Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 956 If your name was Digama instead of Digama, you would definitely be special, but unfortun

On this day, due to the entrustment of the doctor, Mamoru, Liu Yi, and Daichi came to the experimental site for the materialization of electronic monsters. In a deserted mountain, the equipment needed for the materialization of electronic monsters was installed.

And why the experiment is carried out here is of course because this technology is still in its immature stage.

The emergence of Electronic Gomora is still very unstable. The current progress has only reached 65%, and there is no way to fully use it.

And when Cyber ​​Gomora's data collapses, the strong data impact will affect many people, so that's why we chose this place.

In fact, there is another reason, and that is because the physicalization of electronic monsters is xio's most advanced technology at present, and it is a powerful technology that can usher in the next era.

Of course, something like this that is kept at the bottom of a box cannot be left in public.

"Mamoru, have the data been adjusted?" Quan, who was wearing glasses, was operating on the computer. With headphones on, he could hear the sound coming from deep in the mountains, which was the pulse of the earth.

Although he only has half a body, he has also inherited part of the light of the ocean, and can naturally hear the will of the earth.

"Ready." With that said, Mamoru pressed the start button, injected energy, and charged the two devices.

Daichi on the side has long been prepared to use the Gomora's Shiny Doll that he has carried since childhood (it is a Shiny Doll rather than a Spark Doll. X's Zaradim Light has the ability to turn monsters into Shiny Dolls. And this is a black technology unique to the world of X, different from Luigi El's Spark Doll.) was placed on the energy conversion device, and at the same time connected to the monster translation device to detect Gomora's status.

Along with the looming roar of the beast, Gomora's virtual image began to gradually appear under the injection of two streams of light.

In that huge open space, a specific data image has been sketched, but it has been unable to be converted into an entity.

This shows that the experiment has not been successful.

Even though the earth was cheering for Gomora, there was no way to make the virtual Gomora appear. The data only maintained at 67% and then dissipated, and Gomora's mimicry data also dissipated.

Dadi's face looked quite gloomy. His dream since childhood was to live with Gomora, and to let Gomora, who had turned into a shining doll, move freely.

He put a lot of effort into this technology of Virtual Gomora, but now it doesn't seem like it will be successful.

"Okay, don't be discouraged." Quan was not surprised that the experiment failed. He couldn't give any advice on this technology.

He didn't understand the flash puppet technology of Xx Universe at all, and he even followed Dadi's ideas.

"If it doesn't work this time, I'd better change to a flashier doll that looks better and cuter next time. Maybe it will work." Liu Yi, who was holding her schoolbag next to Quan, said innocently: "Maybe those monsters I would really like to be materialized.”

"This has nothing to do with whether the monster is willing or not, it's just that the technology is immature." Before Dadi could speak, Izumi took the lead in explaining: "Given the relationship between Dadi and Gomora, I think Gomora must be very helpful to Dadi."

"If Gomora can't even appear, then it's really impossible."

Dadi looked at Quan movedly, and the excitement overflowing from his eyes even made him almost unable to help himself and rushed forward to hug Quan.

But the spirit of a scientist made him restrain himself.

"Pack up your things and let's go. We'll come back next time." Quan turned on the communicator: "Captain, the experiment failed. You can notify Hayato to clean up the scene."

"Understood, you should retreat first." Captain Shenmu in the base nodded.

In the mountains, Quan put the communicator on his waist. As soon as he set it up, he heard a dull beast's roar, which was transmitted from the ground under his feet, through the caves and orifices of the mountain, and all the way from the ground.

Even though it was blurry, Izumi could still tell that it was the voice of a monster.


It wasn't just Izumi who felt it, Gomora in his flash doll state also let out an anxious beastly roar.

Even in his flash doll state, Gomora can still sense the danger of such a powerful monster wandering around him.

"Liu Yi, Mamoru, leave now, don't deal with it!" He didn't care. The earth was also protected by X, who was about to break away from the sea of ​​data, so there was no problem.

But not Mamoru and Ryui, they are just ordinary humans.

"Eh?" Mamoru hadn't figured out what was going on yet: "All these equipments are left here and you don't want them anymore?"

"Otherwise? Be careful, your life is worth taking, but your life is useless." He grabbed the hands of the two people and placed them in the back of the car one by one. Quan got into the driver's seat: "Dadi! Don't waste time there, hurry up!"

"Eh?" Daichi, who was still wondering why Gomora made that roar, turned around belatedly, and then suddenly realized that he was the only one left in the same place.

Although he didn't know what happened, apart from the doctor, the oldest person in the logistics team was Quan, so Dadi naturally wouldn't resist and trotted over and got into the passenger seat.

He also put on his seat belt politely.

"Senior, senior, is your monster sense working again!" When she said this, Liu Yi's eyes were shining, obviously she was very interested in Quan's magical ability.

"This is not my monster effect, but Gomora." He started the car and drove away. The next second, the area where the experiment was just collapsed and collapsed, and the entire mountain sunk inward, revealing huge potholes.

The monster emerged from the ground, with bright yellow sharp horns and a ferocious figure. Dimaga roared upwards as if in response to the roar of a certain beast.

But when it got out, it didn't find the invading enemy.

"Powerful monsters all have their own territorial awareness. We chose to do the experiment here this time. Gomora's beast roar woke up the sleeping monster. It regarded it as a provocation, so it woke up and appeared." Glancing at Dimaga in the rearview mirror, Quan speeded up again and galloped out.

"It was attracted by Gomora's roar."

"Then that means it's not us." Dadi and the other three people all retracted their heads that were sticking out of the car window, and sat upright on their seats, not daring to breathe.

"Even without us, it would be a matter of time before this guy got out of the ground." Fidgeting with the steering wheel, Quan was gradually moving away from Dimaga: "Liu Yi, use the communicator to report the monster's position to the base. Then link to the satellite's communication device, I want to talk to the captain."

"Do you already know what this monster is?" Dadi himself is already an expert on monsters, but when he met Quan, he realized that there were people who knew monsters better than him.

But it’s not his fault, after all, everything that can be touched on the earth has been encountered by humans.

As for Quan, he went up to fight it himself.

"Isn't there a record about this guy in the Taiping Fengtu Ji, Dimaga, the legendary iron monster?" The Taiping Fengtu Ji, which runs through the records of the previous monsters in the New Era, is always used to support others and make excuses. The best choice: "When the sky is filled with an ominous demonic light, Dimaga, the god of disaster who burns the earth, will wake up."

"It will burn the world of peace with raging fire." Dadi added the following sentence: "Yes! I remembered, this guy is Dimaga!"

"Isn't that a fairy tale? Is it true?" In the base, Captain Shenmu and Vice-Captain Tachibana Sayuri all showed surprised expressions after hearing the conversation between Quan and Dadi.

"Any legend has its authenticity, we just need to confirm it." Slamming on the brakes, Quan continued: "This guy is the myth itself."

"What to do, Quan!" Whenever a monster appears, Quan can always give the corresponding monster characteristics and weaknesses, and then xio will formulate corresponding strategies based on these characteristics and weaknesses. This is already the case in xio A masterful process.

"I need to use Gomora to attract its attention. Otherwise, if it can't find the monster that attracted it, it will definitely want to go to the city to wreak havoc."

"I think after sleeping for so long, it must not mind a good meal."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became much duller.

So far, the damage and casualties caused by those monsters are just a series of data, but as members of xio, they have been to such battlefields and witnessed the inhumane scenes with their own eyes.

Behind the cold numbers are bloody reflections of reality.

"Leave it to you, be careful." Captain Shenmu nodded heavily.

"I will provide support immediately."

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