Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 976 I can’t smoke a naughty kid with a big mouth in reality, but I can’t do it in a novel?

The Zarrab people were declared guilty according to the procedure, sentenced to the crime of invading the earth, and then deprived of the above rights, they were thrown into prison and squatted.

Although it is somewhat outrageous to put aliens in prison, this kind of thing does happen in X's world.

And it’s still the strategy of using cosmic people to monitor cosmic people.

That's right, the people in this prison are all prison guards composed of cosmic beings living on earth. They are responsible for monitoring those cosmic beings who commit crimes and preventing them from doing evil.

Ordinary earthlings might not be able to do this, but using cosmic beings to deal with cosmic beings is a bit like learning from the barbarians and using their skills to defeat the barbarians.

After the Zarrab people were sent in, due to an accident on Zero's side, Bondillo, the race to which the space thieves - the Knuckles belonged, was not chased by Zero and passed through the star gate to enter Ike. Sri Lanka world, so the content of the fifth episode of X was not staged on time.

After Originai fell into silence and released control of the timeline of the Aix world, the time flow rate here returned to normal, and the original development continued.

After the fifth episode is delayed indefinitely, the corresponding episode of The Golden Planet and The Oath Beyond the Planet in episode six will be performed as usual.

However, it is only said that it will be in advance, but no one knows how far in advance.

Everyone in xio is still like that, but they also live a relatively beautiful daily life, that is, a day without monster invasion.

But during this period, Izumi was not idle. Instead, he worked with Dr. Gehrman, Daichi Rui and others to create Gomora's virtual card, as well as the virtual card belonging to Bemonstein. .

These can be used as Xio's power for combat, and similarly, they can be given to X for use and weaponized.

During this calm period, xio also took many vacations.

Normally, everyone has their own things to do, but the only difference is Daichi and Asuna. During the holidays, the two of them met together several times, either going shopping or watching some boxing matches. Anyway, they are in pairs, with no intention of separation at all.

Although Dadi is a programmer, he has not fallen too deep into being a programmer, and his emotional intelligence is not hopeless.

He still knows that Asuna is special to him.

A'Du went to find his younger brother A Yong who was playing professional rugby league.

Hayato went home to be with his parents.

As for Izumi, he did not choose to stay in the base and continue the experiment like Rui Mamoru, but went home to rest.

He said he was resting, but in fact, the informant he ordered out found traces of the prince from the Golden Kingdom that Quan described, so Quan hurried to find him.

The prince of the golden planet, Hui, was a refugee after Gorgon destroyed the golden planet and petrified the entire planet. He landed on the earth in a spaceship.

But because he landed too quickly, his brain was hit and he lost his memory.

After destroying the golden planet, Gagorgon did not obtain the powerful energy of the golden planet. Therefore, Gagorgon traveled through the universe and followed the traces of the only survivor, Hui, to the earth.

What Gagorgon was pursuing was right, because long before the Golden Planet was invaded by it, the Golden Planet had already put the energy that Gagorgon coveted into the universe and buried it on the earth.

The Golden Planet is well-known among people in the universe. It is a country with kindness and kindness, and is well-known in the universe.

The time for Ga Gorgon to destroy the golden planet would be before Kurenai comes to this universe, so Izumi did not go to trouble Ga Gorgon.

But if it comes to your door, that's a different story.

I still remember the content of this episode relatively clearly, because at the beginning of the plot, the early part of this episode really felt a bit like Ultraman Jack, the Monster Messenger and the Boy.

Of course, the monster messenger and the boy ended up in tragedy, but in this episode of Ax, everyone finally understood each other, supported each other, and resolved the misunderstanding.

Early the next morning, Quan locked the door and drove to the location of the park. When he arrived, he saw no trace of Hui.

After thinking about what happened in the plot, he roughly had a direction and walked towards the side road.

If he remembered correctly, some people would be beaten next.

After turning the corner, passing by the lush woods, Quan heard the noisy voices of a group of children, which was also accompanied by a man's muffled groan, and an argument between two girls.

If it was the source, he would probably have maintained the utmost restraint and stepped forward to speak, but unfortunately, the source was not there.

Assuming that it is the origin of Nazai, his divinity prevents him from caring about what humans do, so he uses all his strength to prevent those actions.

As for Quan Nai, he would be very angry, but even though he was angry, he would also maintain his final rationality and teach the other party some lessons without dying.

The former is indifferent, while the latter is indignant. If they try to stop the same thing, they will have different consequences.

He grabbed the neck of a young man who was trampling on the back of Hui who was unable to resist because of the pain in his head. As the latter screamed, Quan raised him in front of him and slapped him with a big mouth. on the face.

The broken teeth traced a path and fell into the withered grass and leaves. Ignoring the boy's wailing, Quan threw it aside.

"Stand right there!"

After realizing that Quan had killed him, the teenagers had no intention of ever giving up on their companions. They were so shocked by Quan's cruel methods that they all wished they had more legs, and almost flew up.

Of course, Quan didn't think he could stop them just by shouting, so he used some small tricks.

When one foot stepped on the ground, the vibrating soil stirred and surged, quickly knocking down the panicked teenagers.

Quan was not polite, and caught everyone one by one, slapped each person on the face with a big mouth, leaving bright red slap marks, and also made them have only porridge for breakfast tomorrow morning.

"When you see others in trouble, you like to add insult to injury, right?"

"After you make sure that others can't fight back, you release the evil in your heart, right?"

"Because the other person is a cosmic being, it doesn't matter what he does, right?"

"I'm giving you shame! I'm giving you shame! I'm giving you shame!" His palms snapped. Quan would not coddle these naughty kids. He had always known that the evil of human beings was more terrifying than that of people from the universe.

He would hit him every time he saw this kind of thing.

Does he seem like a nice person?

After the big-mouthed brats started crying for their fathers and mothers, and their mouths were even filled with blood foam, Quan finally calmed down his anger and stood up slowly.

The dominance of human nature will make Quan leave these naughty children alive, but it will never make them feel better.

Origin has no desire to kill, but he knows how to kill.

Izuna has no intention of killing, but he will teach others a painful lesson.

If you have to choose between two, always choose one.

After all, they are two extremes, not the true ontology.

"Quan, stop hitting, stop hitting. If I hit you again, you will have to hold a press conference to apologize tomorrow." After stopping, Captain Shenmu's voice came from the xio communicator on Quan's waist.

"Captain, you know what I do, right?" After trampling on the mobile phone that was still live broadcasting under his feet, Quan ignored the young man's cry: "Drop the Holy Sword (mobile phone)!" Ahhhh! Such a voice, but continued to talk to Captain Shenmu.

"Captain, if this video is seen by space people living on the earth, I don't know what kind of storm it will cause." Quan stood behind the tree trunk, one hand on his hip: "Just start the press conference. , I’m afraid?”

"If the parents of these bastards have any objections, they are welcome to come to me."

"There is no one to teach you, right? Beating others at will, do you want to cause a war between the earth and the golden planet? Do you want to force the cosmic people living on the earth to rebel?"

"If they are not convinced, feel free to come to me."

"I hate brats the most!"

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