The FBI of the United States opened a list of gods, and Su Chen became the only known god in the world.

This news is like a hurricane, hitting the entire international dark world and all the practitioners.

The entire cultivation world was boiling.

From Chinese martial artists, to Korean taekwondo masters, to Japanese ninjas and onmyoji, to South American jiu-jitsu masters, to European psychics, to India's ancient yogis, to Thailand's Muay Thai masters, and to Southeast Asian The head descendants were all shocked by this incident.

It is rude to say that the impact of this incident on the world's major cultivation schools is no less than the impact of the first atomic bomb explosion on the world.

Why do you say this, because for nearly a thousand years, there has been no birth of the gods in the world, and it seems that they have disappeared at the same time.

And those third-level cultivators who stood at the peak of the cultivation world seemed to be cursed or wore a pair of shackles on their bodies. No matter what they tried, they could never break through to the fourth-level.

If you don't reach the realm of gods, you will be a mortal after all. Even if you are a peerless powerhouse in the third realm, even if there is a way to prolong your life, you will only have a lifespan of two hundred years old.

But once you reach the realm of the gods, you are transformed into immortals by ordinary people. Not to mention the growth of your own strength, four hundred years of lifespan alone is not enough to envy many people.

Therefore, Su Chen, as the first god-level powerhouse since the millennium 20, and Guo Zhengyang, who was killed by him before, have emerged two god-level powerhouses.

The impact was like the release of a super satellite in the cultivation world, and it was like an earthquake of magnitude 8, setting off a storm in the cultivation world.

Could it be that the rules of heaven and earth were reset, and the shackles that bound the practitioners' heads were opened?

From now on, will the divine realm not be an obstacle for cultivators?

While everyone was shocked by Su Chen's appearance on the god list, the top powerhouses seemed to see further hope.

The cultivation world that had been immersed for many years, at this moment, seemed to be awakened by something.

But then, in a forum secretly set up by Dark World on the Internet, a post suddenly appeared, like pouring a bucket of cold water on everyone's head.

The id of the poster is in Chinese characters, and the full name is "Fa Lang Da Shi". This id is also well-known in the dark world, because this id will always reveal some information about the powerful people in the world, and he never misses it every time.

So many people suspect that this post may be the vest of a large organization or country.

In this post, he analyzed and discussed in detail about Su Chen's cultivation.

He said that Su Chen should not have entered the realm of the gods, because judging from his shots, there was no trace of manipulating the power of heaven and earth.

And this is the most crucial difference between the strong in the god realm and other realms.

On the contrary, Guo Zhengyang is a veritable powerhouse in the divine realm. The supernatural power "Red Fire and Golden Eye" used on the Peak of Taiping is so powerful that it burns up the eight wastes, and it is obvious that he has invoked the power of the nearby heaven and earth to have such power.

The reason why Su Chen was able to kill Guo Zhengyang was all because of the flying sword in his hand, which condensed the real energy of his whole body and gathered it on top of the three-foot green front.

If Guo Zhengyang was a little more careful and avoided this sword, Su Chen would probably run away.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, Guo Zhengyang's defeat is a fact.

The reason why the FBI listed Su Chen as a god is because although he does not have the cultivation base of a god, he already has the strength of a god.

His ability to kill Guo Zhengyang by chance is a good example, and Su Chen's own cultivation base is probably infinitely close to the realm of the gods.

With a strong physical body, a cultivation base at the peak of Hua Jin, the magic of the Celestial Master Realm, coupled with the extremely sharp flying sword in his hand, Su Chen already has the strength to fight against the God Realm.

Having said so much, the meaning expressed by this 'Falang Da Shi' is very simple, that is, Su Chen is not yet in the realm of gods, but he barely has the strength of the realm of gods.

If ordinary people say such words, they will definitely be ridiculed by countless people.

But no one refuted this 'Falun Dawe'.

Because this ID's status in the underground forums of the dark world is like those paparazzi big Vs in Weibo, such as Zhuo Wei or something.

These people usually don't talk about it. After all, if they are found to be fake, it means they have smashed their own signs, and how can they still be in the circle in the future.

So what this 'Falang Da Wet' said is likely to be true.

In addition, the strong people who were present at the time spoke out in good faith, and they posted one after another. Some people even posted videos. Then everyone came to their senses. It turned out that Su Chen was really not a strong god.

Although they were a little disappointed in their hearts, no matter what, Su Chen was the strongest known in the dark world.

If Su Chen saw this post, he would be surprised, because what this 'Falang Da Shi' said was not wrong at all.

The god realm is equivalent to the foundation-building stage, and he is still far from the foundation-building stage.

The reason why he was able to kill the strongest people on earth by leaps and bounds is because the spiritual power in his body is more pure, and the martial artist and cultivator are completely different from him.

The second is because the techniques and supernatural powers he cultivated were polished little by little over millions of years by countless sages in the spiritual world, and far surpassed those of cultivators on earth.

The third is that since he has cultivated the Thunder Shattering Dao Body, he is already at the level of the Foundation Establishment stage in the flesh.

The sum of the three is the real reason why he traverses the earth.

When the people in the dark world knew the news, and when they looked at Su Chen on the list of gods, the feeling in their hearts was completely different from when they first started, and they thought, Su Chen is not that powerful.

This is actually a problem of the gap in the heart. Originally, these people were full of expectations and excited, and they had already imagined Su Chen as a strong man in the divine realm who broke the shackles of legends.

Unexpectedly, someone told him that Su Chen is not a god, but only has the strength of a god.

At this moment, there was a gap in my heart. Looking at Su Chen again, I didn't have the feeling of divine excitement just now.

Although he is already the first known person in the dark world, he has the strength of the gods.

These people in the dark world have some sympathy for Guo Zhengyang. If Su Chen didn't kill him by chance, Guo Zhengyang would be the one who broke the shackles of cultivators for thousands of years.

Maybe Guo Zhengyang will also teach the mystery of breaking through the realm of the gods in 147 times, and maybe there will be several gods born on the earth.

Unfortunately, everything is now ruined by Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't know about the thoughts and discussions of these people, and he didn't care either.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't mind.

The world is really boring, these things had nothing to do with them at first, but now they seem to be involved.

With this kung fu, it is better to practice hard on your own, maybe you can improve your strength a little bit more.

If he didn't care what the world thought of him, he would have died of exhaustion, what kind of immortals did he still cultivate, and what kind of longevity could he seek.

Su Chen sat cross-legged on the wooden floor in the living room, running the "Vientiane Art" mental method, frantically swallowing the aura of the outside world, filling his meridians and dantian little by little.

Time gradually passed, and the spiritual power in his meridians and dantian gradually filled up. At a certain moment, time seemed to suddenly pause, and a 'bang' sounded in his ear, as if something in his body had been opened.

The spiritual power lake in Dantian expanded rapidly in a short period of time, and its area increased by four or five times, like an ocean.

At the same time, the meridians in his body also expanded a lot, from a small river to a big river, which can accommodate more spiritual power to pass through, and is more tenacious.

The vortex of spiritual power from the outside world expanded again, and Su Chen began to devour the spiritual power of the outside world even more frantically, absorbing it into his own body.

I don't know how long it took, the vortex slowly subsided, Su Chen slowly opened his eyes, felt the more powerful force in his body, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sixth level of Qi refining.

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