Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 953 Baltan falling in love with a human girl is nothing, because Beria fell earlier. (happy)

"According to reliable information, a group of space aliens has quietly lurked on the earth and is preparing to execute an invasion plan." After closing the windows and doors, the Baltans no longer maintained their mimicry, but returned to their original state. The crayfish looked like he was sitting on the sofa and talking to Quan in a serious manner.

"What kind of cosmic beings?" This kind of exchange has been carried out countless times in the past few years. Quan has long been used to it, so he is not surprised at all.

"Among the people I know, there are Baite people and Dada." Baltan waved his pliers: "They also said they wanted to recruit me into their group. I agreed on the surface, but in fact it was just a delaying tactic."

"I'll be thinking about contacting you as soon as I come out."

Quan's face looked a little strange.

How much shadow did Red Superman cast on you?

A peace-loving person popping out of Baltan is really rarer than a dark Ultraman popping out of Ultraman.

"I know you wholeheartedly want peace, but after so many years, you have accused so many cosmic beings, and you have done nothing, won't they doubt you?" Everyone is pursuing a great cause together, but everyone else is You were the only one who didn't do anything when you were arrested. It could be said that it was a coincidence once or twice. It has been like this every time in the past few years.

You think the space people opposite you are idiots, right?

"No, because I don't go there every time. Sometimes when I go to the underground auction house, I will secretly listen to the sounds of their conversations. That's how I reported the guy from Barossa last time." Speaking of this, Baltan was filled with anger and his voice was cold and emotionless.

"You actually dare to traffic in humans and dissect organs. As a cosmic being, I can't stand what these cosmic beings are doing!"

It's okay if Baltan doesn't talk about it. As soon as he talks about Quan, he thinks of this major case that shocked the human world a few years ago.

The so-called underground world auction house is composed of special humans and non-humans, so there are all kinds of dragons and snakes. The space pirate Barossa has entangled a group of men, captured humans in various places on the earth, and created countless... The disappearance case left xio at a loss.

If Baltan hadn't contacted Quan at that time, it might have taken Xio longer to find the mastermind of a certain queen.

And when Xio was fully armed and gathered troops to break in, he was shocked by the bloody biological laboratory.

Some people who had never seen the world even vomited directly, and many even needed psychological counseling afterwards.

Barossa robs the people on earth, just like the people on earth cultivate mice. They use them as high-quality experimental equipment and send them to all parts of the universe, and the business is very good.

Baltan, who followed xio to break in, showed his effectiveness. Even if his hands were pliers, Baltan could release hypnotic light waves, and he took the lead in the charge along the way to eliminate those cosmic beings who were still lingering.

In the end, the angry Barossa people who were forced out became huge, but Xio used super powerful fighter planes and scientific research technology. It took more than an hour of fighting to forcefully create a clearing in the center of the city, and then Barossa was defeated. Rosa was eliminated.

After all, it is not the later xio. Although it is still in the midst of a technological explosion, there were no breakthroughs in key technologies a few years ago.

"They got the black golden ancient bridge from nowhere, and they are planning to use it to destroy Xio." Baltan said: "This is what my friend who works in the underground auction house, the Garumes star told me, and asked me to Notify xio immediately."

"Understood, I will notify our captain immediately and implement the arrest plan." Quan nodded and said again: "Are you still unwilling to accept that position? With your contribution to the earth, xio will definitely welcome you .”

"No, I just want to live a peaceful life. After experiencing the storm and escaping from that guy's hands, all the riots in the universe and the rhetoric within the unified planet have nothing to do with me." The Baltan star shook his head. Rejected Quan's statement.

"I just want to live peacefully and peacefully on this blue star of life and live my own little life."

"To be honest, I met a very gentle and beautiful girl a few days ago. I have made up my mind to pursue her." After a pause, Baltan, who was afraid of Quan's rejection, added: "With human standards identity."

Then make little Baltan, right?

"Well, these things will not be included in the files. Your information will be kept safe and will not be exposed." Baltan already loves peace to this extent, so Quan naturally doesn't force anything: "Then I wish you a beautiful woman as soon as possible."

"If you get married, remember to call me."

"I will definitely." Lifting his pliers and placing them in front of Quan, Baltan still let out the unique laughter of his clan.

If you don't know someone when you meet someone for the first time, hearing laughter like this will definitely frighten you.

But Quan knew that Baltan, who was smiling like this, was really just happy.

"The earth is really beautiful. Why haven't I noticed how wonderful it is here before?" After touching Izumi's fist with his pliers and making a promise, Baltan sighed with emotion: "They are indeed worthy of the Ultramans." It’s a planet that I want to protect at all costs.”

"Those evil cosmic beings, those damn conspirators, no matter who they are, want to break my peaceful life and my beautiful marriage, I will never let them go!"

Only when he said these words, Baltan was murderous, quite like the demeanor of the space ninja back then.

It can be seen that it is very serious and has always done so.

Izumi is not surprised. Even an evil person like Beria still falls under the pursuit of a cute 16-year-old JK girl.

Baltan, this is nothing.

It can be seen that if the people from the universe really meet the cute girls from the earth, the possibility of falling is still very high.

(Dagon: Don’t be embarrassed, the dark giant will also fall.)

"Captain." When the Baltan star showed Quan the photo of his little girlfriend on his mobile phone, the communicator finally connected to Xio's base, and was directly connected to the captain's communicator.

After patting Baltan's pliers and praising his girlfriend's beauty, Quan didn't care about Baltan who was trapped in happiness, but made a move with the captain.

"Izumi, and Mr. Baltan." Shotaro Kamiki, the captain of XIO's Japanese branch, is a dignified man. His philosophy that he implements to the end is "not to use force, but to understand the other party." It's quite Gaussian. human character.

But when encountering monsters and cosmic beings that are beyond reason and unable to communicate, Shenmu will never be indecisive and will fight them as targets of destruction.

After receiving a separate communication from Quan and the presence of Baltan, Captain Shenmu knew that there must be another evil space person causing trouble.

"Captain Shenmu, the specific situation is this..." After repeating what Baltan said, Captain Shenmu's expression became more serious. After listening to Quan's report, he immediately responded.

"Understood, I will immediately arrange people to carry out this task." Shenmu nodded. This is Quan's position. He can talk to both the white and the underworld. He is a person who can mix well in both the inner world and the outer world. exist.

With him here, those cosmic people have secretly wanted to cause trouble in the past few years, and xio has been able to receive the information in time. Then dispatch in time to minimize the loss.

Not to mention Baltan, Xio's old friend.

"Remember to find the doctor. The Ultra Explosive Gun and Specium Device are about to be developed. This gun is perfect for dealing with these guys." The original Specium Device is Xio's analysis of X's light. It was something that was created later, but now because of Izumi, this technology has been conquered in advance and used on the team members.

"Okay." Captain Shenmu was convinced. After all, it was Jin Guqiao. Of course, such a behemoth must use stronger weapons.

Shenmu had also heard of the power of that gun.

The terrifying power is enough to kill monsters.

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