Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 971 Brother Tazi: Brother Niu, forget it, Yuanyuan is not worth your while.

In close combat, the Golden Man's realm is higher than that of Yuanyuan, and Tartarus, who is in this realm, has the ability to instantly see through the enemy's moves and predict them, and make the most perfect response in the battle. .

This is the power given to him by this realm, which can double or even multiply his own power.

But the icing on the cake is just the icing on the cake after all, not indispensable. After the close combat ended, Tartarus and Origina, who had distanced themselves, began to use their transcendent essence to fight.

However... Tartarus, who is not qualified enough, is only half-assed. In terms of strength, he is enough to compete with the transcendent. But in terms of essential ability, Tartarus, who only has the fragment of transcendence, is at best the same as Zero. How can he be a true transcendent? opponent.

Power = power.


Person \u003e Person.

The former is Origin, and the latter is Tartarus. The difference in the equation between the two sides is here. Tartarus is just a little bit short, but it is only a little bit short.

In the golden space, a light virus filled with colorful brilliance floated over cautiously. While the two sides were fighting, the Kaos virus lurked cautiously.

After the two sides exchanged blows, the Kaos virus opened its fangs, wrapped around Yuanyuan Nai's waist several times, and pounced towards the energy core on Yuanyuan Nai's chest.

The Kaos virus got what it wanted and entered Originna's body through the energy core.

According to the process, at this time, Origina should seal himself like Max was injected with Gordis cells, so that the light energy he can use to protect himself can prevent the infection of the Kaos virus.

"Successful." Seeing the Kaos virus entering Yuanyuan Nai's body, Xiaojin relaxed slightly. In this way, Yuanyuan Nai had to deal with the Kaos virus, and with him exerting pressure from the side, This victory will be infinitely close to him.

But to be on the safe side, Tartarus did not choose to approach hastily. Instead, he tentatively charged up power for a short period of time and unleashed absolute destruction, blasting towards Origina.

Although the Kaos virus can indeed contaminate Ultraman, what if? What if this guy is cheating?

Just like last time.

Absolute destruction rushed towards him, Yuanyuan did not dodge, and once again resisted with his own body, swallowing up all the power of absolute destruction into his body without leaving any drop, and turning it into a stored power.

The attack of absolute destruction never stopped, but Yuanyuan Nai's momentum became stronger and stronger under this turbulent and devastating offensive.

Little Golden Man:?

Stopping the release of absolute destruction and feeling the much stronger aura of Origin Nebi, Tartarus didn't understand what was happening for a while.

"What on earth are you..."

"You who have not raised your personality and truly awakened to become a transcendent will not understand the difference between the two." He raised his hands flat on both sides, and golden boiling light energy emerged between his hands.

Tartarus glared and said in his heart, "Holy shit."

“Even if it’s only half a step, it’s still a thousand miles.”

"Absolute destruction!" He gathered his hands forward and suddenly withdrew, and golden light energy rushed out and hit Tartarus.

Although I know that what Yuanyuan Nai uses is not absolute destruction, it just looks like it, but until now when I attack, Yuanyuan Nai doesn't even open his shield, but I can't do any damage. Why is this?

Is it true that there is such a big gap between a true transcendent and myself? How am I inferior to him in comparison?

Is it just a lack of personality?

Fighting attack with attack, Tartarus unleashed absolute destruction, which canceled out the attacks from Origin. Then, he asked his question.

"Why didn't Chaos react at all? Aren't you affected at all?"

Kaos virus? No one knows what would happen if it found someone else, but as for Yuinai...

If Chaos enters Yuanyuan's body, isn't that just asking for death...

Not to mention the light virus, even your dark energy will be absorbed by Yuanyuan's body.

I am afraid that it has been suppressed in the body now, or has been swallowed and absorbed.

Originai had no intention of telling Tartarus about his transcendent ability. He swept with one hand and released a huge light wheel, cutting a thin black crack in the golden space.

That was the scene left after the golden color of Nazak's space was destroyed.

He raised his hands in front of him and used the Nazzak gems to construct an absolute shield to block the light wheel. Tartarus took a half step back and suddenly felt enlightened in his heart.

Compared with the original Origin Nai, the current Origin Nai is more powerful.

What is his ability? Can you become infinitely stronger in battle?

Can such a thing happen?

His own family knows his own affairs, and although Tartarus has not completely reached the transcendent level, he already possesses fragments of the power of transcendence, just like Zero, who only uses partial fragments of his true ability.

Tartarus can interfere with the past and the future, changing certain things in the past timeline, thereby allowing the past timeline to be spent, that is, deriving a corresponding parallel world.

This is the most classic: "What if I didn't do that, but xxxx." Such an idea.

And Tartarus satisfies this assumption.

With his intervention, this sentence will become reality, and the fixed past will derive a branch line due to this change, which is the so-called if.

And Tartarus can bring any existence in these parallel worlds to the main world, and can sway quite a lot of people.

If Beria had not been expelled from the body by Cero.

If Emperor Amperra would move.

Suppose the stone statue of Tiga was blown up by Gatanjie.

These what-ifs, with the intervention of Tartarus' ability, will become a real parallel world, and many things can be done.

The parallel world born under the influence of this ability will inevitably end in self-destruction in the end.

Because those ifs will lead to the end of despair.

This is what he can do now, it is part of the power of his true transcendent essence, just like Brilliant Zero is part of the power of the true transcendent essence of Zero.

If Zero's is about reversing cause and effect, then Tartarus's is about making falsehood come true.

However... Yuanyuan Nai didn't want to know what kind of parallel world you created, so he just punched it!

A dim stream of blue light rushed out from behind Tartarus and struck Yuanyuan Nai. From the attack of this light, Yuanyuan Nai sensed a faint threat, so he stopped charging and turned to use the light energy. It concentrated on the hand knife and swept across it, splitting the light.

…Chopping light with a knife is Yuan Yuannai’s favorite thing to do.

"The status is enough, but the strength is not enough." After speaking softly, Yuanyuan turned his head and looked at Tartarus over there: "Do you have any helpers?"

"Hey, either the personality is not enough or the strength is not enough. Is the repressive power of a transcendent really that strong?" Tartarus didn't bother to say it. The setting of this kind of existence is too strict.

Is it true that if there is just a little bit missing from both, neither will work?

Tregear is unwilling to come out, and Tartarus does not force him. After all, Dark Tregear does not come from the parallel world he created, but is the Tregear of all other worlds except Tregear of this world. Yadu is blackened.

"I'll say it again, where is Zero?" After waiting for a long time and still not seeing the arrival of the back-up man, Yuanyuan Nai ran out of patience and stepped forward again.

As soon as Yuanyuan Nai moved, the next moment, the light waves engraved with the shape of a cow struck sideways towards Yuanyuan Nai in the form of bulldozing earth, and at the same time, there was a confident roar.

"Strength-breaking Ox Fist!"

The hand knife that had just been dropped was raised again, and the moment the blade passed by, the rigid bull-breaking fist was immediately divided into two parts, and it was already chopped and dispersed before it even touched Yuanyuan Nai's body.

The armor was on his body and he strode forward, his golden horns shining.

"What a powerful enemy, only in this way can we be worthy of defeating him!"


Diavolo, could this be a fight you got into?

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