Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 942: Origin Nai: All I can say is that Shining Cerro has a promising future.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Zero gasped violently and stared at the sky in shock. Under the starry sky, his panic finally calmed down.

Probably because he realized that he was not dead.

"Are you awake?" A thick, ethereal voice echoing in a deep valley rang in his ears. Zero, who had returned to his human form, couldn't help but look up.

What he saw at this glance was the four-colored giant sitting on the ground, not far from him.

On the whole, when looking at this giant, Zero actually didn't recognize it.

But when he saw the familiar energy core on the giant's chest, he immediately remembered it.

"You are..." Although the person in front of him looked very different from Nexus, Zero still remembered that he seemed to have heard his father Severn say that Nexus had changed his appearance at this time and was no longer The image he was familiar with.

So the person in front of me is really...

"Don't you already have the answer in your mind?" Origin Nai replied: "I am Ultraman Nexus, the newly evolved Ultraman Nexus."

"Master!" Although he felt something was wrong, Zero still let down his guard: "Really...why didn't you come earlier."

"If I had come earlier, I wouldn't have been beaten by that guy..." Although he said this, in fact, Zero was still very disappointed in his lowered eyelids.

It took a lot of effort to practice from the waterfall of time, and finally mastered that form. It was obviously such a happy thing, but after meeting the dark Ultraman, it completely disappeared.

"Why, do you think you have lost? Is it difficult to accept it?" Because he had to maintain the timeline of the Tiga universe, Yuanyuan had no way to change back to a human appearance, so he could only maintain this appearance: "You have to know, That Dark Nexus, his power is not inferior to mine."

"I'm not below you or anything, so am I!" Zero muttered.

"You have been cultivating in the Time Falls for a long time, and you still don't know what is happening in this universe or this world. I can save you in time, and I also want to tell you something you don't know." Said, Zai Sai In Luo's listening posture, Yuan Nai told the information that he once told Xiaoguang and Taro through Hei Nai's mouth.

These are brand new messages that are completely different from what Zero has learned.

Zero was stunned for a moment after hearing this, as if he didn't expect such a situation to happen.

It's not easy for him to hone his skills, activate a powerful posture, and prepare for a big fight. But now you tell me that times have changed?

My time has passed?

There was an unacceptable confusion in Zero's heart, and this confusion was actually the same as that of those strong men who had also been abandoned because of the changing times.

In the blink of an eye, have I become an outcast of the times?

"So, how big is the gap between me and that dark Nexus." After listening to the stories about the elements...the change of times...the birth of the big universe, what Zero wanted to find out most was between himself and that dark Nexus. How big is the gap between Xexus and Xexus?

He's not the kind of person who won't retaliate if he's beaten.

"Are you referring to the gap between the Transcendent and the Ultimate?" Yuanyuan Nai said: "It's very big, so big that a real Transcendent can collapse the Ultimate with just one move."

"...Then my glorious form is..." Zero said that he was not killed, and that guy was probably not a true transcendent.

And as long as it's not, then you have a chance to fight back.

"Use it again." Yuanyuan Nai certainly couldn't directly tell how powerful Glorious Cerro was. After all, according to the setting, he just came over to save Glorious Cerro and didn't see Glorious Cerro at all.

...This Zero is dishonest. He has been at Time Falls for a long time, so he has become too careless, right?

Hearing this, Zero no longer maintained his human form, but transformed into Ultraman Zero. Then he pondered for a moment and transformed himself into Shining Zero again.

But due to excessive consumption before, Zero could not last long this time, and had to exit that state in just a few seconds.

Seeing this, the crystal on Yuanyuan's forehead shimmered with light, transmitting part of the light energy to heal Zero's injuries.

With the latter's expectant expression, he pondered for a moment and gave his answer.

"The future is promising."

"What do you mean by a promising future?" Zero shouted dissatisfied.

"Originally speaking, you shouldn't activate the glorious posture at this age. That is your future, and it will only be activated after you discover the true power in your body."

"But because of some things, you started it early."

Those things naturally refer to being possessed by Beria and killing his companions.

"Because it is activated in advance, your foundation is not strong, so even if you can activate this posture, the energy consumption and the strength of your body will make it impossible for you to withstand it for a long time. It often takes a few seconds or even ten seconds. I can’t hold it any longer.”

"So..." Zero looked at Nexus expectantly.

"The promising future means that you who have fully exerted this power and truly fully controlled the brilliance are worthy of being the true transcendent."

"But now, you're just holding this piece and waving it around."

"You can't exert the true power of this posture. You can't find the essence of your glorious posture as a transcendent, and you can't permanently activate and maintain this posture. In just those ten seconds, you reached the standard purely with strength. .”

"But compared to others who have truly reached the power of a transcendent, you only have ten seconds."

Origin Nai is not as evil as Kuro Nai, so she is embarrassed to say: You can't stay in this state for long. In this case.

But what he subconsciously wanted to express was indeed this.

"The one who surpassed in more than ten seconds...can only do it in terms of strength..." This answer was no less than a bolt from the blue to Zero, who was eager to win and unwilling to admit defeat.

What does the so-called promising future mean?

Only at this time, Zero will suddenly remember that at Ultraman's age, he is still a teenager, still young, and far from reaching his peak.

"There is no need to be discouraged. Think about it. In the past, your uncles could not reach this level at your age." Yuanyuan Nai comforted Sero: "Your future has already shown you how powerful you are. But whether you can seize your future, Zero, depends on you."

Taking a deep breath, Zero brushed away the decadence in his heart and became more motivated.

The future is promising. Since he has initially touched this future, one day, he will be able to completely do it.

"Master, is the ultimate transcendent? Is this span too big?" Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Zero rarely asked these things that he didn't want to hear before.

"Beyond the ultimate is transcendence. This was the division of the previous era, but in this era, due to the opening of elements, a new division has emerged." After a pause, Yuanyuan Nai added: "The difference between the ultimate and the transcendent. A whole new realm lies across the space, beyond the ultimate.”

"Super ultimate?" Zero repeated.

"That's right, the realm that is listed separately with the concept of transcending the ultimate means that it exceeds the ultimate, but cannot go beyond it."


This division is really quite literal.

"So, has the super-ultimate level reached the level of a transcendent?" Zero spoke again.

"Personality?" Yuanyuan Nai glanced at Zero: "Let's reach the realm of the universe first and then talk about it."

"Even the ultimate and the ultimate are different."

"Haven't you experienced the difference between reaching the ultimate through sheer power and reaching the ultimate through understanding the realm of the universe?"

Yuan Yunnan didn't say it was okay. When he mentioned Zero, he thought of the scene when he fought against the moon god Gauss. He used many tricks, but was beaten by Gauss with his physical skills.

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