Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 931 People are different, just like some Zoffie brought two lives, and some brought Jayden

Taro finally released his puppet form and was able to stand on the earth in his original form.

But after being dehumanized, Taro finally understood the reason why he was the only one left conscious.

That is to give that hope to the Galaxy at this moment and bring this Spark War to a complete end.

"Brother, I'm going." With Nexus by his side, Taro can ignore Luigi El and focus on giving the spiritual light in his body to the Galaxy, so that the Galaxy can reawaken and return to full health. strength.

"Go, I'll protect you." Nexus nodded, moving his body slightly forward to block Taylor's presence.

"Do me a favor. I probably can't stop the Dark Spark Wave with just me now." It's impossible to fight against the Dark Spark Wave head-on with the ultimate power and attitude. The gap between the Ultimate and the Beyonder , no one will know better than him.

The disparity in energy is hopeless.

"Don't you plan to return to your original posture?" Yuanyuan Nai asked.

"If I return to my original posture, then Luciel will die. Am I not going to steal the limelight of the Galaxy?" Nexus complained: "If the universe decides that I am restless and want to steal the limelight, If the protagonist is in the limelight and then secretly targets me, it will be a lot of fun."

"...Isn't it a choice between up and down? It's really difficult for you." Origin Naiya also understood Nexus's difficulties, so he chose to cross the universe and pass on his own power.

As two parts of one body, the power of Origina can flow into Nexus's body without any difference.

Of course, in order not to cause a rebound in the universe, the energy level transmitted by Originai is also at a level that is neither high nor low.

The dark spark wave was released again, pointing directly at Nexus.

Behind Nexus is Taro, who is half-kneeling on the ground transmitting spiritual light to the galaxy. If Nexus dodges, Taro will inevitably be attacked.

So he was sure to take advantage of this move!

Nexus did not intend to hide. He spread his hands in front of him and used a ripple shield to block all the dark sparks.

Because Origin Nai was involved, it was supposed to be used by Hei Nai's power characteristics. The black ripple shield actually had a red and blue intertwined light floating inside.

"How stupid. If you restored your original posture, you would have no problem blocking this move, but you chose to use this posture!" Seeing that Nexus still maintained his current posture and did not intend to switch, Lu Ji Al was overjoyed: "If that's the case, then be obedient and turn into a Spark Doll for me!"

Now that Nexus chose to take the throne, Luciel could only express with tears that he would be ashamed to accept the Spark Doll of the Beyonder.

The energy difference is huge, and the difference in personality between them is also extremely huge. If it is also a transcendent person, Dark Spark cannot turn it into a Spark Doll.

Under the suppression of his personality, Luigi El can be said to be able to carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on those beings whose personality is inferior to him, and they will all turn into spark dolls one by one.

And guys like Zaki, who are powerful enough to be a Transcendent but insufficient in stature, are unable to fight against the Dark Spark.

What? You said that Zaki is the dark side of Noah, how could it be that his personality is not enough?

That makes sense, not all Zakis are shadows of Noah.

Just like when Zofi came to save the first generation, he might not have brought two lives with him, but a four-thousand-meter-long Jayton.

Strength is the capital that can bring victory and battle, but personality represents the advancement of the entire life.

That essentially means that there are some things that cannot be eliminated with just force.

But if you only have personality but no power, you are just a pig or dog being slaughtered by others.

In the same way, it is just like the setting of the universe realm of ultimate power = the strongest ultimate unity of body and mind. The power of the personal transcendent = the true transcendent. Such an equation also exists.

If there are only half of the two, they cannot be considered complete after all.

If Nexus is so confident, isn't he, Lukiel, certain to win this time?

Thinking like this, Luigi El increased the output of the Dark Spark Wave, and also used Luigi El's energy bomb to blast Nexus.

However, the corrugated shield increased instead of decreasing. It instantly changed from a circular shield to a rectangular one, completely covering the front of Nexus, making it impossible for Luchiel to hit Nexus again. Body.

The energy competition has once again reached a deadlock.

Within a moment, the brilliant Stream Light shot out from behind Nexus and hit Luigi Air's body, causing Luigi Air to interrupt the continuous attack of the Dark Spark Wave and take a small step back.

Yes, Ultraman Taro's special move can only make him take a small step back.

The timer had begun to flash. Taylor was swaying, his legs were weak, and he knelt on the ground. It was obvious that his energy was severely depleted.

Nexus, who had canceled the ripple shield, hurried over to help Taylor up.

Originai took over Nexus' body and transmitted his light across the universe to Tyro, restoring his energy.

After all, Kurenai's light is mixed with darkness. If Kurenai's light were really used to transmit it to Taro, it wouldn't be saving people, but a fall.

"It's okay." His pale yellow eyes looked directly at his brother. Tyro lay weakly in Nexus's arms: "Fortunately, I have lived up to everyone's expectations of me."

"Well done, you deserve to be Taylor, and you deserve to be my good brother."

Nexus held Taro's trembling palm, but for a moment, in the gradually dissipating light spots, Taro's body collapsed and returned to the posture of the Spark Doll.

Nexus raised his gaze and saw that not far away, his whole body was filled with golden light. The Milky Way, which came online again, penetrated the whole body with powerful energy and returned to its original posture.

At this time, the state of unity between Galaxy and Xiaoguang reached 1000%. In other words, this state has another name, that is, the idealistic explosion.

The Milky Way expands the realm of the transcendent, unique: no matter how strong you are, the Galaxy will always be above you. The moment the realm was activated, Galaxy regained all its power.

Not only that, with the help of Xiao Guang and the spiritual light of his friends, Galaxy gained the power of idealism.

With double blessing, the Galaxy is better than ever.

Raising one hand in front of him, the Galaxy Spark stretched its length in the blink of an eye, liberating itself from the toy state and revealing its original form, which was the Galaxy Spark Gun.

And Luigi El no longer hides. Both sides know that this battle is the final battle. The two who are one body and two parts will eventually decide each other's fate here, as well as the outcome of this turmoil. Luigi El releases the dark sparks and uses both hands. Grab the Dark Spark Gun.

It looks exactly the same as the Galaxy Spark Gun, which is proof that the two sides were one.

They faced each other with guns, the two sides didn't say much, and they collided in the blink of an eye.

Galaxy, who fully released his power, Lujiel, who fully released his power, two spears with different lights but the same appearance, the moment they exchanged, the heaven and earth shook, the entire earth... no, the entire universe, at the moment the spears were exchanged. Tremor.

"What's wrong, the earth can't bear it!" Sensing the residual power of the collision between the two, Nexus immediately communicated to Yunnan.

"Quick! Help us, or the universe will explode!"

"Both of them probably think this is the last battle, and they have no reservations at all. If this continues, the earth will probably crack if they hit each other next time!"

While he was speaking, the essence of the transcendent belonging to Nexus instantly returned to his body, and he instantly changed from the posture of Nexus to the transcendent.

Kurenai and Origina raised their hands at the same time, and their positions were exchanged in the blink of an eye.

Origin Nai appears on Earth, while Black Nai appears next to the plasma spark.

There is no way... After all, Heinai is better at destruction. This kind of creation, purification, and maintenance of the universe is better than Origina Nai.

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