Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 960 Spaceman: Even after we live on earth, we still think what should be hung on the street

"What do you mean by Ultraman?" After the battle, Captain Shenmu summoned all the team members and prepared to ask them some things that they, the natives of Earth, didn't know.

After all, humans and the earth, on the scale of the universe, are just children waiting to be fed.

The three views and cognitions developed in this three-thirds of an acre of earth are not feasible in the big universe.

A race that lives in a corner has an upper limit to its vision, and this cannot be changed in a short period of time.

The Fanton, whose name is Gehrman, is a friendly cosmic person on earth who has reached a cooperative relationship with xio. He is the most important contributor in helping earth's technology enter the cosmic stage.

His status is one of the best in xio.

But if he wanted to popularize the knowledge of Ultraman, Gehrman would not dare to overstep the mark.

Captain Shenmu doesn't know this, but doesn't he know it yet?

In Xio, there is a real Ultraman hidden.

But if you include Aix, there are two of them on earth.

Therefore, Dr. Hermann stood beside Quan in an auxiliary position.

After all, this person is the expert when it comes to Ultraman knowledge.

"Ultraman, from M-78 Nebula, the shining Ultra Star, is the hometown of Ultraman, a country with a righteous heart to maintain the peace of the universe, eliminate evil cosmic beings, and maintain the normal development of the universe. .”

"They are living beings of light. Their existence is just like Aix, they exist as giants, and they have powerful combat power alone." Izumi pushed up his glasses, drew a circle on the blackboard, and then Write the three letters M78 inside.

"It's three million light years away from our Earth."

This is the first time that the xio team members know that there are such existences in the universe, and the appearance of Aix seems to prove that there is indeed such a powerful civilization in the universe, and it has truly appeared in front of everyone.

"Is it possible that there are many more like Aix?" Asuna raised her hand and asked.

"That's a country, and of course there are many giants like Ax." Quan shrugged: "Not only Ax, you will also see more Ultra Warriors in the future."

Everyone looked at each other, was he the same person as Aix?

If all these guys were to come to earth, wouldn't it be...

"I once had the honor to meet such an Ultraman. He was the first Ultraman to come to the earth." Dr. Herman put his hands behind his back, and couldn't help but recall in his mind the figure who used his chest muscles to fight against the enemy. Under the lightning of Neilongga, there is a god-like existence.

"The first generation of glory, Ultraman."

"Human beings have just stepped out of the earth. Although they have the help of doctors, it will take a long, long time to leave the solar system. Before that, human beings have always imagined what the universe is like." Quan shrugged.

"So, it's normal to have questions after realizing these things, because this is a story that quite shocks the world of thought."

"Akers, are you an enemy or a friend?" As a combatant, Hayato only wanted to know this question.

"Of course I'm a friend. The current earth needs X very much." As if he felt that his empty words were unconvincing, Quan patted his chest and said with assurance: "I bet on Quan's reputation as a monster expert. Ultraman X can be trusted."

"There is no one here who doesn't believe you. Over the years, you have proven your correctness with countless performances." Tachibana Sayuri and Captain Shenmu both laughed. In the past few years, they have clearly understood Quan is a monster expert.

Quan is indispensable to xio's ability to have such an efficient kill rate.

"Well, in that case, we believe in Aix. Because we have to believe in Aix's spring." Captain Shenmu clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention: "In the next few days, there will be news from For interviews with urban TV stations, they will visit the armory and publish it. If you have time, you can go and take a look."

"By the way, Izumi, you are not allowed to go." As soon as Captain Shenmu finished speaking, Tachibana Sayuri immediately followed up and added.

Hearing what the vice-captain said, Asuna, Hayato, Kazama Watari, Ryui and others all laughed unconsciously, as if they remembered something happy.

"It seems that after the last time the TV station interviewed me, I left a very deep impression on you." Quan raised his eyes and said jokingly: "It's been two years, vice-captain, you still remember me. "

"It would be really weird if I couldn't remember what you said on the TV station: I can change the patient's fate." Tachibana Sayuri held her forehead, feeling a headache: "In short, In the next few days, we must always pay attention to what is going on outside, and at the same time, we must try to ensure that the reports of these media people are accurate.”

"Two less hits!"

Hearing this, Liu Yi suddenly stopped and burst into laughter.

"I didn't expect that Senior Quan knew Ultraman so well." After the meeting, he returned to the laboratory alone and held the communicator in front of his eyes, talking to Ax.

"I seem to be very impressed with this place in the Kingdom of Light, but I don't belong there." Aix said truthfully: "But it is indeed the Kingdom of Light, and there are many powerful Ultra warriors there."

"Eh? Where does Aix come from?" I thought I had figured out the origin of Aix, but I didn't expect that Aix was not from the Kingdom of Light. Now, Dadi became interested again.

"I don't remember." Aix was a little sad: "Sorry, it seems that after my body was destroyed by the solar storm, some of my data was also lost."

"It doesn't matter, I will try my best to find these lost data." Dadi comforted.

"Thank you, Dadi."

After wiping Gomora's glittering doll aside and placing it on the table next to him, Dadi spoke again: "But there is one question that I'm still curious about."

"I have asked Senior Quan before, and Senior Quan has always said that he is an ordinary human being, but I have actually wanted to say for a long time that a lot of his knowledge is not accessible to humans, and the same is true for today." Thinking of what he once said about himself Xu, who knew monsters very well, was almost doubted about his life by his senior. Dadi was still a little speechless, but he also admired him very much.

"Those things are obviously out of line. How could it be something that a human being can know!"

Ax: "I can indeed feel some differences from that human being, but in my perception, he is indeed a human being."

"That's it," Dadi murmured.

"What are you..." Quan, who was being talked about, left the base after getting off work, and after opening the door to his yard, he immediately saw a lot of space people standing in the yard.

There are even people standing on the roof!

"Lord Quan! Please tell the new Ultraman that we are all good citizens!" After seeing Quan return home, Commander Black knelt down, hugged Quan's thigh and cried out in tears. Said: "Don't think of us as intruders, we will be killed with just one light!"

"That's right, that's right, we all saw today's battle!" Raising his hand, Cosmic Man-Hua said straightforwardly: "Dimaga turned into a doll after being hit by Ultraman with a light. Flowers don’t want to become dolls!”

"Yes, yes, we don't want to become dolls!"

"My conscience, I go to work at 3 o'clock every day, and my hair is almost falling out due to fatigue. How can I have time to plan any invasion of the earth?"

"Damn it, is it so difficult to be a human on Earth? This work, this life, being a human on Earth is simply harder than being a human in space!"

"It turns out that it's not easy for people on Earth either."

The voices of complaints fluctuated, making it as noisy as Wanda Plaza.

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