Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 950 Quan Nai: Don’t look at Zero’s misery, he still has to come over to thank us.

"Congratulations, you finally defeated this powerful enemy and got out of trouble." Seeing Izuna running away, Izuna also clapped her hands and came to Sero's side.

Now, at this time, Yuanyuan Nai, a guy who doesn’t know the style, is standing here. If this were a spring, or the previous source, he would have raised one hand high and said directly, "Wow! (Congratulations)!" "

"I...really won?" After the heroic words, there was disbelief that he had finally won. After getting used to defeat, the sudden victory was at his fingertips, and being held firmly by Sero made him feel deep in his heart. Still doubting the authenticity of this victory.

"Although it can't be said that you defeated your opponent, you did defeat him. All the previous failures accumulated and turned into your strength, allowing you to finally do this." Looking at Zero's flashing timer , Yuanyuan Nai stretched out a finger and pointed it on the timer, injecting some light energy, so that Zero's timer no longer flashed so rapidly and returned to a full blue.

"I did it...I did it...I did it!!" First he muttered in disbelief, then he felt a sudden realization, and finally he felt the joy and excitement brought by victory. Every time he repeated it, Sero became more and more excited. Confirmed the fact of his victory.

Emotionally, he hugged Yuanyuan Nai, and he couldn't help himself with the excitement in his master's arms.

"Master! I finally defeated him! I really did it!" Although there were no tears, Zero's voice still had a cry, and it could be heard that he was really excited.

"Don't worry, it's all over." Yuanyuan Nai's body stiffened for a moment, and he almost exploded with his own strength and sent Sai Luobeng flying out.

But fortunately, Heinai's transcendent essence is in his body, which greatly weakens his divinity, allowing him to get closer and closer to the ground from the high clouds.

Loosening the hand holding his master, Zero took a few steps back and nodded heavily: "I will definitely remember this feeling. Next time, the next time I meet him, I will definitely defeat him!"

Although long-term failure results in a loss of self-confidence, when long-term failure is replaced by a one-time victory, the emotions released will naturally be endless.

This is what Zero is like now. A huge sense of happiness surrounds him, making him have more high-spirited fighting spirit and passion than before.

"Remember this reincarnation, remember this experience, Sero, you can still become stronger!" Yuanyuan Nai stretched out his hand and put it on Sero's shoulder: "You have mastered the strong corona and the miracle of the moon. You are very proficient, but you are not yet 100% at your best. Even if you only have the final potential, you have to tap it."

"You can feel it. In the process of more and more exploring your own potential and controlling your form, your foundation is also being fed back."

"Now that you activate your glorious posture, you can no longer only maintain it for one minute."

After winning the victory, Zero realized how far he had progressed. The powerful corona and moon miracle were no longer limited to the stages that would be used in the future, and his basic form had also been greatly strengthened.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zero now feels that he is enough to kill his previous self, and he is the kind of person who suppresses him until death.

"I will always improve myself." Zero nodded. He was extremely grateful to Yuanyuan Nai who had always been by his side, trained him, and even helped him explore his potential.

Otherwise, there would be absolutely no way for him to escape this disaster.

"You will meet that guy again in the future. At that time, if you still stop moving forward, he will not show mercy." With Quan's character, if Zero really dares to forget what happened during this period, Quan is afraid that He was able to go across thousands of mountains and rivers and go over there to beat up Zero again.


Watching Zero open the wormhole and leave, he may be able to play a greater role in the Impak crisis this time.

As for Beria, who had been able to fight with him for a hundred years, even if he wanted to win this time, it would not be so easy.

Maybe the reborn Zero can win this time?

"Have we gone too far?" Yuanyuan Nai said to Izumi Nai who appeared next to him with his arms folded on his chest: "Although growing through hardships is the growth method set by the main body for him, what we are doing The layout almost completely suppressed him and killed everyone."

"What are you afraid of? The main idea is not wrong, and didn't you look at him just now?" Quan Nai waved his hands, not caring: "He still has to thank us."

Yuanyuan Nai was speechless for a moment. Although Zero really thanked me, it was obvious that the person he was thanking was me, not you!

"The time and space of Aix has been locked, shall we go now?" Quan Nai said.

"It's up to you to go. I can't return to my human form. I have to maintain it all the time in order to slow down the timeline of the Tiga universe." Origin Nai shook his head: "I have been able to borrow part of your transcendent essence. , thus suppressing my divinity. It seems that in a short time, I will be able to maintain the balance between the two."

"Then, what is your view on the world now?" Quan Nai asked.

"You shouldn't ask me this question, but ask yourself." At this moment when both gods and humans are present, Yuanyuan Nai is undoubtedly the closest to his true form, but even so, it is only close, not really.

"When we come to an understanding from the bottom of our hearts that is completely different from our original ideas, when we can express emotions that are not consistent with our own based on the other person's existence, it means that we understand each other. At that time, it is An opportunity for us to integrate.”

"The opportunity for fusion...heh, when I talked about this, I was excited but also a little scared." Quan Nai sneered and laughed at herself: "I really can't imagine that the fused us and the returning body will be in the end. What will it become?"

"That's not something we should pay attention to." Yuanyuan Nai said.

At that time, both Origin Nai and Quan Nai had returned to their true form, so naturally this was not something they should think about.

Even though the two sides have a tacit understanding now, that is because Origina was influenced by Izuna's transcendent nature and reached a balance. This balance is not only for the divinity and humanity in Originai, but also for the relationship between the two parties.

And being fed back by the balance of the main body, Izuna also possesses part of the divinity to suppress her own rage. In fact, she is also a member of the team who maintains balance.

Everyone is on this scale, trying their best to keep their eyes on each other and be impartial.

Returning to the Kingdom of Light, Zero reported what happened to him, which attracted the attention of the Kingdom of Light.

Belial's comeback, the reorganization of the Empire's remnants, and the unknown evil Ultraman Dark Nexus, all these things have put a high degree of security in the Kingdom of Light.

Although he is speechless that Beria is still alive, and feels like he is like a weakling who cannot be killed, but with his hatred for the Kingdom of Light, he is still alive, so he will definitely find a way. Blow up the Kingdom of Light.

The top priority is to find a way to find Beria. Otherwise, this guy is hiding in the dark and causing trouble. The Kingdom of Light is too passive.

As for the terrifying guy Zero said, who beat him to the ground a hundred times, the so-called Dark Nexus, the Kingdom of Light also made corresponding preparations.

With Zero's strength, he was beaten more than a hundred times?

And if it hadn't been for Yuan Nai's help, Zero might have been lying there.

Beria can actually summon such a terrifying guy?

But when Zero talked about this, Taro hesitated because he had actually seen the black Nexus!

Not only that, he also had Galaxy and even got along with this person for quite some time.

But even though Nexus was black, he probably wouldn't have beaten Zero and joined Beria's army.

Although it is black on the surface, Tyro believes that it is still his sixth brother and the giant of light!

A partner of justice!

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