in his mind became more and more real, making him suddenly raise his head and look at Quan's back.

Is this guy the rumored... Giant of Light?

"Okay, don't be shocked, come and see."

Jakula suppressed the speculation and shock in his heart, and quickly came to Quan's side and looked at it.

At this glance, what Jagula saw was the burning red egg in the center of the magma lake.

"What is this?" Jakula asked.

"The evil king beast is just an egg." The monster was invaded by the spirit of the evil god and regenerated through the monster's body.

The so-called evil spirits are those guys who have returned from the multiverse.

The Spark War was just a war caused by the barrier of the universe. The real hidden danger was the evil gods and monsters who had been expelled and returned because the barrier was broken.

Obviously, the Evil King Beast is a part of the Evil God.

These evil king beasts will become mainstream in the future, setting off a violent wave in all major universes.

"You actually want to deal with such a terrifying existence that uses the planet as food?" Jagula asked back: "I know a guy who is also an Ultra Warrior. Let's find him first, and then we can work together …”

"You mean Hong Kai, the man who got the light of Orb from the top of the warrior." Glancing at Jakula, Quan knew that Jakura had good intentions, but the evil king beast didn't need him to find helpers yet: " I’ve met him too and I’ll see him again soon.”

"Here, we don't need help yet." Quan stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Jia Gula, and Jia Gula understood very well and handed the evolution truster into the hands of Yuan Quan again.

"In this era, the Giant of Light is a legendary existence. It is because almost all the Ultra Warriors lost contact during the Spark War, so there are very few Giants of Light in the multiverse." Pulling out the Evolution Truster, Quan Zheng told him these secrets that Jagula didn't know bit by bit: "So, during this period of time, although the major civilizations are recuperating, there is always instability."

"The evil king beast didn't appear here for no reason." Quan pointed to the side of the magma lake below, where the magma had abnormally condensed. Jagula followed the guidance and looked over, and saw a damaged The unbearable battleship stayed there.

"That logo is...Interstellar Alliance!" Even though there is a distance and even if the logo has faded, Jagula will never mistake the logo of the Interstellar Alliance.

"Calm down, I know you have hatred for the Interstellar Alliance, but you must control yourself." He stretched out his hand and pulled Jiagu La's shoulder, suppressing Jia Gula's behavior. Quan shook his head: "You can let go of hatred. In the heart, but never in the head.”

Jagula gasped violently, his chest rising and falling with difficulty, and his eyes stared intently at the location of the wreckage.

After a long time, Jakula finally controlled his emotions.

With all his strength, Jakura shook Quan's hand away from his shoulder and walked aside with a gloomy face.

"Hmph, isn't it the responsibility of you Giants of Light to destroy these monsters? Go ahead and show me the strength of the real Giants of Light." Jakura turned his back to Quan and said harshly: "You won't do it. Not quite."

"What about you?" Quan was not in a hurry. Instead, he asked, "Are you here like this, just watching and doing nothing?"

"Anyway, as long as the giant of light is here, it doesn't matter if I'm with you or not." Jagula asked back: "My power...ha!"

"Although the strength is small, is that the reason for escaping?" Quan put his hand on Jakura's shoulder, forcibly turned him around, and punched Jakura in the face, knocking Jakura to the ground and unable to get up.

"Jagula, how does it feel to watch your own people being massacred by the Interstellar Alliance?"

"What it feels like to be unable to prevent your home from being destroyed."

"How does it feel to have a sword in your hand and have superb swordsmanship, but you can't kill any enemy or protect anyone." Withdrawing his fist, Izumi looked down at Jakula. The words in his mouth were not only ruthless, but It is also exposing people's scars.

Anyone who has had a similar experience cannot stand such words.

But it just so happened that the person who said this was also someone who had the same experience.

Jagula didn't know this, but he couldn't stand Quan's words. He roared on the ground and summoned the Snake Heart Sword, got up and slashed at Quan.

He grabbed Jiagu La's wrist, removed the Snake Heart Sword with his backhand, and then put his knee on Jia Gula's abdomen, which destroyed his resistance and threw Jia Gula aside.

Playing with the Snake Heart Sword in his hand, he brushed the blade with his fingers and looked at his face reflected on the sword. He brushed the sword and turned into holding the blade, letting the blade of the Snake Heart Sword cut open his palm. , through his own skin, deep into his flesh and blood.

Blood dripped down and splashed on the ground where Jagula curled up and stared stubbornly with his eyes.

"This sword has never been stained with blood and has never killed an enemy. Let me dye it with some blood."

"This way you can at least comfort yourself and tell others that when my hometown is being destroyed and my people are being slaughtered, at least your sword is stained with blood!"

He thrust the Snake Heart Sword in front of Jiagulla with his backhand. The blood-stained sword left a trace of bright red along the edge of the sword, causing Jiagulla's eyes to move accordingly.

"Heh...heh...ah!...ah!" After the helpless and pitiful laughter, there was a wailing that no longer needed to be concealed.

A roar, accompanied by a cry, came from under the huddled man.

he howled.

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